Doctor Laptop
By clarice
Thought i’d done something to my laptop this last couple of weeks, i know i dont know alot about using them, but my daughter Jessica is usually there to help me if i can’t do something, but she could’nt do anything with it, every time i wont to use it it gets slower and slower, thought it was me getting quicker with it, anyway this morning i rang Dr Laptop man, and he knew right away what was wrong with it, he thinks it the software thats got confused, so he is coming around 12 today to make it better for me, sorry its not about gardening but even putting photos or writing this to send to you takes for ever. So im going to make myself a cupper and see you in abit when he as been and made it better, poor thing bet its got an headache trying to sort things out .
22 Aug, 2009
Previous post: Busy Day
Next post: Mr Mrs Dove
Hi Clarice ~
I hope Doctor Laptop provides the right medicine for your computer. See you back on line soon. xxx
22 Aug, 2009
Hi TT and Amy one very mixed up laptop fit and well again, it was the software that was all mixed up,the fellow said it was so mixed up it did'nt know were to go first, he was here for over 1 3/4hrs so see how it goes now.
22 Aug, 2009
Thats good news Carol , you will be going at top speed from now on ... :o)
22 Aug, 2009
Just slow down a bit Carol I can't keep up! ! ! :~))
22 Aug, 2009
Dont know about that Amy, thought i was getting there till realized it was the laptop that was slow not me getting quicker, its doing things alot quicker now, will do Ian :).
22 Aug, 2009
Hi Clarice ~
So glad it's all fixed...
... your messages are so quick now, you'll get fined for speeding. Lol.
22 Aug, 2009
Bet it was nice to know it was the laptop got confused instead of you Clarice! They are things of mystery to me too and I'm confused much of the time especially when it does things I haven't asked it to. It's got a mind of it's own!
22 Aug, 2009
Lilly it dont take much to get me confused, i just blame it on my age. My girls just laugh at me some times with the things i say and do. But i just say it wil happen to you two one day. good job i can laugh with them.
22 Aug, 2009
hope you get it sorted out carol, cya later
22 Aug, 2009
See you later Sandra.
22 Aug, 2009
A headache eh! Clarice. Get rid of it right away as female computers will never be any good.
22 Aug, 2009
Glad you got it all sorted gotta laugh eh?!
22 Aug, 2009
Toto she's fine now, thank goodness.
22 Aug, 2009
Maybe that's whats wrong with my pc!! Mind you, it has just recovered from a nasty bug!!
Glad yours is back to normal, Carol!
23 Aug, 2009
Thanks Marie.
23 Aug, 2009
:~)) YW!
23 Aug, 2009
Well Carol I hope you had your laptop problem sorted out. Mine is really slow very often and I just walk away and leave it. - very annoying isn't it.
23 Aug, 2009
Hywel he sorted it out really good, it was all the softwear mixed up, he only charged me £35, and was here for 1-3/4 hrs, and he really does know his pc etc. I'd have him again if anything goes wrong again.
23 Aug, 2009
Good going, Clarice, and thanks to Dr. Laptop. Glad you won't be offline - we would miss your news.
23 Aug, 2009
Thanks Elke
23 Aug, 2009
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I hope it gets sorted soon Carol , My broadband light comes and goes at what I suspect are the busy times , other times it,s o.k , trouble is we are use to having them now and miss them when they are not working properly ..:o)
22 Aug, 2009