What a wonderf...no...what a rubbish...world...
By fluff
Sorry if I sound a little bitter tonight but I thought I’d got this wrong & it had just been blown away by the wind or dislodged…but no…the heather I put at the roadside for Michael’s birthday was stolen within 24 hours of us leaving it there on our way to Yorkshire…
Presumably the same kind of lowlife who stole the solar lantern from beside his grave this summer…they are just token gifts to remember him by or make his grave a little more homely & personal…not expensive or worth anything… but these people just have to take don’t they?
I’m not upset any more just b****y angry.
8 Oct, 2009
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That is so sad....
I'm thinking of you...
... and of Michael xxx
8 Oct, 2009
How sad what kind of world do we live in?
8 Oct, 2009
That is evil!!
8 Oct, 2009
Oh Fluff what a shame
8 Oct, 2009
I feel so angry for you fluff , in fact I feel absolutely livid , have they no respect or feelings whatsoever ......
8 Oct, 2009
I know c**p isn't it? Thank you for your responses...everyone told me not to put a lamp in the churchyard & they were right...bound to get lifted...but you'd think they'd leave flowers alone. I wonder if someone's granny or mum got a nice surprise gift this week & thought the donor was so kind?
Oh well...Michael's probably saying 'it was me Ma...I moved it...pink flowers are no good for my street cred'.!!
Night everyone...never mind the bad guys...there's plenty of good ones around!xx
8 Oct, 2009
Get some rest, Fluff! Maybe Michael DID move them, you never know!
8 Oct, 2009
I am sorry Fluff I clicked the 'I like' thingy at the top, another senior moment I'm afraid, sorry.
Yes I know what you mean some people think it is fun to steal things like pots for flowers from graves, or like your heather or solar light, it's just mindless.
8 Oct, 2009
Thats Terrible Fluff, so upsetting, There's been ornaments took off my Mams grave and i was devested, id like to think it was kids and they knew no better..Thinking of you and your family.. Love Dee..
8 Oct, 2009
A beautiful Heather..Fluff...a beautiful gift for your Michael.
I often sold wind wheels for just this sort of a memorial..one mother walked through my store looking for something cheerful for her son..I helped her pick it out..some months later she was back..it had been stolen from beside the road..I sold the first at a good discount and the next one was free..but we discussed her making a memorial garden for her son and she did that..she said she carry's him in her heart so it made no difference that she could not put it there.
my heart and love..~Cat
8 Oct, 2009
Fluff I`m sorry to read this I understand your sadness and anger,some people find a sadistic pleasure in doing things lke that unfortunately. You have a lovely memorial patch in your garden for Michael and I bet he knows,nobody can interere with that, you get another lovely Heather and place it there Fluff.......
8 Oct, 2009
Sorry to hear this. I think it's terrible. Well I always think what goes round comes round and in time something similar will happen to them. Serves them right.
I hope you are all right and your anger and bitterness subside soon. You will always have your memories of Michael. Nobody can take them from you.
9 Oct, 2009
Unfortunately this seems to be the way of the world today. Selfish people who have no thoughts or feelings for others. I agree with Hywel ... what goes round comes round !!
Much love to you and Michael xxx
9 Oct, 2009
I have clicked I like this blog as it goes out world wide and every one then can see what this country has come to greed, selfish, thoughtlessness, how the kids of to day are sooooo bored or out of their heads on drugs that they have to do these kind of things, and how soft our sentances in law are too soft, how goverments are wollowing in their own greed that they allow and incourage this to go one, by not providing things to occupy their minds. I have studied life and what goes round comes round does work believe you me like Hywel says.
9 Oct, 2009
Some people are very , very empty and they do these things to try to fill themselves up...we must send them our good thoughts as well to try to lift them up out of their darkness. Our mad angry throughts only serve to send them deeper into their pain that is not right out in front for us to see. I have found this to be true..peace and love begin in all of our hearts and we carry ourselves down with them if we cannot look for the pain that causes this sort of an act. No happy peaceful soul could do it..
