Grrrrrr.....just a quick rant...
By fluff
We had cavity wall insulation put in a couple of days ago…not the old foam stuff but little white balls of something called Polypearl. Great…been waiting a long time to get this done…nice ,warm,cosy house this winter.
I just fail to see how the company that did the deed are allowed to get away with LEAVING SUCH A BLOOMIN’ MESS!!!!!
Plants snapped off by size 10 boots & ladders…pinky – red brick dust over everything & little white balls in drifts up the path!
You’d think a little brushing up wouldn’t be too much to ask would you? A bit of care taken with plants in an obviously well-loved garden? How sad am I going round taking picture of brick dust but…stiff letter to the Housing Association methinks along with the photographic evidence!!
3 Oct, 2009
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What a disaster I hope that letter to the HA is so 'hot' it burns their fingers when they read it. What a disgrace.
3 Oct, 2009
I find myself hoping for a good downpour of rain to wash it all off! Yes I will hose them down Di...did some today. Ian...the HA are usually so good that they'll pass on my gripes but the company won't care will they? Why would they?
3 Oct, 2009
You tell 'em Fluff, it's not good enough! If they get enough complaints then maybe they won't use that Company in future
3 Oct, 2009
Well when I complained about a contract cleaner parking her van on the pavement (not just one side but the whole van blocking the way) I got a lovely reply from the council promising all sorts but nothing from the cleaning co. and she still parks there. The woman had the cheek to say she only parks there on a Tuesday so I should stay in that day ! ! !
If she's there this week I will phone the police.
3 Oct, 2009
Oh dearie me, Fluff! What a mess! It's obvious that they were NOT gardeners, nor did they care what sort of job they did! I agree with Lily - a written complaint and maybe the bill for replacement plants might do some good?
3 Oct, 2009
You've got to say or do something haven't you? Otherwise they all get away with it. They've left some scaffolding in our carpark...good mind to flog it!
3 Oct, 2009
I'll buy the boards Fluff, I've been looking for something to build a raised bed for Carol. I'm serious to!!!
3 Oct, 2009
You're too late my eye on them myself...sorry! If they're not gone by Tuesday they're mine! Does Carol want to climb into bed then? Lol!!!!
3 Oct, 2009
LMSO Fluff your incorrigible ;~))
3 Oct, 2009
I'm so not! Never touch the stuff!
3 Oct, 2009
Oh my sides are hurting with laughing. It would be worth the trip all the way down there just to meet you. :~))
3 Oct, 2009
You're both very welcome anytime me old mucker! Got a spare room for you too...with a high bed, tell Carol...just give me time to tidy the garden up first! ;0)
3 Oct, 2009
Lol Fluff. We might just take you up on that one day. ;~))
3 Oct, 2009
I think you got away lightly, Fluff, when I had insulation put into my walls several years ago, they filled the loft with it too. Didn't realise until I opened the loft hatch and ended up looking like a snowman! I didn't think it was funny at the time. One telephone call and they did come back and clear it up but lots still up there sticking to the loft insultation!
3 Oct, 2009
Oh no don't say that Gee...I'll send hubby up there to check it hasn't happened to us too!! I'm not going...too many 8 - legged lodgers up there! just let me know...I'll make sure the beer fridge is fully loaded!
3 Oct, 2009
Just open the loft hatch, Fluff, you will soon know, especially if the loft hatch opens downwards :)
3 Oct, 2009
Oh dear Fluff....such a shame.....Nothing you can do about brick dust that a good windy day can't put right. We had ours done a month or so ago....I was out there watching like a hawk.all the time they were here...the summer display was in full flow.....and I made sure their hose didn't bash against the plants....they were very helpful and sealed a leak on the garage roof as well.....the bits of white stuff are gradually blowing away (They should all be gone now after the horrendous winds we have had today).....Thank you for reminding me they haven't been back to do the loft yet :))
3 Oct, 2009
Yes it does I'll get snowed on right?!
We had to work that day Amble so discovered it all when we got home.
3 Oct, 2009
I think workmen are a different species. Their eyes are not able to detect plants or mess I don't think :o((
Sorry to hear about this. I'd complain aswell !
3 Oct, 2009
You might be right Hywel...they're from the genus 'couldn't care lessus about other people's propertyus'.
