Tree Mendos
By gardengirl1
Friday 25th September I’m lying in bed in the front bedroom thinking it’s time to get up, I hear a noise outside – a large vehicle. What me thinks is going on? – no it can’t be, can it? – No they’re not going to cut down the tree, are they? -Can’t be? can it? Not the big huge tree that blocks my light, sheds it’s leaves twice a year over my front forecourt and puts sticky sap all over the wall and window. NO!
Not this tree that I’ve known for 25 years?
Not this tree that kept my house cool on hot days? (I knew there was a good point somewhere)
YES. I got out of bed, peeked through the curtains. It certainly could be. Another minute – is that a chainsaw I hear? It is! It is YES!
I ran downstairs (sorry I lied – run is an impossibility). I struggled downstairs and grabbed the camera. I need a record of this!
Dash it the sun’s in the wrong place.
TIMBER! Hey where’s your hard hat? The council official from the yard across the way came over and told the Lumberjack to come down and put one on – To which he replied " I’M A LUMBERJACK AND I DON’T CARE". Sorry Mr Councilman.
Hurry up I want this tree down!!
It’s getting thinner. Sorry I only got the sawdust snow on video.
Oh NO – is this real have they really done it? Really – after all the requests they never listened to, the letters and the phone calls. OK – so they did thin it out once – on October 17th 2004.
Me and My Shadow. Oh sorry. No leaves. No shade. NO SHADOW!!
I think my gutters need cleaning now – oh yes – and the windows, ( KEITH – the windows need cleaning! ) The house needs painting too. Oh dear – more money.
I love trees in the right place and if its yours you can chop a bit off. If it’s your neighbour’s you can ask politely. But the council just weren’t keen. One day I’ll plant a tree in it’s memory.
We do have the last LOG. MY little souvenir of a good day. It’s going to be a feature in my back garden.
AND YES I KNOW it’ll grow new shoots and leaves. Oh now, there’s a thought I could get a panda that ‘Eats, Shoots and Leaves’
28 Sep, 2009
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Thanks Spindle - I've had my assistant edit it as we speak. LOL.
28 Sep, 2009
I thought I was the only person in the whole world who had read that were probably right the first time.
28 Sep, 2009
It certainly looks different Gardengirl 1,what a difference.
Did the council clean up after themselves.
28 Sep, 2009
Lol....great made me laugh Gardengirl :)) Hope you had time to put dressing gown and slippers on before you ran outside with the camera...? :))
28 Sep, 2009
Im really happy for you GG, we had ours took out this year, and just about now i would be out clearing the leaves every day for weeks and no berries permanently marking the car.. what you going to do with all that light hahaha..
28 Sep, 2009
got me giggling too...;-))
28 Sep, 2009
What a difference this will make to your house. Of course we all love trees in the right place and this clearly had outgrown it's place. Great blog GG
28 Sep, 2009
Fantastic blog GG and well written.
It's a pity when tree outgrow their welcome as they make such wonderful habitat for so many forms of wildlife BUT, that said, we have a big, ole tree next door which blocks out sun on our Greenhouse and worries the neighbours at the bottom of our garden - we're on a corner plot - as one big branch hangs over their conservatory!
The woman next door is older and alone - and not the 'happiest' person in the area - and can not afford to have it chopped down.
We would be happy to have half of it done as the birds and squirrels love it on there but don't know who would do it.
Does anyone know if it would be worth contacting the local council or forestry commission as it is actually in her garden not on the street?
At least you'll have light now and a leafless front garden!!
Nice one GG:0)
28 Sep, 2009
Yes, it made me laugh as well! I bet you're pleased to see the back of the tree that outgrew its welcome, GG!
Did you yell 'TIMBER' as it fell??
Ob - your neighbours are allowed by law to cut off the offending branch up to their boundary - as long as they give it back to the tree owner!
28 Sep, 2009
I think the problem is getting up there. I don't think, in fact I know, the neighbour wouldn't mind if the whole thing was cut down but she couldn't afford to have it done.
28 Sep, 2009
I'm glad it's gon. I'd hate it outside my house aswell
29 Sep, 2009
Having trees in streets is lovely but councils are not so good at
a/ selecting suitable species
b/ maintaining after planting.
29 Sep, 2009
Thanks for all your great comments. The house has been here for about 100 yrs and I think the tree has too, but what got me was the council were cutting them back in other places where they were much further from the houses.
Stripes - they attempted to clean up but still got sawdust coming in the hall.
Young DD - the light is great but it shows even more that the decorating needs doing and may need blackout blinds in the bedroom next summer.
29 Sep, 2009
What a great blog....I found it just now and had a good laugh. I do know the feeling about trees being too near but when I approached our Council I was promptly told I was in a Conservation area and all my trees have preservation orders on them.....eeek...we planted the B things...surely we can decide when to take them back down...but no.
So - delighted you got your wish eventually GG..."let there be light" indeed!!
7 Oct, 2009
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- A Day Out at Sudeley Castle and Gardens
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Or is it eats, shoots and Great to get your light back and the log will make a great garden feature.
28 Sep, 2009