A slight interruption...
By elke
Well, winter is not over here yet on the East Coast of Canada. Snow and more snow, but the rhubarb crowns are showing! That’s really hopeful. They are brave.
I’m about to sow my seeds indoors now. Most were saved from my flowers last year. In 6 weeks we should be past any frost danger.
In mid-March we took a 1600-km road trip to Montreal, left here at 5:30 am and arrived just after 8 pm. Unfortunately the next day brought disaster – I slipped on some ice and smashed my wrist. It was set in a cast but on my return to my provincial hospital, it was decided a major operation was in order to ensure proper movement later in life. So any energetic gardening is on hold for a while. I can barely type, and as that is what is involved in my job, progress is a little slower than it should be at the moment.
The bionic wrist:
So I will just enjoy your photos, comments and blogs for a while until I can get my hands into the soil once more. I see there have been some great photos posted while I’ve been absent from the site.
All the best, and happy gardening!
Update – breaking news – May 6
The metal bits have been removed (painlessly – I have such a gentle orthopedic surgeon, although the full-sized electric drill looked ferocious….), so now I’m in a protective splint, which I remove for my finger and wrist exercises. Oh joy!!
Update May 17
Everything seems to be healing well, and I’m aiding my physio by getting back on the piano, although stretching an open chord is a bit painful still.
Thanks again for all your kind comments.
3 Apr, 2009
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Oh goodness Elke.....What a nasty thing to happen. I hope you heal up soon. :o)
3 Apr, 2009
Poor you! All best wishes for a good recovery.
3 Apr, 2009
oh Elke how awful.
hope you have a speedy recovery xx
3 Apr, 2009
Oh Elke hope your wrist get better soon, thinking of you all the best. x
3 Apr, 2009
So sorry to hear about your accident and the injuries you sustained. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope there is not too much pain.
3 Apr, 2009
get well soon, poor little wristy. x
3 Apr, 2009
Thank you all for your kind notes of sympathy. I will keep you updated, but am trying not to let my injury interfere too much with my life. Some things are impossible for me, but they can wait. Luckily it was not my right wrist... First time I've ever broken anything, and I now know what it feels like to be incapacitated.
3 Apr, 2009
Ahhhh, ouch!!! Sorry to hear of your accident. I really hope the healing goes well. Make sure you take lots of extra calcium and vitamins.
I do hope your not in too much pain, or if you are, that you've some good painkillers? Sadly, painkillers hardly work on me anymore, and that's valium, the strongest stuff!
Hope you can do lots of reading to keep you from being bored?
3 Apr, 2009
Sorry to hear of your accident Elke....hope you feel much better soon and do take care..........
3 Apr, 2009
Just found this blog !
Sorry to hear of your injury Elke.
My friend in Hertfordshire, had similar damage to her wrist a couple of months ago, caused by falling on the ice, so I have some idea of what you are going through, and how limiting it is in what you can achieve.... simple everyday tasks become a real challenge !
Get well soon, and until you can do energetic gardening again... enjoy 'virtual gardening' on GoY :o)
8 Apr, 2009
Thanks to you all once more. Had a follow-up appointment yesterday at the hospital and everything is looking very good. Hopefully all this metal can be removed the first week of May. Keep those photos coming - they help enormously! I am now a proficient one-handed typist, and as that's what I do for a living (I'm a technical translator), I have no time to be bored, Craftnutter, although I always have a pile of books on the go.
8 Apr, 2009
Glad to hear all is coming along well, Elke.
I've just had fun looking at the keyboard, and wondering what messages you could type if only using the right side keys...
Any other flowers etc. or suitable words with just the right hand keys. ???
8 Apr, 2009
Best of luck for the first week in May. You'll soon be back in the swing of things.
9 Apr, 2009
Sorry to hear about your accident.
Hoping you a speedy recovery.
14 Apr, 2009
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Ouch! Elke, I hope your wrist comes through all this and heals very soon - that splint?? (not sure what to call it) looks as if it would be very uncomfortable to lug around all day. Best wishes for a speedy recovery so you can get back to gardening (and work) soon.
3 Apr, 2009