Shed cleaning
By clarice
Yesterday everyone going on about there sheds, well yesterday i spent all afternoon moving things, sweeping, putting everything back i needed nice & tidy, it took about 3hrs to do it & lost count of cups of tea i had, Smokey kept coming in & wondering what i was doing,can’t remember last time i did it, & this morning i’ve even put so autumn feed on my lawn. Sent some photo’s to show you how tidy it is, don’t think it will look that tidy at beginning of next spring.
10 Sep, 2008
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Thanks Amy, you are right about knowing where everything is,but i'm one of them that when it gets cold and i need to put it in the shed, i just put it inside and run in out the cold (well try to run in a fashion), then come spring i can't get in any further than the door. I will have to make more effort this winter and put things away proper.
10 Sep, 2008
Well done Clarice ,now that you have finished yours would you be a sweetheart and come and get mine it to some order lol I will make you lots of cups of tea
10 Sep, 2008
Clarice i,m really glad you cant see mine LOL
10 Sep, 2008
good on you Clarice, you have put the rest of us to shame lol
10 Sep, 2008
What a VERY tidy shed.
Top marks, Clarice.
Yours was a 3 hour task, with lots of cups of tea and time to chat with Smokey. Good job, well done.
Unfortunately, to tidy my sheds requires about 3 months each, and that's with no tea breaks at all.
10 Sep, 2008
maybe we should shame ourself by putting photos of our sheds on GOY lol
10 Sep, 2008
Excellent work. Well done!
10 Sep, 2008
Aaaaah I could never do that. Perish the thought, not a photo of our shed. Anyway I consider it my husbands domain so take no responsibility for the mess.
10 Sep, 2008
Chrispook ~
Does your poor husband get blamed for every untidy place in your home?
Actually, that's quite a good idea.
Delegate responsiblity.
10 Sep, 2008
Well done Clarice. The thing now is to keep it like that. lol
11 Sep, 2008
Yes TT. He is sesponsible for all untidiness !!!
11 Sep, 2008
I have the greenhouse to get ready for the coming winter, got the Lantana, Fushias and lots more to get in, I seem to have accumilated more plants that need winter protection ...than will fit into the greenhouse.
11 Sep, 2008
Well i live on my own so i cannot blame my late husdand for making the shed untidy, when it gets in a mess i can only blame myself for it, well suppose i could blame Smokey aswell as myself, as he goes in it as much as me.
11 Sep, 2008
O i love cleaning out sheds u always find things ud 4gotten u had :) its like xmas dont u think :) When my Children were 9/10yrs old i had2make sure they never saw me tidying my shed as theyd always want something out of there that id be keeping from their younger days lol :)
23 Sep, 2008
Jacque ~
You're welcome to clean out my sheds.
But you'll be away much longer than Cluelesskev.....
23 Sep, 2008
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Well done Clarice ,you are the first past the finishing line .
now you can have a rest while everybody else does theirs .
At least you will know where everything is from now on .
Have another cup of tea .LOL
10 Sep, 2008