Moving plants
By fractal_cat
Some plants, it is often said, resent being moved. In some cases that is true, and I am sure that we have all from time to time, agreed when any particular plant has failed to pull through after being transplanted.
When we decided to move house, we hit that awful moment when we realised that not all the plants in the garden could go with us. It was a trauma that we had to overcome.
Looking back, I wish we had brought along far more than we did. But, no matter now, what is done is done and we can start over. Besides, I still have hundreds of photographs.
The Paulownia was well established and flowered well, and fifteen feet tall so would have required a crane to get it out and over the house!
And the list goes on…
In the end we went around the garden and we dug up and potted a few dozen of our favourites.
Happily most have settled in nicely, indeed some of the geranium may well get divided up later in the year.
Among those that common-wisdom foretold of dire consequences if they should be moved are Trillum.
In the garden I had two variety – Sessile and Flexipes.
There was no way I was going to leave them behind. Sessile especially had grown into a clump some two feet across, Flexipes was newer, only a year in the ground.
I left it until the actual day of moving. Then with some trepidation I took the fork to the ground and dug out the bulbs (corms?). Sessile gave up its riches with a dozen or so of the bulbs. These were popped into a plastic tub I had reserved for the occasion. The same with Flexipes, which yielded three of the precious bulblets.
A year and a half later I can report that moving Trillium is not a problem.
I will add the caveat that perhaps we have have been lucky; Maybe they prefer where they are now to their previous life.. Who knows?
5 May, 2012
Previous post: Moving in.
Next post: My Favourite Tree.
Interesting blog. Stressful for gardeners when we move on and have to leave beloved shrubs etc.
Which plants did you leave, but wish you could have brought with you ?
5 May, 2012
Lovely pics., I sometimes think when its a case of needs must with the plants, its worth the risk, especially as in your case you were moving house so were leaving your favourites anyway, I`m pleased for you......
5 May, 2012
oh that is really good news, trilliums are fabulous arent they!!! i had been looking for one for two years! since seeing them at edinburgh botanic gardens.
one day we will move from this house and sorting the plants will be the most difficult part of all!!
5 May, 2012
If you'd left them you would have lost them anyway so it was always worth a punt - great result though!!
5 May, 2012
Far to many to list terratoonie.
I mentioned the Paulownia.. Along with that there would be -
Any number of Geranium, three or four Daphne, Astrantia, the little Mouse Plant whose name I always forget. Oh and the well established Buddleia alternifolia...
etc, etc..
6 May, 2012
hello there. I have just moved house and leaving my old garden was sad and depressing. I have recently joined GOY to find other gardeners feel the same way. I always think our gardens evolve and change . I love that Acer. I have just bought three! to cheer me up so there is hope! Look forward to sharing the evolution:))))
11 May, 2012
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They're nice looking plants. I'm pleased you took the chance of moving them. It's sad to leave a much loved garden. I've done it in the past, but sometimes it's the right time to move on. I hope you and your plants have settled in your new home now :o)
5 May, 2012