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Cabbage anyone
By Yorkshire

11 Sep, 2011
Husband cut this lovely cabbage from the garden to have with dinner tonight.
Comments on this photo
That looks lovely.
11 Sep, 2011
Amazing colours in there Val.
11 Sep, 2011
nice stir fried with nutmeg!!
11 Sep, 2011
hey Sticki, didn't know that secret ingredient! ps, been to creative's a long story!
11 Sep, 2011
What a long will that last you ?
11 Sep, 2011
that looks great Yorkshire...
11 Sep, 2011
blooming eck Yorks, thee have no trouble wi the bowls after that.
11 Sep, 2011
hi val thats a beauty you cant beat home grown i bet it taste as good as in looks :))))
12 Sep, 2011
Thanks all, first year we have grown cabbages and there are plenty more in the garden, this one Bloomer will do at least three or four meals for the two of us, your right mark, tastes lovely from the garden and smells like a cabbage,and it tastes lovely,
12 Sep, 2011
Just nicked herbs, green beans, carrots, chard, tats, chillies from the kitchen garden we are meant to be sharing with the boss!! So yummy!
But that's the best cabbage I've seen in a long time!
12 Sep, 2011
what are you making lulu? vegetable curry??
12 Sep, 2011
Good lord, the band has just turned up, D got the day wrong, dinner on hold!!
12 Sep, 2011
oh no lulu, you make me smile!! no dinner for you??
12 Sep, 2011
Why are you all making nice food things ,all i can make is things i cant eat not a to do :((
12 Sep, 2011
wish i could make the things you make mark.
12 Sep, 2011
me too!
Well I had a quick medley of veggies and a very hot chilli pepper now it's time for a Sluggy cuddle while I listen to the band downstairs.
12 Sep, 2011
ahhhh dear sluggy; glad you got something for tea!!
12 Sep, 2011
Thats a beauty Yorkie, Ralphie certainly knows how! Im into sweetheart cabbage at lazy and its so easy to the taste too.
13 Sep, 2011
we like sweetheart cabbage, he has grown some beautiful cabbages here, and you know what Tet, they taste and smell different, lovely, lamb chops tonight with some more of theis cabbage, Mark my dear boy, we girls put some good recipes on here, give them a try, go to R at the bottom of the page and click on recipes,
13 Sep, 2011
Nice healthy one there...we're cutting too...and they are delicious...enjoy...:))
14 Sep, 2011
these are january kings, Lol a bit late or a bit early, hard to explain, a lovely smell to them, like if you buy a supermarket cabbage they don't smell, and the flavour of it is gorgeous, first time we have grown them, will definately grow more, still got another 6 ready.
15 Sep, 2011
Mine have done well this year, but I had too many in too small a space.
I would have had one last week but ended up in hospital.
I have a mixture of January King - also late and something else - the seeds were free.
but very well done - you can see my by looking at my pics
16 Sep, 2011
hope you are o.k. now L/o/m will take a look at your pictures
16 Sep, 2011
Wow, thats a beauty Val, we are beginning to look like a runner bean, we have had an absolute brilliant crop this year, best ever I think and they are still going and still has flowers on them, although a bit windburnt. My sweetcorn has also been battered and snapped, but still have some that are OK.
17 Sep, 2011
Wow what a whopper!!!
19 Sep, 2011
same here with beans Lin, had another pot full last night for dinner, and like you they are still in flower, 6 more cabbages in the garden Pp the same size, taste delicious,
19 Sep, 2011
I bet they do, Pleased you enjoyed it, it looked delicious!
19 Sep, 2011
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Oh that looks good val can you get ralph to send me one down for dinner.. : O ))
11 Sep, 2011