By dungy
Evening folks,
Well the weather here today has been really good
not to warm but sunny and ive been strimming the bank outside our house and trimming the laurel hedge above the bank.
Everything was going really well “but” one of my dogs kept looking up towards the top of the laurel i was trying to trim nice and flat,
As i got near to the spot " Lottie" was looking at i found a birds nest complete with three little chicks inside,
all three had big black eyes and all three had yellow beaks open thinking i was their mum,
It’s strange how a little dog thats never seen the top of this hedge could know danger was heading their way,
If “Lottie” hadn’t been such a pain in the backside and refussed to move the hedge strimmer would have cut through that nest.
Now the hedge looks great until you look at the last 4 feet thats not trimmed all because mrs thrush has decided to nest just there.
What will passers by think of my hedge trimming skills!
France is known for its restaurants and famous for good food but in the french news papers these very same eating places have been accused of buying frozen veg from the supermarkets and charging the sky high prices.
Do you think you’d be able to tell what was frozen veg or what was fresh?
Food for thought (sorry i just couldnt resist that pun)
Good night all and good gardening to you all.
17 May, 2013
More blog posts by dungy
Previous post: Put a smile on your railings
Our good day was yesterday Dungy, its been dreary damp and very cold here in Lincs today and is raining again tonight, only gardening done today was in the greenhouses and even then I needed a warm sweater.
Very good of Lottie to help you save Mrs Thrushes brood, its a wonder she wasn't squawking at you in a mad panic..
I bet most of the restaurants succumb to frozen veg at times if the truth be known, if its cooked to my liking I don't think I'd care and doubt whether I'd know with a lot of the veg anyway....
17 May, 2013
My neighbour ones started to reduce the size of a conifer much to the delight of the neighbours but half way though the job he discovered a doves nest so just downed tools and left it ! And as never bothered to cut it since .
Sorry but I for one can just about tolerate frozen peas anything else carrots ,swedes , broad beans, runner beans, sprouts etc especially the ones from the supermarkets just don't do it for me ,some I blanche and freeze at home are sometimes passable so to me there is nothing like the real thing .
17 May, 2013
As Kidsgran.....frozen peas are the only veg which are as good(or maybe even better) than fresh! Mind you, if by fresh, you mean straight from the garden to pan then even Peas are better but once they've sat on the shelf in the supermarket, not so good!!!
17 May, 2013
Well it looks like the posh cafes/ restaurants and sweaty bettys all have one thing in common,
we're paying for the same veg at high costings.
But interesting to hear your views and thank you all for taking part,
To me this is the good thing about the inter-net "when we can have a nice chat even if we never meet"
A bit like a pen friend but without the added time and postage cost,
I wonder if anyone writes in pen and ink anymore?
Ahhh questions question's & more questions but as long as they keep the brain working it cant be a dead thing,
Once again thank you all for yesterdays replies.
18 May, 2013
My neighbour has been out with his hedge trimmer recently too, without a thought for the poor nesting birds! Since farmers have removed so many hedges to make larger fields the birds have to rely on garden shrubs and hedges more. The birds help to keep the slug, snail and insect population in our gardens under control, so the least we can do is leave them in peace while they are caring for their little ones.
As for vegetables, does anyone use tinned veg (someone must because they still fill supermarket shelves with the tins)? I use tinned tomatoes for stews and casseroles, and have new potatoes and baby mushrooms in the 'tin' cupboard for the odd occasion when we run out. I use frozen veg out of season too but prefer to use fresh.
18 May, 2013
I was once told that Peas are blanched and then redyed with the bright green colour that sells them.
I look for the packs labelled 'Field peas, frozen within
2 hours of being picked.'
18 May, 2013
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Well done Lottie :o)
17 May, 2013