A surprise from Sam
By franl155
Samjp said she’d send me some plants, which I looked forward to receiving.
I was stunned, however, when they arrived and I eagerly opened the box. Typically, I forgot to take any pics, but here’s the plants planted …
Verbena bonariensis
Campanula Blue Cups
Coreopsis Early Surprise
Scabious Beaujolais Bonnets
le tout ensemble …
It took me a little while to work out what to plant them in – I didn’t think I’d have enough plant labels to put one per pot, and I didn’t want to put them in troughs in case I mixed up where one plant ended and the next began. Eventually I remembered the herb planters that I’d found at the back of the shed, scrubbed them out and used them – there should be enough room for each plant, at least for now, and each type is separate.
I labeleed the tags A to D, as Sam had done in her packaging – much easier than trying to write the whole name on a bit of cut-up milk bottle!
2 Sep, 2014
Previous post: pond 4
Next post: B&Q haul delivered today
They're the best, Pam!
2 Sep, 2014
Fran, fancy forgetting you had such attractive little planters! Your garden will be looking fabulous next year.
You are right, people are so kind.
2 Sep, 2014
Well done Fran.
2 Sep, 2014
Excellent, Fran ... well done on the planting
.. and well done Sam on sending such lovely plants.
2 Sep, 2014
What a kind gesture, things are really going to look great next year. GoY members are known for their generosity :)
2 Sep, 2014
Lovely! What a lovely gift :))
2 Sep, 2014
thanks Stera and Alan and TT and Waddy and Karen
They wree chucked behind a shed, dirty inside and out, muddied and a snail-haven. There's obviously supposed to be six "pie pieces" to complete the wheel, but I've only found five, so they might do spread out a bit, but then I scrubbed them and put them aside and forgot about them till the light bulb clicked on over my head and I had an "Aha!" moment.
I really need to organise and start working on a planting plan, then I can take plants out of pots and find them permanent homes - once they're big enough. still working on clearning the dead shrubs and other assorted unknown plants from the borders, though. but still, not been here a year yet, so I shouldn't beat myself up too much. just a little bit!
I am SO glad that I found GoY!!!
2 Sep, 2014
:) :)
2 Sep, 2014
We are glad you found us too Fran! :))
2 Sep, 2014
*blushes* aw, shucks!
2 Sep, 2014
If you can bear not to uproot things until you've seen what they do in the summer you might have nice surprises in store. How's the pond?
2 Sep, 2014
I've been trying not to uproot anything except obvious weeds, and I give unknowns the benefit of the doubt every time.
The 100+ bulbs I planted in Marchcame up piecemeal, but next year they should look spectacular, coming up at the right time with a year's-worth of energy stored in them.
The pond looked a bit greeny, so I chucked in a Milton tablet to see if that would make any difference. might take a while to work, if it does at all. if not, I'll have to think again.
2 Sep, 2014
Its supposed to be a fine balance between oxygenating plants and surface cover re sunlight.....
not easy especially in hot sunny weather
it should be better in the winter!
we struggle because of the fish, milton is a type of bleach and could upset the life in the pond, not sure ? ? ? ?
3 Sep, 2014
I don't have any plants in, Pam, or fish - |'d never have used a chemical in the water otherwise.
I thought it'd be too small for both (though I yearn to try a miniature water-lily).
I planned to get one of those self-contained floating small water features; hoped that would provide enough water circulation - not been able to find one yet: Amazon has a few, but none that has uniform high reviews.
3 Sep, 2014
What a lovely gift ! Its great being on here , isn't it Fran !
I love your herb pots.
4 Sep, 2014
thanks Rose. I've got 5/6s of a set, maybe once I sort out my craft table I can cast a new unit, and hten maybe another whole set
5 Sep, 2014
Next year Fran get a bit of oxygenating weed, it will help to keep it clean, and maybe a floating water soldier......they bob about on the top......water lilies like still water, if you find a miniature one at a reasonable price I'd go for it, if it gets too big you could always split it but I think it will be fine,
the plants you put in will encourage wildlife, I wouldn't have fish , I think you could have a lovely little wildlife pond with water skaters and if youare really lucky frogs.........
5 Sep, 2014
would I need to put soil in the bottom for plants? or would it be enough to put it in a pot? not heard of a water soldier, but no doubt Google will be able to educate me!
If I can get mini water lilies, the fountain (if i get one) will be reloated, do'nt want it splashing the flowers and giing then suburn.
I don't want to invest in "life" in the pond unless I'm sure it'll be a good enironment for it; flowers and pond plants is one thing, fish quite another. and wildlife can come and go if it do'nt like what's on offer!
ps Google led me to Amazon - their water soldiers are out of stock, but they've got plenty of alternatives on offer. That's the prob with being a total newbie, a whole new field (or pond) to sexplore and discover!
pps need to look for "pond plants for beginners"!
5 Sep, 2014
Best 5o start next spring with plants, in a sharp winter they would die in a small pond
5 Sep, 2014
thanks Pam. It'll probably take me that long to stoop umming and erring anyway
5 Sep, 2014
Where did that 5 come from!!
Spring gives you lots of browsing time :0)
we have 3 ponds, the smallest just has a couple of mini waterlilies a reed and the soldiers, the middle one has Koi so no plants....they eat them and the big onehas goldfish and is a wildlife pond with dragon flies etc......fascinating to watch, even get ducks occasionally
mind the duck took to bathing in the small pond and made a heck of a mess!
they are a pair of mallards who drop in to see us occasionally
5 Sep, 2014
lol your 5 came from the same place as the extra "o" in my "stop"!
oh, it sounds good! do you hae pics, please??
5 Sep, 2014
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Oh how lovely Fran, aren't our Goy friends just wonderful ?
2 Sep, 2014