mid summer garden
By cristina
just a little walk round my garden . i thort there wasent much colour till i was doing this lol …………..
so am not going to chat much , just enjoy looking !!!
and if you want to know anything , hopefully i can tell you haha .
there are lots of diffrent areas and corners to walk round , so i hopeit give some perspective of my garden .
happy gardening folks !! xx
well i hope i havent bored you ………… and there was something interesting for you all lol . hope you like wot we have dun in the last 18 monthes ………….. enjoy your gardens every one , hope the sun shines on you all x
30 Jun, 2011
Previous post: puddleducks garden and pics now added
Next post: cant get on updates is it just me , or are you having trouble
This is lovely, you Have sooo much colour, I really like the pond and the woodland area
I didn't realise those tall spiky yellow flowers would grow in the shade - have I got that right?
30 Jun, 2011
That was smashing Cristina, totally amazing, how do you find the time to keep it looking so good?
Love the montages too (or whatever they call a group of piccies, Sticki will know)
30 Jun, 2011
thanks every one ........... tet ,yes montages is right lol ....... i was going to do the whole blog in them ....... but carnt find the others drrrr ...... haha , o well !!
do you mean fox tails .... sticki , yes they like moist shade or they go limp , the yellow loosestife will go anywhere .
thanks michella did you see my toadstools ........... got them at cheshire county show £20 , bargin lol ......
30 Jun, 2011
Looks great - love how you did those pictures at the start! It is also so cool how we have so many of the same plants - is that red one a Ligularia dentata 'Osiris Fantaisie' - we have one of those with other two - which I love your Ligularia przewalskii spikes - doing great. The salix hakuro nishiki is another fav in my garden you have :))) Creeping Jenny and Heucheras look excellent as it all does - the pond is very nice :))))
30 Jun, 2011
yes i think thats wot its called , kept seeing it around and loved the leave shape , not surpossed to be tooo invasive . but dont mind if it is lol ....... got it from cheshire county show £ 7 00 , not bad price !!! .... the p. w are huge this year ........... bt 6 ft. got 3 of those .
its amasing that we can all have the same plants but use them in such diff ways isent it ;0)))
30 Jun, 2011
quite spooky and cool - same choices there :))) that lig has lovely coca cola colour as I call it on stems :D
30 Jun, 2011
lol it does ........... i really like dark leave colours in the garden
30 Jun, 2011
:)))) Me too
30 Jun, 2011
Oh fab fab fab fab!!! Bet you cant wait to get home to your garden every day Cris, its just wonderful. x
30 Jun, 2011
just seen you even have the black grass we have too under it - :DDDD
30 Jun, 2011
Fantastic Cristina, so much colour and so many different areas of interest, when are you opening it to the public .
30 Jun, 2011
madge i carnt lol ............ am out there 1st thing in the morning , as you have seen lol in me jamies , well spoted haha..and i have a bit of your garden tooo . ta hun
home bird , afraid i lost the label 4 that one , but if anyone can identify ... be great , allso thanks 4 your bit of garden .......... carnt wait to see it flower next year !!
cinders .............. i dont know if its that gud lol ...... i,ll ask puddleduck wen she comes round , she a n.g.s garden.... haha .................. wud you come if i did !!!
paul i bought one plant and got bt 6 out of it , i beleave in value 4 mony lol ..................
30 Jun, 2011
Lovely thought Cris. x x
30 Jun, 2011
I think it's montage Tet but I'm not sure why I would know?
I dont know if they are foxtails Cristina, it's the ones in the 16th picture.
30 Jun, 2011
Your garden is wonderful! You've created such a lot of lovely nooks and crannys, and loads of colour, the white lilies are absolutely gorgeous! And you say you're still learning about gardening, I think you have made a beautiful garden with a really magical atmosphere! :0)
30 Jun, 2011
are yes i call them fox tails lol ....ligularia.. przewalskii , had to cke my spelling lol ............. yes damp shade or half shade ............... def dont like mid day sun , they go limp.
madge ;0)))
libet......... am rubish with names , def got loads to learn !! but wen i love doing something , i try to learn as much as i can ....... second year 4 the lillies , they are gawjuss ............ , still a lot to do yet ..... but only stated it last year , some of it year before ............ was a major revamp ............ so stuff needs to grow a lot more . ;0)) thankyou 4 ur compliement ,s i think the same of ur garden ............. i think sometimes its not that gud , so its great wen you hear nice things bt ur garden xx
30 Jun, 2011
I always forget how young your garden is pet! It's just staggering how mature it looks, it's an absolute credit to you! But I still want your lilies!! ;0)
30 Jun, 2011
lol thankyou ............... you carnt have them !!! hehe.... they are the very tall ones , think u can see them on one of the pics .........
i am allways in a hurry 4 things to grow lol
30 Jun, 2011
Awww! Ok then, I just settle for looking at your lovely pics instead! Night night, Cris!!x
30 Jun, 2011
nite hun .......... thanks 4 looking x
30 Jun, 2011
It is looking amazing Cristina, the Ligularia are not fox tails that is Eremurus Sticki, as Cris says they love the damp or they wilt like mad, they look very good there, mine do not get enough wet. You have worked wonders in a very short space of time, well done.