3 Oct, 2009
lol That's right :o)
3 Oct, 2009
Fluff we booked this last year to have done while we had scaffolding up this February and the mess was about the same as yours. Its the brick dust from all the holes they have to drill not actually the filler. In fact one dose of the hose or a good rain and it gets washed away into the soil. Before they came we were asked to remove any pots and protect any special plants etc to avoid damage and we were warned about the dust from the drilling . I must have been lucky no damage at all, but the brick dust. They topped up our loft as well and behaved very well. They walked all round with me to make sure I was happy so that I would sign the form that everything was left ok.
Did you have to sign a paper to say how it went? and where you asked to move pots before etc? If this did not happen then I think your gripe is more with the housing association for allowing them to treat you in this way.
3 Oct, 2009
This is associations for you Fluff, not so many years ago I was a one parent family, about 5yrs ago, one of the managers, said to me, when my x boyfriend tried to get a flat from them, if I worked they would treat me better and I would be better thought of, now I am on my own, disabled because of an operation, and now they send me a letter out asking me to fill a form in on what is wrong with me and what disability I have and am I registered disabled, also stateing, if I fill the form in and I am disabled I would be treated better. I know for a fact to ask a disabled person are they registered disabled is againt the disability act also if any firm or housing ask this, they are asking because they don't want to spend any money on accomodating you wether in work or housing. I would claim compensation from them as thats the only language they understand is when their pocket is being hit.
3 Oct, 2009
You go for it girl, don't let them get away with that, a little consideration goes a long way.
But that is no consideration!!!! Dohhhh it makes me sooo angry things like this make 'em have it.
3 Oct, 2009
I had this done a couple of years ago and i think i must have been lucky then, i didn't face any of this mess :- |
4 Oct, 2009
we had it done last year and before they came they asked us to move anything against the house, they even brought a brush to sweep up and i agree it is messy fluff, we also had a form to sign afterwards, I think youv'e just been unlucky or maybe if you had been in that day you wouldn't of had so much mess!!!
4 Oct, 2009
The council are putting new windws in for us in november.When I asked about my plants I was advised to move my window boxes and tubs.Also I have had two new garden fences and both times the workmen have been very good I only had some bulbs damaged but they flowered again the next year.Also as my leylandi tree got badly burned the council came and made sure it was safe they trimmed it for me and will come and every year to make sure it is still safe.
4 Oct, 2009
I've just been replying to a blog about the mindless vandalism by adolescents. This just makes you see why youth isn't growing up with any respect for other people or their property. It seems to be society in general. Its only decent to clean up after you, whatever you have done in someone else's home or garden.
Unless we complain to the right people it will never get any better will it? The right people are whoever contracts them or pays them I suppose. That is if you can't get any satisfaction from the people themselves.
I'm sure you will soon clear it up Fluff with a hose, but it does make you mad just having to.
4 Oct, 2009
Yes Denise you could be right...we were not given any warnings & no paper to sign tho' that sometimes comes later from the HA.
I get where you are coming from Morgana...quite understand the disability discrimination but I don't think I have any damage to claim for as such...just a mess! It rained today & washed the rest away so I haven't got too much to complain about was really annoying at the time tho'...having said that...
Hubby's still going to send the pics & an email to the HA Bob to show them this is how they leave the property. Louise & got the best deal...even brought a brush! ...but like you say, maybe if we'd been here...
Mavis & Mad...this is the first contractors we've had here who haven't cleaned up after themselves but I want the HA to rebuke them so that they don't leave this mess for a pensioner or disabled person to clear up.
Thanks for all your reactions to my grumble folks! :O)
4 Oct, 2009
Hey Fluff with an offer like that, plus I could park up in the car park before we come in and snaffle said boards, ............ Lol. Mind you, you did drive right past our place and not even a toot! ! !
4 Oct, 2009
There's only 2 boards Digger...been out to have a butchers...not enough for either of us! It's all metal poles ...sure I can find a use for them somewhere! You're still welcome anytime tho'...
Hey I did think of you guys as we zoomed past your patch...did you not hear the horn? Tooted like must be deaf!! Do you live anywhere near the chimmoes? :0)
4 Oct, 2009
Errrrr I'm not sure Fluff, is chimmoes a local word because it's beat me? ? ? ? ? ?
