Why is it.........??
When having worked really hard this year to have a garden of sorts, I come home from a 10 hour day looking forward to a cup of tea and a quick fag sitting on the bench in my garden and relaxing.
No chance, I see this needs doing, that needs doing, oh I must move that, then I start doing this and that, tea goes cold, don’t get to have my fag and as for relaxing no way.
Is it just me or do others find it hard just to sit and chill in their gardens without looking for jobs that need doing etc.
25 Aug, 2011
Previous post: A couple more rockery photo's
Next post: I have seen the light...
Hi chris, I´m exactly the same, I don´t have time to sit down and enjoy my garden, I always see things to do, even when I do take a few minutes off to have a coffee I see this that and the other and am off again....but I do enjoy doing it!.
25 Aug, 2011
Lol. My husband says I have ants in my pants (translation; I can't sit still).
25 Aug, 2011
apart from not smoking and coffee not tea I am the same. 20 mins max then I have to be up and fiddling. I like luke warm/cold coffee now :o)
25 Aug, 2011
I sit down and really want to relax but then something catches my eye................and I am up and off again lol:)
25 Aug, 2011
I make myself - but I do switch off from the stresses of my business when I potter around in the garden - it is my escapism and better than housework lol.
25 Aug, 2011
Yes thats exactly what happens here, I get told off for doing that when we have visitors...
25 Aug, 2011
Don't worry lil ants in ya pant has the same meaning here in the uk.
25 Aug, 2011
Pottering is my relaxation. The hard work in the garden comes under keep fit and walking round the garden at the end of the day with a glass of wine is heaven!! :o)))
25 Aug, 2011
LOL Kfun!!!!! Brilliant job! I was hoping that was the case but so relieved you have clarified :)
25 Aug, 2011
I always promise myself 'right, today I'm going to sit and enjoy it'. Is that a pig I just saw flying by? And I agree with Kfunsters, it beats ironing!
26 Aug, 2011
I can sit in my garden - for about half a minuit lol - then I've got to be doing something. I can only properly relaxe when I'm doing something. Just sitting doing nothing makes me feel wound up.
27 Aug, 2011
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Lol! It's just like that...but would you really have it any other way, hmm? lol!!! :))
25 Aug, 2011