Dodging Bill
By elke
3 pm, Sunday, August 23, 2009
Well, to say we dodged a major hurricane would be an understatement. We had masses of rain, quite a lot of gale-force winds, and the power flickered a few times, but nothing like we had feared. We were lucky to be well south of the main landfall, which is probably happening right now on Cape Breton.
So I decided it was safe to plug in the computer once more.
Patrick just took the car out of the barn and had a little tour to take some photos.
He went down to Cherry Hill beach first, where he found the road completely flooded, as the storm surge had broken through at high tide. From the house, I could actually see the waves crashing over the stones into the lagoon, a lot further to the right of the photo.
Here’s one of the gaps where the sea came through:
Lots of people were down there taking a look at the ocean, and getting their feet wet in the process…
Broad Cove – usually as calm as a mill pond:
Patrick said the road past here was closed, as the waves were breaking onto the point. And wherever the road ran close to the water, rocks and boulders had been washed up onto it.
We were very glad Patrick went to the trouble of covering the windows yesterday, as we didn’t have to worry when the winds got up this morning. You can never tell how bad these storms will be.
It’s still windy, but it’s looking a lot brighter now.
Thank goodness there was no real damage in this area. it could have been a lot worse for us. We lost half the dahlias, but luckily P had picked a big bunch yesterday to enjoy indoors.
The sunflowers didn’t fare too well either…
We could hear the pounding of the surf on Cherry Hill beach from the house. Here’s a zoom shot to the back of the beach:
Most of the apples stayed on the trees.
And the blueberries held their stems too:
Goodbye Bill!
We are extremely thankful that we suffered no major damage to property or person, and can only hope that everyone further east will fare as well as we did. Our thoughts will be with you tomorrow, NewfieNurse!
Best wishes to all,
23 Aug, 2009
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I have a busy two days, Sunday and Monday, but just looked into GoY quickly to check how you are, Elke. So glad that you and Patrick are okay, and I'll be thinking of Newfienurse as Bill moves onwards. x
23 Aug, 2009
Thanks so much for your comments and thoughts! How kind.
23 Aug, 2009
great pictures but I should think very scary Im glad we dont have weather as bad as that here in England not yet anyway
glad you are all ok
23 Aug, 2009
Oh dear ! How awful :o(
I love to see the sea when it's rough though. Much better than boring calm :o)
23 Aug, 2009
I love a storm too, Hywel, but I just heard on the news that 2 children were swept off the rocks at Peggy's Cove, but luckily rescued by police. 3 New Englanders were not as lucky... Oh the power of nature.
23 Aug, 2009
You captured it very well, and Elke we did think of you guys there on the E. Coast, while we basked in the sun & heat. We kept our ears close to the ground. Phew that one passed!!
23 Aug, 2009
The news of the hurricane kind of took over today in Canada, didn't it, Doon? Right after those tornados in Ontario - what a week of weather! BTW, we lived for awhile in Jo'burg.
23 Aug, 2009
LOL, yup those tornadoes used to rip though my home town in the Free State as well & thank goodness we had beautiful old sand stone home. The roof was anchored by cross bolts & we would hide & be terrified in the house. My father just stood as a typical father hoping for rain afterwards.
You live in a gorgeous area Elke.
So glad you did not come to harm.
23 Aug, 2009
Mother Nature can be such a powerful force - your ocean photos show a bit of that. Amazing! Thankfully you're fine and you only lost a few plants.
23 Aug, 2009
Mother Nature is both beautiful and cruel at the same time sometimes and the flowers will return.Thank goodness thats all you lost.They are still fantastic photo`s Elke,thanks for showing us and stay safe........
23 Aug, 2009
You're so right, Bernieh, the dahlias will grow again next year. So lucky...
23 Aug, 2009
Yes it can be dangerous. Here in Wales a 14 year old boy was swept off the rocks by high waves a few days ago. They can't find his body and gave up the search now this afternoon
23 Aug, 2009
Goodness me Elke I do hope you are all ok that looks realy wild.
23 Aug, 2009
Good to hear that Bill didn't cause the havoc that it could have, Elke..Sorry to see the sunflowers damaged and to hear about your dahlias..
As I started this message I have had to stop and close the windows, the wind and rain has started fast and hard.
The pots are put in the garage, and as many plants as possible staked. Generator ready to go. Girls have had their last potty trip for the night. I do live in a flooding prone area, so I am especially worried.
Thanks for thinking of me, Elke, and TT...
24 Aug, 2009
We are fine, Bobg. How very sad, Hywel... I'm thinking of Newfienurse tonight though and hoping the flooding will be controllable. How dreadful to have that worry... Good luck, NN.
24 Aug, 2009
I didn't realise you got hurricanes in Canada. I hope Newfienurse will be ok.
24 Aug, 2009
NN ~ thinking of you. I know that your property suffered flooding not that long ago..... Keep safe with your doggies. xxx
24 Aug, 2009
Great pictures, thank you for sharing with us.. Glad you are all safe and sound
24 Aug, 2009
This is a public album with web cam photos of the waves at Peggy's Cove. Can you believe that the RCMP had to chase people off these rocks?
24 Aug, 2009
It'll be 'Hello Bill' here tomorrow - only the tail end with lots of rain forecast.
24 Aug, 2009
It'll be called 'Little Willy' Wagger!!
24 Aug, 2009
All is well here. Bill didn't hanged around long at all..Did put on a lovely show of lightening and gave my garden a nice drink! We only got 40 mm of rain, and gusts never went pass 80 km/hr. Thanks to you who thought of me.
24 Aug, 2009
Pleased you both ok.
24 Aug, 2009
Yeah! Good news, NN - I did watch the news today and saw that perhaps you had been spared. A close call, wasn't it?
24 Aug, 2009
Yes, Elke, thank god. some trees were uprooted around town, but for the most part things were ok...
But of course there will be a few more before the season is over.. let's hope they're all as calm as bill...
26 Aug, 2009
Thursday, Aug. 27
And along came Danny.... Perhaps not as strong yet, but who knows?? We shall see on Sunday, Aug. 30. 'Tis the season! But just look at the weather now:
27 Aug, 2009
oh my....and we're only up to the d yet!
27 Aug, 2009
Don't know how it was in NL, NN, but here it was just as bad if not worse than Bill - masses of rain and much stronger winds - but the sea wasn't as angry. Had a tour of SW NS yesterday and saw lots of big trees down along the Clare Co. coast between Digby and Yarmouth.
31 Aug, 2009
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Brilliant blog elke...breathtaking photos...especially of the waves! Thank you for showing them. It must be scary to know that kind of force is coming your way.
Those poor sunflowers!! How sad are they?!
The zoom shot of the beach & the last one of the calm after the storm are just lovely.
23 Aug, 2009