Horse manure
By digginfit
Blimey, two blogs in one day!
Talking to a ‘horsey’ friend the other day, I learned something about horse manure which you may or may not already be aware of. Please understand that I do not speak with authority on this, it’s just something I was told.
Apparently, the best horse manure for the garden comes from horses that have been fed purely on hay. The stuff which comes from field horses i.e. those allowed to graze on grass, can be full of seed particularly dock and thistle as horses don’t digest the seed. As we all know, seeds can lay dormant for years, so whilst we may think the manure is weed free it could well be full of weeds that will come to haunt you. So, for those of you who want to use horse manure on your gardens and allotments go for stuff from hay fed horses if you can source it. And don’t forget of course that it must be mature; fresh manure can burn your plants.
23 Nov, 2013
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Not had problems with wed seeds, but there was a warning on here last year about using manure from horses fed on hay or grass that had been treated with a particular spray - somebody will remember what it was called, i can't.
23 Nov, 2013
Yes, I've noticed lots of weeds after using horse manure in the past. I used to get it from horses grazing on the mountain side.
24 Nov, 2013
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You're dead right Diggin. Another tip is to try and get manure from horses which have been stabled in the winter as they will have been feed on hay or haylage. :)
23 Nov, 2013