9 Oct, 2009
Sorry Cat, but I don't agree , as over here they know when some has died at a spot as there are dead flowers from one year to the next left on the sides of the road or tied to the lamp posts and we have over here tried this method by what we call good doers and they have not got better they get worse . What message does this send to children or adults who do behave, I have fostered these type of children and once the seed is set it is vertually impossible to stop them being like this. I am disabled and the lads up the lane was throwing bricks at my car, so I went to find them to run them down, I caught up with them a few days later and had them and told them I was going to run them down, they asked why I said so they too would know what its like to have no legs to be able to walk with, also see what its like without a car as this is my legs and then I asked the ring leader would he like his mum to end up like me and he said no, not once have they done any thing since, as I hit home to them if it was their mum. and this is the only way you ll ever stop them.
9 Oct, 2009
This sort of thing is incomprehensible Fluff. Why do these lowlife take delight in just spoiling things for the sake of it. They have no thought for others, doesn't even cross their minds. Don't let them upset you Fluff, Michael was yours and always will be - they can't take that from you. Treasure your memories in his special place.
9 Oct, 2009
Well yes and you managed to reach them with a thought of someone they loved. That is good that you did that Morgana...and glad that you did not have to actually run them down.
9 Oct, 2009
i have good experience of my x inlaws when they were young in and out of prisons. Its sad but it is the only way to these kind there are some who can be reached but few and it s the ones who have had a good upbringing some times are the worse.
9 Oct, 2009
So sorry Fluff, folks who do that sort of thing are just low life scumbags..
9 Oct, 2009
Something is missing..something terribly important is missing in these people..it is sad for us and them.
9 Oct, 2009
Cat over here the law does not punish these people any more until they end up killing and then they only get 9 yrs for murder and let off with in about 5 to 7 depends on the murder, they have taken any punishment out of the schools, most are on drugs, I have heard on the radio that we now have vigilanties uk wide,as the police won't do any thing, several people have called the police when getting injured in harrasment and the police have said its not their job. So they know they can do what they want and nothing gets done, the courts wont sentence them, the goverment have taken most things from them like the youth clubs, no teaching in the schools of hobbies to occupy their minds, no work as the gang masters, go abroad to get cheap labour, and bring them back at a fraction of what they would pay our people but we could not live off that wage like they could, our children cannot work abroad as most cannot speak fluent French, German, etc like they can ours. If your a one parent person over here you and your children are looked down upon, which these are the children who will be handling out lives in the future. eg nurses, bank managers, etc
9 Oct, 2009
I feel your anger
My big sisters grave had been painted, egged, flowers thrown around it.
complete sickos that only think of themselves.
You cant always blame the parents either, my sister was a bad girl at times but she was bought up well, just like the rest of us, jsut decided on a different path to take
x x x
9 Oct, 2009
So sorry to read your blog Fluff, we live in a very selfish world where little if anything is regarded as sacred. Your Michael will know (or feel) what has happened and that is what is important. If these low life's ever mature enough to form their own relationships they may one day suffer the same fate - I just hope they remember and feel ashamed.
Chris xx
9 Oct, 2009
oh Fluff its a sad world we live in.
it is very upsetting when something like this happens
9 Oct, 2009
Fluff, I'm so sorry....and sorry that I'm late reading this :(
Some people just don't seem to have any moral values any more.
Michael's spirit lives on though, and shines on in your life, so try not to be too upset about the plant....Michael wouldn't have wanted you to be hurt. Love and friendship is what matters....and there's plenty of that here on GoY for you xx
9 Oct, 2009
I've just read this blog too and really am sorry that some people seem to be always on the lookout for things to steal.
Is there some place where you took him as a child or one where he enjoyed going,that you could take flowers or a plant to ? That way you could remember happy times as well. xx
9 Oct, 2009
oh dear fuff so sorry to read this blog there is not enough respect these days,it happened to my daughter,s babies grave a few years ago the next grave to it kept having the ornaments and toys from our babies grave on theirs and they kept making theirs bigger and better than hers we could not understand why, but we would just leave the items on their grave they must have wanted them badly,you dont know how grief can affect people in different ways but im sorry about your situation it is not nice at all.
