Garden job of the day
By daveymad
After never thinking it was going to stop with the rain, hey presto, the forecast was giving out a little bit of high pressure including a little bit of winter sunshine to go with it. Admittingly the temperatures were going to drop but I will take the cold over the persistent rain any day and with that in mind I started planning what to do with one off my flower beds. It wasn’t really a lot, chop back the old flower growth, weed the ground, move a few Dahlia tubers and then mulch it. So with that in mind of I went to the garden centre, purchased my mulch and waited for the sunshine.
Later that week as forecasted out came the sun and that was my cue to start.
The flower bed in Question
Tools ready for the job
The first job was to cut back all of the old plant growth, then dig up the tubers that I wanted to move. I m not really sure whether this was the correct time to move these tubers but they had finished flowering and the idea is to cover the ground with mulch to protect them from frost, but anyway it is to late now as it is a job done so we shall see what happens next year. I have also made a bit of room so that I can add quite a few more dahlia tubers in the ground when they become available to purchase again next year.
Dahlia tubers dug up and ready to be replanted.
Next job was to cover the ground with a fertilizing mulch that I had purchased, and that was it job completed.
There is also a sage bush in this particular bit of ground that I will be moving when it stops flowering, as I didn’t realise how big it was going to grow and I now have a nice little spot for it so that it can grow away to it’s full potential.
Garden mulch and fertilizer
All finished.
The day was wearing on but it was still quite nice so I started to rake up the leaves that my magnolia tree had recently discarded, and whilst doing so I had a look in the pond which I wish I hadn’t as I think most of the leaves of the tree had found there way there. Also the leaves had turned a rich brown, I have a very large newfoundland dog who’s poo is not very different from the leaf, so care was needed to be taken.
This water was freezing.
All in all I was very happy with my days work and felt I had achieved a lot. I have just had a look at the oncoming weather for the next few days and it looks like I am going to back to fence watching again, as the winds look quite horrendous.
Job done time to pack it all away.
6 Dec, 2019
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Like Hywel, I also enjoyed reading your blog, Davey! You could have left the dahlias in the ground over winter as in Devon the frosts are not very strong & you don't get as much severe winter cold as further north.
Where I live in East Anglia, just 20 miles from Cambridge, we get some heavy frosts at times during the winter but even so the Dahlias I planted in the gardens of the church I attend have withstood all the very cold winters for the last 6 or 7 years since I planted them. They don't get any mulch of any sort of protection & yet every year they come up without fail & flower all the way till December!
This year I put in some more I grew from seed that came with the Gardeners World mag earlier this year. They hardly flowered but I hope they too survive the winter & flower more abundantly next summer.
6 Dec, 2019
Thanks for your comments 👍
7 Dec, 2019
Job well done, Davey! The bed area looks really nice and tidy too. Like the background colour of the wall, nice choice.
I bet you feel quite chuffed with all your hard work! You should be too ;)
8 Dec, 2019
Hi Kate, yes I was pleased getting some work done, made a lovely change from looking out the window at the perpetual rainfall, I think I got that paint about three years ago in a sale and came across it again whilst looking for something, and thought I know where this is going 😁😁
9 Dec, 2019
Looks good Davey, makes you feel so much better when the suns out and you have got so much done, it’s lovely to sit down at the end of a hectic day and feel proud of what’s been achieved.
13 Dec, 2019
Hi Julien, yes very true it beats fence watching due to this dirty windy weather anyday.
14 Dec, 2019
We had really nasty winds and rain today.the very last thing we need right now as the ground has been sodden since August! I don't have fence to watch any more as our current home has a hedge, but we are very exposed here, so gales always make me wince. We went into town and visited the V&A was ok...robot exhibition..not really my thing. I’d rather be weeding and moving plants about in winter sun! Your border looks really smart. I too think you’d get away with leaving your Dahlias in the ground. I love your metal bird sculpture. I recently saw a gorgeous Copper Eagle in a Gallery. It was stunning...and over a thousand pounds. Ah.......if only!
30 Jan, 2020
Hi Davey, I have looked at your website and all your fantastic photographs! You have a whole collection of amazing pics, very skilled! Beautiful photography and interesting blogs/history.
Hope your wife is keeping well, Davey.
31 Jan, 2020
Hi Kate thanks for the lovely comments, doing the website along with the garden and photographs have kept the sanity levels down over the last few years, my wife, Kim is ok but the chemo can be a bit gruelling for her sometimes, but it is keeping her condition stable which is what we want.
1 Feb, 2020
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I enjoyed reading that Daveymad :) I'm glad you enjoyed your day in the garden ...
Your flower bed looks lovely. It should give a good show next year after being mulched :)
6 Dec, 2019