missed you all.
By clarice
last weekend i was saying im only just learning how to use a laptop, MikeC told me i was’nt doing to bad, well on tuesday i lost this website, and i had to wait for my daughter to get me back on it, witch she did this mourning, and i have to be honest and to say i really mist you all this last few days, and its so nice to be back with all of you.
3 May, 2008
Previous post: U.K.
Next post: Sawdust
Hi Clarice,
Glad youre back. I've only got an old computer I inherited when my Dad died last year. I am still trying to get to grips with it, and sometimes I don't think I ever will ! I find it very complicated. But I am enjoying the GOY website. I hope you are too.
3 May, 2008
welcome back clairce. hope you are enjoying the bank holiday weekend?
3 May, 2008
Hi Clarice - we all have to learn, and I am not a techie! I often needed help from helpful husband when I started on a computer.. I'm glad you've got someone to help you. Keep at it - one day you will be totally confident! Look what you have achieved so far!
3 May, 2008
Glad to see you back Clarice. Spritz is right. before long you will be a pro on your computer. Once in a great while my server is down for a bit and when that happens, I feel cut off from the world. I know that I would really miss it if I couldn't check into this site every day. Do you think that I might be a little addicted :)
4 May, 2008
Hopefuly, Clarice, you lost only this website. I recently lost all internet access for over a week! Spent over £100 on calls to helplines, phone companies, etc., but finally managed to solve the problem myself, altho was near suicidal! You are an inspiration to "pensioners" - whatever that may mean (anyone over 50 yrs?)And - on a laptop, too! I still have a very strong love/hate relationship with this one I'm using. Still miss my Windows '98, which was best ever for me! Love your blogs, keep them coming!
4 May, 2008
I'm with you David. Windows 98 was the best ever.
4 May, 2008
I've got XP. When I got this laptop they tried to tell me that Vista was THE one - but I rebelled because I had got used to XP and did not want to get confused! I won that battle.
4 May, 2008
This one is Vista, and, to be honest, I'll never find, let alone use, half of the "gadgetry". I'm glad you agree with me, Mike. I've kept '98 on the old desktop, and use that just as often as the laptop.
4 May, 2008
Recent posts by clarice
- Garden Birdwatch 26-27th January. plus a very slow laptop.
19 Jan, 2013
- Merry Christmas
20 Dec, 2012
- Southport Flower show
18 Aug, 2012
- Thought my laptop was dead.
29 Jun, 2012
- Olympic Touch
22 Jun, 2012
- Jack my Boy
7 Jun, 2012
Hello nice to have you back it took me a while to learn on my Laptop my 12 year old daughter taught me most things Lol.
3 May, 2008