Percy Thrower I ain't but.......
I am so into my garden even though I only started this year.
Having had the huge conifer and 6 other large things with thorns and spikes on them removed I now have 50% of clear garden to transform.
I have spent all day clearing up and pottering around as well as planning what to do with all the space I now have.
I have a good idea of what I want to do, I have a large area of wooden fence to hide and I want to create a raised area in the top corner.
I have even gone to the trouble of doing a plan on paper and listing what plants are going where.
Although I have all winter to get the work done no doubt I will try to get it done in a couple of weeks.
I will post photos as and when. I do love this gardening lark, pity I never got into it years ago.
11 Sep, 2011
Previous post: I have seen the light...
Next post: A brief encounter, freckles and a sore thumb......Part 1
Well done, Chris... you are getting there a bit at a time ..
it takes a long while to have all the garden tasks done.. :o)
11 Sep, 2011
That sounds like a really exciting project. Look forward to seeing the photographs at different stages.
11 Sep, 2011
hi Chris, have just read your blog and profile,, I think a raised area would be good for you with your back problem.
We have done a similar project this year, it is really hard work but so satisfying.
Our idea was down on paper to start with, but it just seemed to go out of the window as the raised veg plot and flower garden areas seemed to evolve on their own.
Now is a good time to but some good perennials at reduced prices, you could either plant or overwinter..
Carry on gardening and I look forward to seeing see photos.
11 Sep, 2011
Isn't it lovely,when you get smitten with the Gardening bug,Chris? So glad you are enjoying it..take your time..and let me say,you will probably have a great plan,and then start moving stuff ,or you think of something else to is never ending,but lovely..:o)
Enjoy the planning and planting..
11 Sep, 2011
As regards the plan I have to agree, I start with one idea and end up doing something else as I go along, thats part of the enjoyment though, you are definitely hooked Chris and have achieved a lot already.
Hope you get a lot more done before the winter sets in then you can relax and plan for next year, will look forward to seeing more pics as you progress....
11 Sep, 2011
I did want to take some photos before I had the tree felled and the shrubs uprooted.
I was booked for the weekend, but the chap rang me at work midweek and asked if he could do it that day, so no photos.
I will post photos as and when but I want to get it sorted out a bit first.
Thanks for all your kind comments.
12 Sep, 2011
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You've a big job on there then Chris. Be sure to post photies on the way. Good luck.
11 Sep, 2011