It is raining!
By felinfan
My arthritis told me that it was going to rain, so I only watered the pots yesterday. Some people say that the idea that arthritic pain heralds rain or damp conditions is a fantasy, but the more people that I talk to, the more I believe it.Anyway, I am so glad for the downpour in spite of an irritatingly leaky gutter. I have been promised a repair in about three weeks, but have to wait as it will be done under guarantee.
Talking of repairs, some of you may recall that my chalet roof was falling apart after only four and a half years, due to poor quality felt. Well, I rang the company who sold it to me four times (speaking to the boss on two of these occasions) and then sent a recorded delivery letter, but it became obvious that he was making empty promises and in the latter case, he did not even bother to reply.
When one could see light through the roof on the inside, it became obvious that it could wait no longer and a nice man came and put top quality felt on it for a very reasonable price and cured a small ill fitting door problem for nothing. I was glad to give him the work and it was well done, but I am still bitter at the indifference of the company from which I purchased the shed.. I have to move on as it would not have been worthwhile to pursue the matter legally.
I have done a lot of tidying up in the garden, having neglected my weeding and pruning duties earlier in the year, but it is now coming along and it gives me so much pleasure to see the colours.of penstemons, begonias, margeurites, bizzy lizzies, roses and many more. My present back garden favourites though, are that huge white hydrangea alongside which is the contrast of a bordaux-coloured smoke bush and at its foot a lovely wine coloured heuchera. I could wax lyrical for hours about flowers, but must not forget the pots of tomatoes which are growing well, the raspberries which I confess to eating while working and the courgettes, both yellow and green, which are not only feeding me, but my friends as well. All this pleasure from an average sized suburban back garden.
I don’t always cook courgettes: I love them grated (on the largest grater scrapey bit), then mixed with a slightly vinegary dressing (or mayonnaise) and sprinkled with pepper (or try other spices) and used instead of coleslaw with green leaves and tomatoes.
As Marie Lloyd once sang “Everything in the garden is lovely”
30 Jul, 2010
Previous post: Bound to rain now!
Next post: Hedge Cutting Blues
Your photo is lovely. Love the Hydrangea and Cotinus, both look very healthy.
You don't see many white Hydrangeas, I'd love one, so must look out for one.
I felt very sorry for you about the roof. What about Trading Standards at your local Council offices? They may be able to help you, and also they have lists of recommended trustworthy local tradesmen. You could also threaten the bad one with Rogue Traders on TV. I'm glad you did find a good one to put it right, but you've paid twice haven't you?
31 Jul, 2010
Hello Mad, Thanks for your comments:must confess that I never thought of trading standards;may give it a go. Glad you like the plants. Pity you don't live nearer as the hydrangea has got rooted shoots to which you would be welcome. It might work, you never know
Sorry to hear that your gardening has become a past time:same with the jiving. I used to do that and was OK, but never marvellous because I somehow managed always to put in an extra step that nobody else knew. Loved the clothes too.
Congratulations on your growing family:my first Great Grandchild is due in October, but I think that I have a year or two in which to catch up with you.
Would I be right in thinking that you are quite feisty? All for now.
31 Jul, 2010
Hi Elsie May, I am glad that you like the hydrangea and that I have a soul mate who eats courgettes as salad:it seems to me that having them like this does not occur to many people.
I have just read your story about Douglas;so heart-warming. I am like you and want to adopt every apparently stray cat I see. One of these days I shall be caught running down the road with somebody's pet moggy in my arms. It could happen simply because it had got a bit dirty or looked at me pleadingly because in spite of it having had its dinner it could manage a bit more!
I so love the cat avatar you use because as you know it is so like my own Grisette. I have a little giggle every time you log on.
All for now.
31 Jul, 2010
Hi to Cinderella. Terratoonie,Drc726 and Mavisc52, glad you like the blog.
Hope that you are all well and are lucky enough to have had some rain.
31 Jul, 2010
I am glad you like my photo of my Celia....poor Douglas isn`t very well the lady at the rspca said the vet is keeping a close eye on him so i am pleased that i rescued him & that he is getting the help he needs bless him...they are going to let me know how he gets on.
31 Jul, 2010
Thank you Felinfan, I think I'm considered feisty by family and friends, although it can be hard to be sometimes eh?
1 Aug, 2010
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lovely Hydrangea & i like courgettes in salads too!
31 Jul, 2010