Cat, camera & obvious morning glory obsession...!!
By fluff
The reason why I couldn’t write any bogs last night? Do you think she was trying to tell me something? Like…you’re on that laptop far too much…what about me??!
And…if I go flopcat on her lap she can’t reach the keyboard anyway…hmmmm good thinking Batman…
I finally managed to persuade her this morning that the sun was shining & she really should be out there doing the cat thing so I was able to download these…but it’s sooooo slow…I spend so much time waiting for things to happen on my laptop…sorry, grumble over!
Here’s an orange glad…the last to come out, my very own lovely comma on a sedum (I’ve seen other Goyers pics of these!) & a late darker orange nasturtium.
The yellow million bells are still going strong & …no more morning glory pics…well maybe just a couple? Humour me…
Don’t know how these got there…
Two bargains from Focus…I was disgusted at how many plants they had left unwatered & dying…rack after rack of them…not even worth 50p but these were among the only good ones…
Phobe’s had enough…I’m obviously boring her…
You ain’t seen me…right?
3 Oct, 2009
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Thanks Bob...all I can say is they must make too much profit if they can afford to waste all those plants...
3 Oct, 2009
Great blog and pics Fluff. I don't think any of the DIY stores look after plants too well. Maybe Homebase is not too bad if you want to pay through the nose.
I think gorgeous Phoebe is definitely trying to get that interloper off your lap!. Daisy has given up and now lays on my boney ankles (like now) when I'm sitting feet up with the laptop tuned into GoY. She does get her turn though as she lays on me ALL night too!
3 Oct, 2009
He he great blog yes I think she was trying to tell you some thing. Has the look of defience too. Love your gladiolia and your morning glory is wonderful.
3 Oct, 2009
Phoebe is lovely and seems very determined to have a share of your attention, bless her. Very frustrating to find dead plants in stores, our worst offender is Wilkinsons and the new 99p store. Really makes me cross :(
3 Oct, 2009
I think B@Q take some beating in neglecting plants,i've had some good bargains from there.
3 Oct, 2009
Oh, how I agree about the poor neglected plants! It makes me MAD when I see them!
Lovely photos, Fluff, and how come your sweet peas are still flowering? Did you plant them in the spring?
3 Oct, 2009
Great blog Smokey gives me looks that would kill when i'mon my laptop, he asumes he should sit on my knee everynight, love the orange rose.
3 Oct, 2009
Lovely photos Fluff and so much colour still. I don't blame you for your Morning Glory "obsession", they are just gorgeous. And I like your cat too!
3 Oct, 2009
Great blog again Fluff love the sedum and the orange glad. Funny how cats can demand our attention.
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks are all so nice with your comments.
Lily...Phoebe sleeps on me too if I let her...sometimes I have to shut her in the living room just to get a good night's sleep!
Morgana...for a cheap bag of bulbs from Wilkinson's the glads turned out full of colour variety even tho' they didn't all flower. Everyone was a different hue & it was lovely to walk round the garden & spot them as I'd forgotten where I planted them of course!!
Gee & Tulsa...I wouldn't mind but sometimes they still try to sell plants that are so obviously dead & irretrievable....but I agree...if you catch them at the right time there are some great bargs to be had!
Spritz I planted the sweet peas far too late...that's why they're still going. The frost will see them off I suppose but they've yielded some lovely bunches of perfume.
Clarice... Phoebe sits at my feet & yowls at me to move the laptop to the edge of my knees so she can jump up! Such a madam...she's doing it now!!
Thanks Mad & Drc...last bit of colour in the garden!!
3 Oct, 2009
Loved the blog (as always) Fluff. Pheobe knows what she likes all right.
By the way have you any photo's of Morning Glory you could post for me? ;~))
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks Digger... she's superglued to me these days for some reason...think she feels hubby has abandoned her after going back to work!
As for MG don't think there will be any more forthcoming...wouldn't want to overdo it..............................................................................................& if you believe that...hey hey!! ;0)))))
3 Oct, 2009
Great blog Fluff !
