Put a smile on your railings
By dungy
Morning wrinklies,
Well its half way through May and yet in parts of the uk
“shropshire being one” they’ve had freezing conditions and light snow,
So i thought as a bit of a change i’d try to educate you all ref french law and the garden.
Whats brought this one is that ive not long returned from the dog’s “Walkies” and it was while i was walking along the track returning home that one of the farmers stopped his van to say good morning and it was his little boy (4yrs) who wanted to show me a picture of his mum he’d painted,
It was the size of a side dish and his mum’s face was bright yellow, with bright blue eyes “one bigger than the other” a red nose and black lips with a few off white teeth & the rest we’re awol.
“the lad did say he ran out of paint but his mum”s got more teeth really.
His dad explained it was his home work and they could only use those colours & it had to be that size,
The idea is all these faces will be tied to the school fence facing the road so everyone knows it’s “happy may”.
Great idea!!!!!
But just to show how late summer is here in france this year Is the Lilly of the valley are just showing flowers now.
( little of the valley plant)
Now its Law here that this plant on the first of may can be sold without licence by the house holders on a stall outside their homes,
Its a peace plant and one that’s saying summers here,
this old law still stands today and here in the deep countryside on the first of may you’ll offten see little tables outside peoples homes and in the local post office etc with these lilly of the valley being on offer.
It’s much the same as the rose, if your driving along the motorways here in france and you pass one of the many grape vines in the fields you’ll see at the end of each line of vine one single rose growing,
This is for the grower to check for pest, the pest attacks the rose first and this lets the grower know its time to sort out the problem.
Well lesson over for today and i hope its given you some idea’s ref putting happy faces on your front door.?
It’s looking good here ref the weather and so you know my plans for today it starts with G & ends with G,
Happy gardening to you all.
17 May, 2013
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dont you want to say morning to us smoothies too???
17 May, 2013
My lily of the valley are fully out now, just wish they lasted longer.
17 May, 2013
Hello folks and a special hello to smoothy Seabird?
Well ref snow in shropshire, i read the news "BBC" web site news and they give the weather for verious places and last night it was shropshire,
It really must drive people mad "even the weathers against them never mind the cost of living,
As for Lizziebee having lily of the valley out first!
Well thats not on! (but im glad you like them).
And as Pamg has said the lily is very special to the french folk and if they give you a lily its because your very special to them.
I think it's nice hearing and doing simple things like that,
Lets hope we dont loose the meaning of friendship.
17 May, 2013
Wow if I paint a happy sunflower face and pin it to the fence perhaps it will remind me that its nearly midsummer.. Its a quaint tradition Dungy and the little boy was no doubt very proud of his painting...
17 May, 2013
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22 Oct, 2008
I have a french friend who's birthday is near mine in may, she gave me a piece of her lily of the valley (originally came from her family home in france) they are the flower for May
She told me about mayday being special to them.
17 May, 2013