Doreens garden at "Sychpant"
It had always been a passion of mine to make a garden from scratch and when we saw thisone and a half acre field that the house was sat in, I knew this was the house for me.
I could go wild and do whatever I wanted, Money permitting that was.
The garden was started with cuttings and small plants I bought with me from my small garden in England. that was 13 years ago. I had managed to do something new each year and I seese to amaise myself when I come up with a new Idea.There are so many differnt features in the garden that there is something for evey taist when visitors come when we open the garden for Charity twice a year, I re-cycle lots of things not only from what I use but collect from other sorces. Like an old broken boat,old railway sllpers an old caravan sand and shells just to name a few that is in our Seaside garden.
Empty wine bottles edge the herb garden, Old telegraph polls to make a bridge are just a few more re-cycling things we have done.
I love unusual plants as well as the run of the mill plants
I also grow all my own vegetables and fruit, I freeze lots down that are exsess to use during the winter months.
I have two greenhouses, which are always full to capacity.
I have No training, but follow a passion like my father.
I grow what I like where I like, and it works.
I write a small feature in the GARDEN NEWS, Called Your Gardens, which is on a monthly rota with othe like minded people like meIn fact it is out this week,(Jul29th) No doubt when you who take the Garden news and read this will put 2×2 together, This follows each garden Month by Month.
29 Jul, 2009
Next post: Reply for the day
Nope, not at the Moment, but it will soon, Hey it is nice to see what other gardeners are up to isn't it.
Do you mean the Purple and white petunias from T/M trials, Mine have not done well in all this wet, in fact they have stopped flowering, Thanks I will cut mine back and see what happens, Mind you they did look good when they were in full bloom.
29 Jul, 2009
Don't forget to give them a good general feed after you've cut them back. Mine seem to be standing up to the wet reasonably far.......:))
29 Jul, 2009
Wow, you've certainly done a lot with your gardens, and it's wonderful that you open them twice a year for charity.
If you need any help with putting photos into blogs ~ or other questions about how to use GoY ~ send me a private message and I'll try to help. My reply to you will be in your in box. :o)
29 Jul, 2009
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- Christmas Greetings
14 Dec, 2009
- Washd out
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- Rained off
20 Oct, 2009
- No time to dilly-dally
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- I'm back
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- Reply for the day
11 Aug, 2009
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Hi Doreen, hope you and Billy are well!. I have just finished writing up my copy to send in next week....What a small world eh.......You've picked lots of peas....I smiled at that cos I've grown some in a pot and they never get near the kitchen....from pot to
I see you have a flower ball too.....mine are full of the bi-coloured petunias....cut them back two weeks ago and they are ready to flower like mad again.
Enjoyed reading your blog.
My name should help you guess who I am....:))
29 Jul, 2009