More and More.
Hi all, Here are a few pictures of my Fuchsia cuttings that are taking up so much space, i will soon be looking for a tent...
Fuchsia cuttings
Hi all, This is coming into Fuchsia cutting repotting time. Each year i threaten to not pinch out too many but every year...
Taking Cuttings For SparklySocks
*Sparklysocks asked me for step by step instructions for taking cuttings from her Penstemons.
1 Choose a non flowering shoot...
Taking cuttings
I have been a nurseryman on and off for 22 years . I was a manager in charge of a Medical records department in a District...
Growing plants from cuttings.
This year, I decided to have a go at taking cuttings from various plants in my garden. I had tried Penstemons last year...