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White Skimmia Flower "From Dawn"
By Jacque

26 Mar, 2010
Comments on this photo
Oh this is lovely, Jacque, it looks so dainty! :~))
26 Mar, 2010
That is a lovely flower , imagine what it will be like when it's big and covered in blooms .. :o))
26 Mar, 2010
lucky you, its beautiful
26 Mar, 2010
Thats lovely Jacque....mine are nowhere near opening yet......Lol
26 Mar, 2010
26 Mar, 2010
This must be S.j `Fragrans Jacque....I must get 1 to go with my red
S,rubella these are non-fussy shrubs, you will really love your `Skimmia
when it is fully grown....Well look how nice it is already Jacque.:>))
26 Mar, 2010
Great close-up picture, Jacque!
28 Mar, 2010
Thanx every1 for your kind comments :)
29 Mar, 2010
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Featured on: close up flower pictures evergreens gardening with friends
This photo is of "Skimmia "White"" in Jacque's garden
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Thats lovely, i keep getting all these flowers and things, not a clue where to put them.
26 Mar, 2010