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Close up of Sarcococca flower......
By Milky

2 Mar, 2010
Comments on this photo
Looks nice and fresh. Does it have a smell?
2 Mar, 2010
good close-up maureen ;o)
2 Mar, 2010
Heavenly :-)
2 Mar, 2010
2 Mar, 2010
Greenthumb it has a smell like you wouldnt believe......Really heady honey scent.........Thanks all.......
2 Mar, 2010
bought a small plant just before the bad weather struck Milky...sitting in porch since then....the smell is divine ! Not risking planting out until these hard frosts are over...lost too much in the garden as it is : 0 (
2 Mar, 2010
Our have survived so far, but the leaves look a bit on the yellow side, as you say Milky heavenly perfume......
2 Mar, 2010
Im sure it will recover Dotty......and you will be able to plant it soon Bonkers ......I hope....!!!!! I have lost a few plant too including my beautiful Stephanotis which was in the greenhouse, but the cold got through to it.....Tut ....
3 Mar, 2010
4 Mar, 2010
Thanks Sixpence.....
5 Mar, 2010
: O )
6 Mar, 2010
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thats lovely Milky
2 Mar, 2010