rhubarb, rhubarb ...
By franl155
As well as bringing me a stack of cut rhubarb from his garden (separate blog) Ron also brought me some roots, and some heather
That’s all one huge root system – I could lift it, but only just.
Next question, where to put it? I was digging up the main beds, so I thought the only place where it wouldn’t be disturbed for the foreseeable future was in the small “composter bed” behind the shed:
I couldn’t dig down very far, roots from the now removed quince 35 still immovable, so went down as far as I could then built up a collar round it:
I put some of the heather there as well (I’d thought it was all one piece, but there were half a dozen separate pieces). Ron said that he rhubarb would soon overshadow them, but they had little root structure so I wanted them in the ground asap, so they could start building up.
He wasn’t kidding about overshadowing …
And that’s only in a couple of weeks! I’ll have to find a new home for the heather pretty shortly if it ever wants to see sunlight.
Mpw I’m, going to have to start reading up on how and when to harvest …
update 150508 – exactly a week after that last photo:
I think I’ve got a bay Triffid! already one heather is completely covered and another is about to be – I’ll have to move all of them and hope taht they’ve got enough root to survive relocation so soon
2 May, 2015
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Great place for the Rhubarb Fran :)
2 May, 2015
I had rhubarb for years next to the concrete compost heap Fran. It lasted years and every year we had a few crumbles and rhubarb and custards from it. Very tough plant and very rewarding.
2 May, 2015
My friend Barbara had a lot of rhubarb in her garden which she cut and shared with me.....it all grew again and we had more crumble to look forward to.
2 May, 2015
thanks Pam and Karen and Dorjac and Linda.
I hoped that the compost would leak into the ground and so help it out a bit. I've done nothing to it since I watered it in after planting.
My friend has about a dozen rhubarb plants, he must get a fair stize crop from them all! One will do me very nicely; once I get a new freezer I can use it a bit at a time - I did have to blitz the two kilos he brought over, did'nt know how long it'd keep in a fridge
2 May, 2015
It looks as if you have found the right place for the rhubarb and it has settled in well. I have rhubarb and must admit it is in the flower bed, I just love the leaves which fit in well with other planting. After all what's the difference, apart from size, of a nice plant of rhubarb and a Hosta? Sadly I have planted my rhubarb where it is a bit dry and they are not keen on that, now today we have rain, so perhaps all will be well.
3 May, 2015
Its really taken well so think you picked the right spot, I planted some last year Fran and was beginning to think I 'd lost it but nope its popped up, mine was struggling a bit but it was my only space available, with plenty of encouragement and help from the compost bins I think it'll be ok.
Nice Heathers you have there, I've lost a few in the last two years, its strange that they got through the bad winters and succumbed during the mild ones but that's the way with gardening isn't it, gives me an excuse to buy some new fresh ones, lol....
3 May, 2015
That's certainly in the right spot, Fran, growing brilliantly. The heather looks very healthy too :)
3 May, 2015
thanks HB and Lincs and Gee
It seems to have settled in nicely – never grown it before so I don’t know how it’s supposed to go.
@ HB – it doesn’t matter where it is, I think, though it might bother some purists! The foliage can be decorative in its own right.
Could you try adding some moisture to the area you’ve planted yours? When I was at the community garden, I buried a 5-litre water bottle beside tall plants to get water to the roots. Mind you, I made the holes a bit big, I had to refill them regularly.
Got rain here – lol I only asked for a little to refill my butts, but it seems I should have specified it a bit more clearly!
@ Lincs – glad yours has come back, fingers crossed it thrives.
I’m not sure if the heather is the same variety as I already have – I thought mine was shorter, but when I looked at old pics I found mine was taller back then. only time will tell, maybe.
It is odd that they’ll stand up to the worst and yet fail to the milder (lol bit like West Ham United!) – maybe they need the stimulus of the harsh winters to flourish.
Lol does one need an excuse to buy new plants??
4 May, 2015
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I think it likesit there, its doing very well....
2 May, 2015