Road Trip
By elke
We had a road trip around south-western Nova Scotia yesterday, after the rages of Post-tropical storm Danny went through. I won’t post all the photos here (the album is viewable here if you want to look: – you don’t have to be a Facebook member – it’s a public album. And it’s not really gardening stuff, so I don’t want to clutter GoY too much with my non-gardening stories).
But there is one experience I want to share on GoY. We came across a wonderful roadside farm stall called The Plumshack, selling the farmer’s produce – tomatoes, plums, pears, apples, squashes, cukes, etc. I haven’t tasted such sweet, juicy plums in years. The ones you get in the supermarkets are like sour bullets in comparison. The farmer was moving produce from his trailer to the stand when I wanted to pay him, and he nodded to a large biscuit tin on the stand and said, “It’s self serve”. I looked in the tin, and sure enough, it was full of $ notes and coins. I totalled up what I owed (the prices were written on the containers) and put a $20 note in and took my change! All by the roadside. How wonderfully trusting! I’m glad I live in Nova Scotia, where we can still do this and not worry.
Perhaps you’ve had similar experiences – I’d love to hear your stories.
31 Aug, 2009
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Wish could relate such tales Elke - we do have honesty boxes for people to pay for produce as they collect them from roadsides but to have it open and left for those to sort their change may be pushing the trust level here , sadly ..
Impressed that many still leave their doors unlocked in NS and neighbours would cut the grass clean the house and even bake pies for others whilst lady was making the most beautiful patchwork quilt based on Canadian flag with changing colours of the maple leaf, for a friend.
Reminded me of childhood days and you so right to treasure these levels of neighbourliness and trust of one another .
As a child recall leaving my watch on a deckchair whilst swimming in the we walked round town suddenly realised I d forgotten it - go back and get it then said my parents.
The beach was heaving with people and eventually found the chair with the watch in it hours later .. no - one would sit in the chair let alone take the watch..not to mention happily allowing a 6 year old to wander round town on their own !
31 Aug, 2009
Wonderful story, Bonkersbon. How lucky you were - I did the same with a set of keys (with my name and address attached, stupid me!! or so I thought) a couple of years ago - they fell out of my pocket on a winter's walk on the beach as I was scrambling over rocks. About 2 months later I received them in the mail, rather worse for wear but they worked! The sender and I have since struck up quite a friendship. Another time I lost my sunglasses the same way, and a week later came back to find them perched on the outdoor counter of the beach café, which was closed for the winter.
Perhaps these days we (collectively) just haven't taught our children to be honest and trustworthy, and not take what doesn't belong to them - no-one seems to care about that now. A sad state of affairs.
Yes, we do look after each other in this rural area, and I'm sure there are still parts of the UK that live in a similar way.
31 Aug, 2009
Great stories and I would love to comment but I'm afraid I would get on my soapbox as where I live if you opened your mouth to yawn you woul be lucky to keep your fillings.
31 Aug, 2009
Thats lovely Elke and to think you still friends and remain in touch .. here I think you would have been left a note to say called whilst you were out hope you dont mind but we helped ourselves...
Yes somewhere respect for others been confused with do it to them before they do it to tired of hearing kids say dont dis ( respect ) me when their own attitude leaves a lot to be desired.
Oh Elke dont worry if some things not strictly garden related sure I m not alone in enjoying your great pics of the area where you live. Eagles , whales ,osprey wonderful to see such natural beauty from various parts of the world .. think most gardeners doing their bit to preserve a natural balance so thanks for sharing.
31 Aug, 2009
Thanks, BB! Appreciate that! So do take a look at the album - paste the whole link in the URL space, and then click on each photo to enlarge. I'm a history and travel buff, so...
And Toto - I'm on my soapbox already, so you're welcome to join me! It's safe here on GoY.
31 Aug, 2009
We have small holdings etc about here that have honesty boxes for you to pay aswell.
31 Aug, 2009
No worries Elke all about balance and as Toto would rightly say if we supposed to be the upper end of the food chain .. we have an obligation to respect the right to life of smaller more humble beings not pursue them to extinction.
Sincerely hope that the Canadian philosophy holds true ..look at the damage done to the Inuits by compensating them nope didnt need money just protect their way of living.
31 Aug, 2009
That's good news, Hywel. Long may it continue.
Yes, BB, totally agree re. the Inuit - what a mess governments make when they don't understand a culture or a way of life. Of course they are still throwing money at them with little other support, and then wonder why they can't adapt to a southern lifestyle in the north!
31 Aug, 2009
So sad although thousands of miles away can see that money was never the answer to a people who had adapted their lifestyles to the enviroment they were in .
Was like saying to them if you were rich and successful you wouldnt need to live there .. forgetting that cultural and ancestoral history was more important ...what and money cant but that ?
Sorry if on my soapbox here but dont chat to those on GOY cos they live in mansions ..
31 Aug, 2009
You carry on to your heart's content, BB. I understand where you're coming from. Although I don't want to bring religion into it, it's a bit like missionaries coming in and deciding that a society was uncivilized and trying to impose their values. You could also liken it to colony builders from Europe who intruded on indigenous peoples all over the world. But we should learn from these experiences and not repeat those same mistakes.
31 Aug, 2009
Oh dear well guess some of those my ancestors .. for that I apologise had hoped that your country would be more enlightened than ours was . Dont think missionaries the problem in Canada thought it was the French lol
31 Aug, 2009
Oh we are still seeing horror stories about Catholic priests abusing First Nations children in residential schools, even up to the 1960's... So it's not limited to any religion or nationality.
31 Aug, 2009
Agree with all you and Bonkers say but I think that Bonkers is a bit confused about where we live as mansion doesn't do justice to my cardboard box in the grounds of the asylum.
1 Sep, 2009
LOL Toto !!!
5 Sep, 2009
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How fab Elke...we have little stalls around us selling runner beans, tomatoes & courgettes etc...quite surprising really in this day & age but I think they empty the tin regularly!
31 Aug, 2009