4 Oct, 2009
You Midlanders eh?! Chimmoes is the vernacular down yer for chimneys! As at the power station?! :o)
4 Oct, 2009
Ahhhhhh! Makes sense now, Well there are some at Ratcliffe on Soar but they are to far south of us and there are some more at Ferrybridge and these are to far North of us! so in answer to your question, 'do you live anywhere near the chimmoes?' well the definative answer has to be ...................... No !
4 Oct, 2009
Lol ;~))
4 Oct, 2009
I had to check with husband before I called you a 'midlander' instead of a 'northener'...wouldn't want to offend you by using the wrong location Lol!! I saw the river Soar...we went over it...& the Swift, Rother & Eresham! Never heard of any of them...but then have you heard of the rivers Shreen, Lodden & Cale?!
I love going somewhere different ...even if it is a bit prosaic on the motorways...but they take you to some lovely new places.
4 Oct, 2009
P.S. I'm just known as a 'poofy southerner' to my northern friends!! Or a 'southern jessie'!
4 Oct, 2009
Sorry about your plants but i agree i would put in a complaint aswell.
4 Oct, 2009
I will Carol...for sure.
4 Oct, 2009
Hiya ya SJ, the River Cale is near Marnhull, the lodden runs into the Stour at Gillingham and I'm not sure about the Shreen
4 Oct, 2009
You b******'ve googled them!
4 Oct, 2009
I didn't honestly, I used to go fishing around there.
4 Oct, 2009
That stumped you didn't it?
4 Oct, 2009
For sure it did! The Shreen is one of the 3 rivers of Gillingham. When were you in Marnhull fishing you dark horse?
4 Oct, 2009
You are right to complain they need to know what there workmen are doing .I have been lucky so far but we are due a full modernisation in the next two years and I am dreading that.
4 Oct, 2009
1986, 87 I went with a friend and his dad. He (the dad) had access to the fishing there then. I learnt to use a fly rod in the car park of a pub there, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of it. :~((
4 Oct, 2009
Marnhull? That would be the Crown or the Blackmore Vale Inn? The Crown used to be a coaching inn run by my ancestors!
4 Oct, 2009
I honestly can't remember, I can remember back casting into a big tree if that helps?
4 Oct, 2009
Nah...can't say it does...some kind of fishing term right? Doesn't sound very good fishing - wise? Not supposed to include trees into your casting? I'm right aren't I?
4 Oct, 2009
Damn your good woman, no pulling the wool over your eyes is there?
4 Oct, 2009
We had these little balls put in our walls too.....we had the dust too, but the rain soon washed it all away, no harm done in the end. What made me laugh was indoors, wherever a pipe or something went into a wall, there was a little heep of those white balls lol Haven't had a single spider in the house since we had it done either....must have filled up all their holes.
6 Oct, 2009
Rained today Sid...& washed the last of it away. Good news about the spiders...hope that happens here too!!
6 Oct, 2009
Despite the carnage they left behind,Fluff, I hope you have a lovely cosy spider-free winter!
I wish they'd do that here! We could REALLY do with insulation in the frozen North!
Digger, why were you fishing in a car park? Did you catch anything other than the tree?
8 Oct, 2009
I was learning to use a fly rod, very different to casting a 'normal' course rod. Lol.
8 Oct, 2009
I knew THAT!! What fly did you use to catch the tree? LOL!
8 Oct, 2009
It was duffers fortnight! can you tell me what fly's we used on the river? I didn't have one on when I was practicing
8 Oct, 2009
I would't know! I used to tie them for my dad, but never took much interest. I fished, but just used whatever fly I liked the look of!! :~))
8 Oct, 2009
Yes some of them are so pretty aren't they? Lol!!
8 Oct, 2009
Exactly! If you FORCE a girl to get involved in fishing, what can you expect?? I always caught more than my brothers!! LOL!
8 Oct, 2009
The Duffers fortnight is when the Mayfly hatch and rise to the surface so the only thing that trout will 'take' are Mayfly patterns!
8 Oct, 2009
Ok, never been to that one! :~)) The old man wouldve known tho!
8 Oct, 2009
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Oh Fluff, I know exactly what you mean....:(((
We had it done a couple of years ago, and the mess was awful. Just blast everything with the hose-pipe quick, and get the dust off your lovely plants....
3 Oct, 2009