Phoebe's lovely :o).
My laptop is very slow too and my computer is even slower. It takes ages.
Liked the morning glories. Mine all got eaten by slugs this year
Is the variegated fuchsia Sunray or Tom West ?
3 Oct, 2009
You had a bargain then even though they did nt all flower, also a nice surprise then lol.
3 Oct, 2009
It's a Sunray Hywel...I think the leaves are every bit as pretty as the flowers. Will it be ok outside for the winter?
Good old Wilcos Morgana!!
3 Oct, 2009
Thats where I bought my last lot of bulbs from cheaper than the others.
3 Oct, 2009
They've got bargain shelves there today...stuff is 75% a wooden trellis for £1 & 2 packs of bulbs for 39p! Whohoo!
3 Oct, 2009
Sunray is not hardy Fluff. You'll have to put it in a cold but frost-free place for the winter.
3 Oct, 2009
Hmmm....that'd be my kitchen then! Lol! Spare room it is then. Thanks Hywel.
3 Oct, 2009
I saw the bargain shelf Fluff 75% off bird feeders should have been £ 4 only £1 . I bought two !
Our Wilkingsons plants are dreadful almost all dead , I can't understand why they bother to sell them if they can't do it properly ........
4 Oct, 2009
Too right Amy. I got a feeder rained today & when I got home I went out to replenish the feeders & got a faceful of rainwater from the top of it! Nice!
4 Oct, 2009
The first time I saw Morning Glory was on your pics Fluff and I'm hooked !! There can never be too many pics as far as I'm concerned !! lol Got my seeds on order from T & M already !
Phoebe is a babe ... !! :-))
5 Oct, 2009
Lovely blog but I wish you'd included some morning glory pics,.
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks Sue & Wagger...Phoebe agrees totally & if it hadn't been dark when I got home tonight I would've been out there again to snap today's edition of MGs!!!
Oh the year is galloping away...getting dark earlier now. It was pitch when I left the house this morning & when I got back!!
5 Oct, 2009
It's a pain isn't it Fluff. I always know when Winter's coming 'cause I start drawing the living room curtains ... never bother in the Summer ! :-((
5 Oct, 2009
Hey Sue...Need a torch to get to the car in the morning...trip over the cat I've just let out...bit parky so need a coat but too hot by the time the car heats up...get to work & everything still in darkness so put all lights on only to turn them all off again in half an hour's time when the sun comes up...
That difficult twilight - too light for your headlights on but just getting dingy enough to squint out the windscreen in that half-light...chilly nip in the air when walking round the garden at dusk...worrying toms are going to get too cold & never ripen...arguing about whether to turn the heating on yet...drawing the curtains, looking for the draught excluder put away from last winter,cat who stays out all night in summer banging at the door to be let in at 6pm...&...horror of horrors...will there be a frost tonight & kill off the Morning Glories???!!!!
5 Oct, 2009
Noooooooo !!!!! Not the Morning Glories !!!! lol
When I was working I did the 3 shifts, Mornings, Afternoons and Nights, so I well remember what it was like !! Gets even worse when the clocks go back ! Find that you don't see anyone 'cause they're all indoors with the curtains shut ! lol
5 Oct, 2009
I LIKE Morning Glories! Gorgeous colours & really pretty! You put them up as much as you like!
8 Oct, 2009
Okey dokey MadP...bit Regents at the moment tho! ;o)
8 Oct, 2009
Bit what??
8 Oct, 2009
Regent's Park....dark! ;o)
8 Oct, 2009
LMAO!!! Doh! I've been online too long, I think! This catching up is h**l after a week!
8 Oct, 2009
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Hehehe Fluff, Phoebe is definately a computer geek, maybe she wants to get some online time of her own :o) well worth the wait tho' great shots and I love that butterfly, superb shot that one. I know what you mean about the racks of plants left unwatered, it is the same at our B&Q, either that or they are overwatered and rotting, surely the employee's are put through some sort of training in the gerdening dept of these DIY giants?
3 Oct, 2009