Winter Break
By dorjac
Trying to dispel the winter gloom. I took a nine day break from GoY. Dug out the brushes and watercolours and buffed up the daylight bulb and had a go at my favourite peonia ‘Bowl of Beauty’. I’ve tried before, disastrously, and it is going quite well, so far. I can only do a bit at a time as I can’t sit too long. It was sunny yesterday, and we even ate and entertained a visitor in the garden, as well as catching up on garden jobs.
This is part of the picture. Still got some white paper to cover, but not too much. More to prove I can do it in watercolour still, rather than combining it with colour pencils.
Mr and Mrs mistle thrush are still with us after many weeks. Here is Mr, with his large tummy, posing on the RSPB hanging table. Guarding his raisins and cut up grapes. Took this down yesterday to give it a clean up’. Put up a sale price buy from B&Q.
If they don’t like the new model the old RSPB one can go back. Birds are fussy when you make changes, so I find.
One of the first Camellias to bloom, only just out now. The sun yesterday persuaded it to open up. Sometimes this shrub blooms as early as December
A few brave crocuses blooming next to their huge cousins in The Swamp lily pot
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A bargain half price bowl of primulas from Homebase. Couldn’t resist the urge to go through to the garden section when I took 2 trugs! of bottles to the bottle bank. Heuchera Caramel hanging on well. It is actually several sprigs in the pot. That’s about it. I shall continue painting a few more peonias, one at a time and eventually fill all the white paper
9 Feb, 2011
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I have just put in another couple of peonias. I have struggled to paint them over a period of time. I am trying to get ready to go back to the art group when the evenings get lighter, if it is still running. You have been very unfortunate in Scotland. All I hear of is snow, wind, rain up in Scotland. Spring can't come fast enough. Hope your mum is OK now too.
9 Feb, 2011
Good work Dorjac....I enjoyed this blog...:>)
9 Feb, 2011
WOW! Beautiful painting! Your garden looks good too! :)))
9 Feb, 2011
The painting is beautiful Dorjac
9 Feb, 2011
Enjoyed your blog and photos
9 Feb, 2011
Love your painting, well done! Enjoyed your Mistle Thrushes too, which reminds me I have some old grapes in the fridge!
9 Feb, 2011
A beautiful painting and love the Mistle thrushs Mr&mrs lovely blog.
9 Feb, 2011
You're very talented, Dorjac, that painting is beautiful and very restful to look at. I bet your birds will soon adopt the new feeder as their own but will probably want the old one as well, greedy things :)
I began to feel that my garden was beginning to dry out a little but rain forecast for tonight and until the weekend - I am not happy about that! Like you, I am looking forward to spring and summer but not much sign of it yet.
9 Feb, 2011
that painting is really lovely, i admire and envy you being able to paint so beautifully, the shades and delicately detailed touches bring the peonies alive. it would make gorgeous fabric ~ would have liked that pattern on my curtains!!
those thrushes are lovely to see.
do you know which camellia that is ~ lovely to see it out so early.
9 Feb, 2011
I think the Thrushes have used the new hanging table and the robin too. The starlings of course have pinched all the dried meal worms, as usual. I'm sorry your garden gets so wet Gee. It must have clay under it to flood so much. It seems such a long winter this winter. I am so behind with my pots. So I decided to stop fretting and paint.
9 Feb, 2011
sounds like a good plan dorjac,
i thought birds needed to get used to new feeding stations but i put up a new one today and within an hour the robin was taking seeds out ~ must like its position i think
9 Feb, 2011
Sticki I have no idea of the name of the Camellia. It was here in a very sorry state when we moved here in 1986. Just a stump we decided to keep, as we had so many other matters to attend to. We now have about nine altogether and they are all lovely in their own way. Thanks for the comments about the peonia painting. I thought it was chuck out the chintz time these days!!! It is a very early Camellia......sometimes as early as Xmas. It only needs a bit of mild weather. Once it starts blooming, it doesn't stop for about 3/12.
9 Feb, 2011
the curtains we have just ordered have a colour called chintz ~ i think its coming back!!
i shall look for an early camellia ~ although you are a lot further south than me! thanks anyway and dont stop the painting ~ you have a real talent.
9 Feb, 2011
THanks Dorjac. Mum is doing well now, although I think she has had a lot worse weather in Lincs. than we have had here. We haven't had any snow since December thank goodness, well, not settled anyway. We have had a lot of rain, and cloud and wind seems like ages since we had a sunny day!
9 Feb, 2011
Lovely photo`s, your painting is very good, I am no good at anything like that but can appreciate others work, smashing shot of the thrush, I have two in my garden but they never go to the feeders, always eat from the ground..
9 Feb, 2011
Thanks for all your comments. The Mistles were there this morning in the drizzly rain, having a face off with a couple of bold Starlings. They have both used the new table, after one of them figured out how to approach it, rather hesitantly. Filled in a bit more of the white paper with the peonia picture. Have to go carefully. As this where I find I get tired of it and it gets spoiled or is unfinished.
10 Feb, 2011
Tha painting is great. it's a nice hobby. Nice to be in the garden aswell
10 Feb, 2011
wow Dorjac lovely painting brilliant, you have a great talent for flowers and water colours, love it,
glad you have had nice weather and entertained outside, wish i could get out there but far to wet.lovely pic of the thrush to and im sure they will adapt to new table as long as their fav food is available.
again i love your painting ;o))
10 Feb, 2011
I think your painting is lovely Dorjac.Your camellia is a lovely colour mine are still in there bud stage. Hope they hurry up and come out.
11 Feb, 2011
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Beautiful painting! Well done Dorjac! Lovely birds and flowers too. I think we are all struggling with this long long winter now. I also have a painting on the go but having trouble getting motivated to do the next stage. Maybe later on today I might get some done.
9 Feb, 2011