30 Jun, 2011
You've got a very pretty garden Chris. It looks full and interesting with lots of little places to explore :o)
Your pond is pretty ....
1 Jul, 2011
That is fantastic,Cristina..I can't believe it is such a young garden,it looks like its been there forever..Love it all ! :o)
1 Jul, 2011
Cristina, sit down - I think you need a rest! You've done so much to your garden - it's fantastic and so colourful.
A very professional blog too and it's always a treat to look at your photos.
Keep up the good work matey, but sit down now and then . . . lol! :-))
1 Jul, 2011
Definitely lots of lovely colour and some real gems of plants that you've chosen. Really lovely piccies and a pleasure to have a peak at your garden..
1 Jul, 2011
Thanks DD
1 Jul, 2011
Lovely pics of your garden cristina.....you have a beautiful garden....
1 Jul, 2011
Wonderful garden and blog everyone is saying how young your garden is can you tell me how young it is?
1 Jul, 2011
beautifull cristina and plenty of colour there, love your brick well to.
all has come a long way, love it all ;o))
1 Jul, 2011
lol ........ i will start with the last 1st , nana d .......... all the banking and grass down the back , wot i call woodland walk is less than a year old .......we are still doing bits right at the end . there is a blog bt wen we 1st started , you will have to look , it really diff now !! thankyou ;0)))
holly thankyou so much .............. x
allso thanks to madabout as well ......... glad you enoyed it! ;0D
muddy w. thanks hun , wish the sun wud come out lol so i can sit in it , but never know which bit to go in lol , but i,ll try lol ;0p
thankyou bloomer , still much too do haha but thanks again !!............... ;0)))
hywel how are you , gud i hope love ur garden tooooo . and thanks hun x.......
angela (d.d) thankyou , glad you like it , am def not as knowalgeable as you hun , but i try lol ...rubish remembering names of stuf , i allways keep labels on anything !!! thanks all x
1 Jul, 2011
hi sandra .......... x over there i think hun ..... how are you now !!! thanks for that , carnt beleave its july all ready lol ............. the well still needs a proper handle on it oh , has improvised , looking for an iron weel with a handle ......... dont have one do you !!!
1 Jul, 2011
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful, I do love your woodland walk it looks so natural as if its always been there - if it was an ngs I`d be there like a shot.
5 Jul, 2011
ooooooooooo i do like you ............ lol . really , have bin adding bits as we all do lol , if you ever up here , well as i said be fore you can bob down for tea and cake ;0)))
5 Jul, 2011
I am well thanks Chris :o)
Hope you are too x
5 Jul, 2011
not sooo bad hywel ........... bit tired at mo , glad u ok x
5 Jul, 2011
Really enjoyed this blog ... scrolled through it twice ... such an interesting and beautifully planted garden ... it's a credit to you. : o ))
5 Jul, 2011
I so enjoyed that Cristina...the wonderful trees, the Ligularia Dentata (one of my faves...love the noise it makes when it rains!), the pond areas...the deck area..the pergola...so much interest! Brilliant! :))
5 Jul, 2011
thanks shirly ........... it amazes me too lol , went to herons garden on sunday , wether was soo hot ......... and his garden , stunning .
thanks allso karen , nice to see you here .... must go out in the rain and listen lol . still so much to do in the garden !!
6 Jul, 2011
Haven't heard from Heron for ages ... hope all is well with him? : o )
6 Jul, 2011
shirley herons great ............ we saw him at puddleducks fri before last ........... and then went to his , garden in beeston , puddle and her oh went too ........... a lovely day , very hot .............. i will do a blog wen i have more time
6 Jul, 2011
Get him back on GoY, Cristina! Will look out for your blog. : o )
6 Jul, 2011
i am trying shirley honest ............ told him every one misses him lol .............. hope full ly he will be comeing here this weekend ....... i will tell him you said haha
6 Jul, 2011
: o ))))
6 Jul, 2011
So beautiful Cristina truly amazing.
7 Jul, 2011
thanks scotkat
7 Jul, 2011
Oh wow Cris it's amazing, I'm so jealous how did you get it to look so mature so soon? You must have spent a fortune!
8 Jul, 2011
hi c.cake ............ i dont know lol ................ come and see wen u passing , i try and grow stuff myself now as its cheaper !! and allways look 4 bargins............
10 Jul, 2011
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Your garden is so beautiful Cristina, I never ever get bored looking at garden pictures, it is my greatest pastime. You have so much going on in there and love all the ornaments, my kinda garden Cristina. :))))))
30 Jun, 2011