Cornish garden
By elke
Here are a few photos of my mother’s Cornish garden. She and my father have worked for about 40 years turning this space into a paradise, especially on busy days in the tourist season it is an oasis of peace and beauty. An extension of the house used to be the original post office/sorting room for the area. At one time the garden was an old quarry, and the previous owners used it to graze the ponies for the post office traps delivering the mail. There’s an old stable in the grounds, and a trap house under the house itself. I may find more photos from time to time, and add them. The photos are all hers, or else taken by friends and family.
Patrick remembers hauling stones for these steps when he was darting me. I think it was one of my father’s tests of endurance to see whether he was worthy!! The small terrace was a base for a greenhouse, but the trees got so large it was constantly shaded.
Every so often a swarm of bees appears in the garden or on the house, and Mum has to get a beekeeper in to collect them. He is always grateful, and thanks her with pots of honey.
The stone building is the old stable. It has been converted into a small living space. The stone terrace in front was probably the floor of the outdoor stable boxes. It’s a real sun trap now.
4 Feb, 2009
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Your mum had a beautiful garden, thanks for sharing her garden with us. Nice blog & photo's.
4 Feb, 2009
Hi Elke. What an interesting and inspiring garden. Lots of nooks and crannies... and so pretty. It looks like there's a lot of land and such an interesting history. Your'e parents should feel very proud of their work.
4 Feb, 2009
The trap house is a basement under the old post office extension. My parents cleared it all out a few years ago and held the weddings of both my sisters down there and in the garden. But the last time I was down there it was filled with old tools, fishing rods, toys, a billiard table, etc. etc.
4 Feb, 2009
What a wonderful venue for weddings !
Seems an interesting basement full of fascinating things.:o)
4 Feb, 2009
Beautifull, Beautifull Garden Elke, 40 years of hard work and Love, Facinating Blog...
4 Feb, 2009
My mother is very, very proud of it, and likes nothing better (except swimming in the ocean) than working out there. My Dad died in 2007, but his legacy remains. The house is huge, and at 82 she should be considering something smaller, but I'm sure you can see she is reluctant to leave this garden!
4 Feb, 2009
Elke your Mother has an amazing garden and so large, can I ask what part of Cornwall, I can understand her not wanting to leave such a beautiful place, so many happy memories I expect ? my Grandmother used to swim in the ocean in Wales when we were children, well into her 80s, it was even too cold for us !! do you miss Cornwall at all?
4 Feb, 2009
What a beautiful garden Elke. Please tell your Mother how much I love it. What a lot of hard work has gone into it over the years. It must hold a lot of memories for you too. :o)
4 Feb, 2009
She's right in the middle, halfway between the coasts, although she prefers the south coast for swimming, the rollers on the north coast toss her about a bit these days. Of course I miss Cornwall for its scenery, its history and its delightful customs and food (it always comes back to food for me, doesn't it?), and my family. However, I don't think I could cope long-term anymore with the crowds and the traffic. We are spoiled here...
4 Feb, 2009
This is really lovely, it is so nice to be included into your family.
It is a privillege to see family photos, and the garden is just fanastic. It is such a calming garden, and inspirational
too. (Sorry, my spelling seems to be off).
Love and thanks.
4 Feb, 2009
Actually Gilli, I left for college within a year or so of my parents moving here, and only returned for short vacations. Since coming to Canada we have only returned very intermittently, so most of my 'memories' have come from photos like these, as the garden progressed. It started as a veritable jungle, I do remember that. And I used the stable block as a basis for a conversion project while at college - I studied commercial interior design at the School of Furniture in High Wycombe, Bucks. That's about my involvement here! But I do appreciate what they have achieved.
4 Feb, 2009
That garden is a testament to your parents' devotion to it. Lovely to look at and I am not surprised that it's your mother's pride and joy! How big is it. Elke?
4 Feb, 2009
Beautiful garden with so much interest. I thought cupid did the darting and Patrick the dating - or is it the other way round? Dads come up with some crafty tests, don't they?
4 Feb, 2009
Beautiful garden. Hope I can keep mine looking as good when I'm 82
4 Feb, 2009
Wonderful garden.
4 Feb, 2009
Fabulous garden the old stone steps and nooks and crannies..lovely
4 Feb, 2009
It's a beautiful garden, and full of so many different types of plants. They're really lovely photos, and nice to look back on.
4 Feb, 2009
Fabulous garden a credit to your parents,I wouldn,t want to leave it neither must be wonderful to wander there,Many thanks for sharing.........
4 Feb, 2009
Yes, Wagger, you're right - sorry for the sp. error! And thanks to everyone for their kind comments. I'll pass them on to my mum.
5 Feb, 2009
Just had another look - beautiful.
5 Feb, 2009
it was my birthday on the 4th of FEB, & your wonderful pics were an added present to me, thank you so much.
7 Feb, 2009
Happy belated birthday, Boydie - glad you found this on your birthday and enjoyed the tour.
7 Feb, 2009
Lovely blog, great photos.
5 Mar, 2009
Ahhhh, this garden just looks so peaceful and beautiful. I can certainly see why your Mum would never want to leave it.........
3 Apr, 2009
What a wonderful accomplishment. A pleasure to get to wander through this 40 yr old garden. Well kept and beautifully established. Thank you for sharing a little family with us. :-)
12 Apr, 2009
Recent posts by elke
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What a beautiful Cornish garden.
Please tell your mother how much I like her photos.
Nice to be rewarded with local honey :o)
If you add photos, please put a comment underneath on this thread, so that we don't miss out on the new pictures.
I like the history you gave about the ponies and the stables.
Is the trap house like a basement, or is it just foundations ?
4 Feb, 2009