Nice Day
By daff
What a wonderful day, I’ve been out in the garden 3 hours this morning, my husband as well as my back told me to take a break.
Just had my lunch, I really want to go back out there, but my back is saying no, I have work in the morning and that can sometimes be a strain on the back
The sun is still shining although it’s dropped a bit colder, I’ll have to so some sewing instead and rest my back, there’ll be other days. It’s still only January.
Gail xxx
ps. spotted my first Snowdrop.
18 Jan, 2009
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Yey, same weather here, it feels like spring, but have not been able to go into the garden yet. Went to church. Will go in a while.
18 Jan, 2009
It must have been nice to be out in the garden Daff. Well done.
18 Jan, 2009
I pottered about the garden this morning too, taking photos and planted my 2 winter jasmines. Front garden still too wet to do anything but it was pleasant in the sunshine in the back garden and I spotted a few daffs bulbs coming through.
18 Jan, 2009
Yes,Daff also got out for a while today.Sunny here but came in really cold later.Nice to see that first snowdrop !!
18 Jan, 2009
Early this morning I thought it was going to be much too windy for the garden but on our return from the park Sophie and I spent about 3 hours outside. Spotted some snowdrops in the front garden and also little purple flowers, primula I guess.Lots more shoots under the hazel, crocus I imagine but it's exciting waiting to see.
18 Jan, 2009
Yes it is exciting Ginellie...especially when you cant remember planting them in places !!
18 Jan, 2009
Glad it's not just me who can't remember what bulbs are under what plants....I've only got pots, I'd be hopeless with a whole garden!
18 Jan, 2009
I agree, there are things coming up that i can't remember planting or what they are even if i did plant them. Is this call a senior moment.......
Gail xxx
18 Jan, 2009
That Poppy pic. is lovely Gail , i,m pleased that you had a nice day and hope that your are not suffering for it tomorrow ..............
18 Jan, 2009
It's great to get out into the garden, the sun really lifts the spirits. Also saw some snowdrops today. I always mean to mark where I put bulbs but somehow I never do....
18 Jan, 2009
Thank you Amy, I like Poppies. I alway say to myself that i will mark all the bulbs that i put in, but do i .........
Gail x
18 Jan, 2009
I try to, but the markers always disappear...
18 Jan, 2009
Oh dear,your poor back I think many of us do exactly the same thing but what the heck its enjoyable at the time.I often lose my markers due to having pets (good excuse )but its nice to get a few surpises,my snowdrops not flowering yet but primulas in patio walls all in bud.Nice colourful pic....
19 Jan, 2009
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I've been in my garden this morning for a while, i notice a snowdrop in my garden the other day, and a couple of crocuses in bud, it cheers me up at this time of year to see the odd flower in bloom.
18 Jan, 2009