21st century
By feverfew
Visiting the children the other day, I asked to borrow a newspaper. Oh, we don’t have newspapers in this house, it’s the 21st century. Here borrow my Ipad. That damn fly never knew what hit it.
I don’t think it can have done the I-pad much, do you?
10 Sep, 2013
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hahaha :D
Things aint what they used to be :o)
10 Sep, 2013
10 Sep, 2013
That made me laugh!
10 Sep, 2013
lol!!!! :):) oh'dear...
10 Sep, 2013
Sad...where do we go next ?!
10 Sep, 2013
This gave me a real chuckle, give me my newspaper any day.
10 Sep, 2013
Really needed that giggle! Did you ever see that YouTube of a no-longer-young man using one as a chopping board?
10 Sep, 2013
You could start a trend, Fever.
Mass-produce rubber ones & call them FlyPads.
Someone on Dragons Den would be sure to bankroll you!
11 Sep, 2013
That's quite witty, Mouldy. I never would have thought of fly pad. Being referred to as Fever always reminds me of the song "You give me fever"! Perhaps you could use FF, or my real name,Josee( not disclosed before) but I notice that a lot of G oY members seem to know each others names, which is nice.
Never have watched YouTube, Stera, but liked the chopping board image:-)
11 Sep, 2013
Lol! oh I like this blog, Feverfew. Just goes to show, that old fashioned still has it's uses!!
11 Sep, 2013
Josee thats really made me laugh, could have done with one of them today when I was having my pre-op tests, there was a blooming wasp in the room with us, insisted on liking our hair, don't know who was the most alarmed, myself or the nurses, we were all ducking and diving, not good when having blood pressure taken, lol...
11 Sep, 2013
There was no offence intended & I'll bear in mind what you say!
Which do you prefer?
Me, I tend to use folks' avatar names, unless they stipulate otherwise, usually via PM, as some take on a totally new persona. Who am I to deprive them off their fun? Lol.
11 Sep, 2013
You're right Mouldy - sometimes they turn out to be a different sex from what we imagined! Josee's unusual - not heard that one before.
11 Sep, 2013
Stera, Josee initially took ME for a woman! Lol.
11 Sep, 2013
Loved this, had a real laugh out loud and then went to view the Ipad video clip!
11 Sep, 2013
Thank you for all the comments & I'm glad that you all appreciated the joke( not sure about Andrea's comment tho').The site isn't really intended for telling jokes , but we all need a giggle sometimes. Mouldy, I think Ff is quicker to type, but don't mind either. Linclass I hope all goes well with your op & wish you a speedy recovery. Waddy, I have never seen an Ipad video clip. Didn't know there was one.pleased to have made you laugh!
12 Sep, 2013
Righty-ho! :-)
13 Sep, 2013
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Like it! I am a great fan of newspapers so my husband is threatening to bury me with my paper.
10 Sep, 2013