Pagan places - Cornwall - June 2002
By franl155
Chysauster ancient village – we had the entire site all to ourselves for over ninety minutes:
I usually try to photograph the information boards at sites, they don’t often come out as clear as this:
What a view to wake up to, in the Stone Age or now …
Nature moved in where people moved out:
Carn Euny Fogou:
Again we had the whole site to ourselves for as long as we were there; we only met people coming in when we were on our way out:
Modern entrance to fogou: the original entrance was a tiny one, and long since collapsed:
Side tunnel to Beehive Hut:
Lanyon Quoit:
Said to be the most-photographed quoit in Cornwall; not surprising, as it’s right by the road!
Pictures had to be from one angle only, so as not to show the tent pitched beside the stones; as can be seen from the date on the photo, this was Midsummer Eve , and someone was obviously ready to celebrate later.
Merry Maidens stone circle:
How we first saw them – that was a brooding sky if ever there was one!
12 Feb, 2012
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Great blog, Fran.
Fascinating photos and text. :o)
13 Feb, 2012
Lovely pictures I love Cornwall - but have not been to those sites - the last time we were down we visited Tintagel and Heligan - Marigold
13 Feb, 2012
Thanks all!
lol Nariz, will any of our buldings stand the test of that much time? doubt there'll be anything left to see after a couple of thousand years of total neglect - certainly not a tilted Statue of Liberty on a deserted beach!
Thanks, TT - *s* I kept the text to a minimum - didn't want to assume that "everyone knows" about these places, but keep the blurb as short as possible!
thanks Marigold. We went to Heligan too, but, sigh, that was in my "dormant gardener" stage - oh,t here's a plant that I don't know. Oh, there's another plant thhat I don't know. how interesting (yawn). *s* I might have enjoyed it more if I hadn't sort of had one arm twisted up behind my back to go there.
We could have gone to the Eden Project while we were there, but it was a bit too fr and a bit too expensive - Heligan was enough of a drive.
Been to Tintagel, too, but the pics are a bit bitsy, a pile of rock, another pile of rock ... need to see if I can make some sense of them that would even slightly interest others. There were some others that we didn't manage to find, and some that we did that I can't remember the names of, or the pics aren't that good.
Cornwall is a magical place, wouldn't mind movoing down there, if I could find somewhere in my price range (about £3.50!). I've got stacks of pics of Cornish coast, wonderfully dramatic scenery.
13 Feb, 2012
lovely photos : )
13 Feb, 2012
Lovely to see Fran and thankyou for adding the info...
13 Feb, 2012
thanks Stevie - sometimes the old film cameras worked better than digital! mind you, you've not seen the dozens/hundreds that didn't make it!
thanks LL, I didn't want to assume that everyone knew all about them, nor to assume that no one knew anything about them; tried to strike a balance
13 Feb, 2012
I think I lived in the stone age during a previous life - I enjoy seeing things like this.
They're going to put a wind farm near here, but the work has been stopped for now, because they've discovered a stone circle :o)
13 Feb, 2012
Hywel... I bet you're glad you built that Welsh stone circle all those hundreds of years ago ;o)
13 Feb, 2012
me too, Hywel, i've always been drawn to that era; pre-Celtic - I've noticed that the less that's known, the more interested I am: the Romans, ho-hum (besides, I resent the constant propaganda that we had no roads, laws, mobey, culture, civilisation or anything else until the Romans brought them over!)
Score one for the good guys! like we need yet another wind farm that will mostly be useful to net the developers mega-profits in tax breaks.
13 Feb, 2012
Oh I agree Fran. The only reason they're having them is because they will make money. If they didn't, they wouldn't have them.
They are constructing a road to the wind farm, right past the fronts of some cottages, that were in the heart of the countryside. Now they've got this big road going past their front windows :o( And they are churning the mountain-side up with big diggers to make the foundations for the turbines :o(
And all for 25 years of electricity for a handful of people, from windmills which will only work about 45% of the time (it will be either too calm or too windy)
Sorry I don't mean to preach, but the ordinary people don't seem to matter.
TT lol I should have built a few more I think :o)
13 Feb, 2012
lol rant away! i'm with you 100%. got to have wind power - after all, it's not as if Wales had enough coast, and enough tidal range, to make wave-power feasible, is it?? not enaough backhanders coming from that direction, I suppose ...
I think there should be a law that anyone who wants to build a wind turbine should have to build it right outside their own house, and see how *they* like it.
I've been checking out flint-knapping courses; don't know if i'd have the physical strength to do it, but only one way to find out - not that i can recognise flint unless it comes in neat little cylinders that go in cigarette lighters. but i bought some neolithic arrow-heads, and do wonder if they could be resharpened and hafted to use as ritual knives ....
13 Feb, 2012
It would be interesting to try that :o)
14 Feb, 2012
Goggle brings up zillions of hits: I found a flint-knapping demo on YouTube of Phil Harding, of Time Team fame.
Flag Fen, near Peterborough, does some courses in flint and other ancient technologies now and then, and there are other "ancient skills" bases around, but not sure of exactly where. There are some experimental arhaeology Neolithic villages, they'd surely do something?
Though I did find "how to make a cord slingshot" on Tie It All Together [TIAT], also on YouTube, and one can find plenty of how-to's there too. I made a slingshot, but tightened the cords because I wanted to make a small "basket" to contain something to hang on a "wishing tree" - I'd hesitate to practice with a slingshot round here, too many windows if I missed the target!
14 Feb, 2012
If anyone's still interested in the video "Sounds of the Stone Age" which I've been trying to get sorted and up to YouTube, this might work: I have Drop Box, which is supposed to be able to let people share vids etc - I don't know if the link works because it only opens in my Media Player when I try it! So I'd be interested in finding out if other people can view this.
if it does work, I can share more stuff, but first things first - it might only work when I have my PC switched on, so I need to find out if it works at all, and if so, when.
5 Nov, 2012
still not been able to get my Movie Maker working, but i found the whole thing on YouTube, if anyone's interested!
29 Aug, 2014
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Fascinating! I wonder what future folk will make of any remnants of our dwellings?
13 Feb, 2012