wall-painting so far
By franl155
Feels like I’ve been paining this bit of the garden wall forever! (actually, checking my dates, it’s been about a month). Some of that delay has been caused by the weather – rest of it’s been caused by my having to take fairly short sessions and a fairly long recovery time after!
The main problem is that the bricks are so cracked and pitted that one can’t simply paint over everything in one go
One coat of paint: it still looks like a bad case of acne:
Two coats: still got some covering-up to do:
I’m now on the third coat, using ½-inch brush and painting it inch by inch, trying to cover each blemish as I go along – some of these have had to be painted from four directions, rotating the brush, and I still can’t get exactly the right angle to get the paint where it’s needed.
Of course the result is very patchy, as I’m trying mainly to get all the wall at least some shade of white! Once that’s done, I can go over it yet again, or better, get someone with good contrast vision to give it a final coat to make it as much as possible the same all over.
Hopefully, it’ll all look like this when it’s done:
And then I’ve got the wall at the other end to do – lucky there’s more window than wall there! Maybe I should think about getting a paint sprayer, it should at least get into the crevices.
Apart from the weather, part of the reason why it’s taking me so long …
And most of the reason why I’ve stopped three bricks up from the ground!
3 May, 2012
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It looks clean and fresh Fran, you are doing a grand job...
3 May, 2012
Go Fran go!! That looks very arduous, I remember painting a stone wall a few years ago, I did find thicker paint and a bigger brush was the best thing, it filled the cracks much easier.......
3 May, 2012
Oh Fran that looks great, hope this awful wet weather hasnt spoilt it at all!
3 May, 2012
Hope the rain does'nt wash it of Fran ??? :-)))
3 May, 2012
Great job Fran well done:))))
3 May, 2012
Now thats dedication, well done Fran, Love the hat :-)
I have one like that to wear in the garden on a sunny day, now whatever happened to that hat!!!
3 May, 2012
i love that blue, im amazed at the difference between the first and second coats.
3 May, 2012
thanks all!
my local hardware shop only seems to do one kind of exterior brick paint, Janey; I did slap it on with a big brush for the first coat, but that had problems getting between the bricks, where most of the cracks were - even with half-inch brush i'm having probs getting the paint where it's needed. Maybe I should have slapped it on a bit thicker; never sure how much is "enough" and how much is "too much". ah well, this is my first go at exterior brick painting, I'll know for next time.
lol Sticki, the paint's "brillliant white", think it's the light and the camera that adds the tinge of blue, though I do wish it were that colour. Bit late, but maybe I could have bought some colour to put in it ... I wanted matt, so it didn't dazzle the way gloss might, but this was the only one they had. The second coat was also applied with a quarter-inch brush - a round one, so I could rotate it in both directions to get the poaint where it was needed.
I always wear a hat with a peak or a brim outdoors, Willi - with so little vision, I can't afford to have it decreased even more by dazzle. As a bonus, it also keeps the rain off, so I don't need an umbrella. That's my "gardening" hat - keeps the sun out of my eyes but allows some ventilation (hate the feeling that my head's baking!) - and being straw, when it's finally fallen to pieces it can go in the composter!
I did worry a bit about the rain, GM and Sham, especially the bit I'd just painted before the rain came back, but touch wood, it seems to have stuck; maybe it's only very wet paint that would be affected. or maybe it did run, but not so much that I've noticed.
Thanks, TT, what cateogry? :-) how *not* to do it??
3 May, 2012
Lol. Fran .. look above right ... "Walls" :o)
I couldn't find a category for "Fancy Hats" ;o)
3 May, 2012
lol TT, I keep forgetting that half my page is offscreen, cos of the zoom I use!
3 May, 2012
Lol. Fran.
And full-screen computer view isn't easy when you insist on wearing that hat indoors ... ;o)
3 May, 2012
lol, I've done that too, at times ...
3 May, 2012
I can imagine ....
3 May, 2012
so what do you want, Texturepaints, a paper hat? I've flagged this message. Go and be egregoius somewhere else
22 Nov, 2012
Hi Fran,
I am a new member, my name is Alan. The wall looks great and as Terra says, you have worked hard on it.
I know that because you've drunk a lot of bottled water to stop you dehydrating.... Very wise! Amazining that the colour is brilliant white, as you point out, the first couple of photos, it looks a very pale blue.
I have just looked up the meaning of egregious ....
Meaning 1. "Outstandingly bad, shocking.
Meaning 2. "Remarkably good".
Now I am confused.com ........... :~(
PS I see Terra doesn't have a category for "Fancy Hats" ..... Surely it would fit nicely into the "Garden Features" category ...... The Hat, not the wall ;~))
11 Apr, 2014
Hi Alan, welcome to GoY
shee, this blog feels as if it was written a hundred years ago ...
I measnt the "egregious" comment in the first sense - the only meaning I knew is "outstandingly bad" - whichver dictionary supplied your second meaning should check itself! the post to which it refers has been removed - can't now remember what it was. GoYers are lovely people, but the occasional worm does show its head -- not *real* GoYers, spammers and people with their own agendas.
lol the water in the pic is for the plants! I was determined that, when I finally got a garden (always lived in flats before, upper stories) I'd get a composter and water butts. Got the composter, but was ery surprised to find that there were no dowpipes to connect a butt to - no downpipes anywhere along the block. Dunno what they did with the rain! I don't like using a hose to water plants - too cold and too forceful (I wouldn't like being suddenly blasted with icy wqter when I'm sitting in the warm air relaxing!) - so I'd fill the bottles with tap water and leave them outside to let the water warm before use.
I've still got the hat! I've looked for another, to replace it when it finally falls apart, but haven't found one that feels comfortable - this one has a bit of stretch in it, so that it feels secure; others just sit on my head and wobble, feels like the first puff of wind would send them bowling down the garden.
I moved out in December 2013, now living in Shrewsbury - hope the new tenants appreciate my work!!!
lol there's a "welly boot" section in GoYpedia, maybe a "hat" one would go as well. But then there'd be "gloves" and - and ...
11 Apr, 2014
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You're working hard, Fran. Not easy when you can't see clearly.
I've added to GoYpedia :o)
3 May, 2012