9 Oct, 2009
Oh goodness...it's gone 9 pm & I've just sat down to read all your comments...you lovely people...I can't reply to you all as I usually would as I have to go to bed early. We are very busy at work & I have to go in tomorrow. I have also been doing overtime this week & so had to rush back to cook Mum's meal.
This meant I haven't been able to talk to the couple who live opposite the place where Michael left the road. They heard the crash & went straight out to him...climbed down into the ditch where he ended up & sat with him until the police & fire service arrived, ( sat with him although they knew he was gone, for which I will always be so grateful). The point of telling you that is that they look after any flowers I put there & keep the grass down in summer...& I noticed tonight as I drove by that the lady had put another flower there for me...bless her, Margaret...she is so lovely.
Thank you all soooo much for all that you have said to me..I listen to your advice & experiences with open ears & I am very grateful.
I will put a heather on Michael's patch just as soon as I have a minute to myself this weekend...tho' his sister wants to be taken shopping on Sunday! She believes in living in the now...& why not at 21 years old...but her brother is never far from her thoughts.
I'm not upset or angry anymore...just resigned to the fact that there are many saddos in this world. Michael would tell me not to fret...so I won't!
9 Oct, 2009
I am glad you listen to what Micheal would of said .
9 Oct, 2009
Good for you, Fluff!
10 Oct, 2009
sorry fluff ,got your name wrong on last comment,
10 Oct, 2009
No worries Joan...I can be a right Fuff sometimes!
You are so right about grief affecting people's behaviour...especially a little child's loss. You have to forgive them as you did & be generous hearted.
10 Oct, 2009
Sorry Fluff for not getting this sooner but had a very long 2 weeks in work and not been near GoY for over a week due to being so tired each night.
Thoughtless, mindless, shallow, sad, brainless and above all, not fit to even mention your Michael's name.
They may have taken the heather but they can NEVER take away the memory of your boy who will continue to live on in spirit, mind & soul.
You're a good woman Fluff and Michael's strength is evident in you, as you 'deal' with these types of things.
What an amazing woman Margaret is to have put herself through terrific pain by sitting with him - a special lady no doubt.
Love, strength and joy to you Fluff in memory of Michael.
11 Oct, 2009
Thank you Dan...you're a star...sorry haven't seen your comment 'till now...there aren't enough hours in the day for work & Goy sometimes & sadly...work comes first. :0(
11 Oct, 2009
Know the feeling there Fluff! Hope to catch up on here this week with everyone and do a bit in the garden. Also having a day down the daughter & son in law's to start clearing their garden.....
Anyway, hope you're okay.
11 Oct, 2009
Have fun Dan! Is he going to blog it??
11 Oct, 2009
No I am I think! How ar you Marie? Seems like an age!!
11 Oct, 2009
I'm good ta! Busy trying to keep my head above water! Between Uni & work (not to mention bus time!) Im tail-chasing! I'm not in uni this week, but I WILL be working!!
I was offline for a week too! :~(
How about your clan? All good, I hope!
11 Oct, 2009
I think we all work too hard, rush about too much & don't have enough 'me time'...
11 Oct, 2009
Yes, its a busy world! I've made sure I have 3 "non-working" days, though I DO have to study! And do the garden! I'll try to get a me-day out of it tho!
11 Oct, 2009
Totally agree Fluff! Life is so hectic and just 'goes'......they should have National Me Day or US Day!!
No cards, no gifts, just me or us!!!
Gonna PM you now Marie
11 Oct, 2009
Ok, Dan! Great idea BTW!
11 Oct, 2009
I'm not even going to start! Things like this just get me right on top of my soapbox. I think the cockney rhyming slang to use would be "paper hats"!
12 Oct, 2009
Or bar stewards Merv ? ;o)
12 Oct, 2009
Definitely Bar stewards!
12 Oct, 2009
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29 Mar, 2008
What Bas...ds so sorry i just had to say that...!!!
8 Oct, 2009