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snakes head
By Irish

29 Mar, 2009
Comments on this photo
they are lovely alright M
30 Mar, 2009
Very nice.
30 Mar, 2009
thanks Toto
30 Mar, 2009
Yours are just that much ahead of mine..........
30 Mar, 2009
Lovely markings!
30 Mar, 2009
thanks PP
30 Mar, 2009
im sure yours will be open soon Holyeves
30 Mar, 2009
Yours are in front of mine as well Eileen , they are lovely :o)
Watch out for Scarlet lily beetles .. :o)
30 Mar, 2009
Waiting patiently for ours Eileen !
30 Mar, 2009
thanks for the warning Amy
31 Mar, 2009
aw i hope yours open up soon too BB
31 Mar, 2009
We had loads of these last year - this year, only one! I tink the squirrels have pinched them!
31 Mar, 2009
awww, ah well one is better than none GF
31 Mar, 2009
Ooh one of my faves Eileen...they are so unusual with the snakes skin it!
31 Mar, 2009
Just emerging Eileen ! !
31 Mar, 2009
aw great BB
31 Mar, 2009
this is the first yr i have had them in the garden Janey, dont know why i never grew them before now
31 Mar, 2009
Hi Everyone, thought about growing some near my pond, in the grass. Do you think they would muscle their way through the grass?
31 Mar, 2009
That's so amazing! What kind of plant is it?
3 Apr, 2009
its a Fritillaria snakes head Delonix
3 Apr, 2009
They have come out today Irish.............
3 Apr, 2009
aw thats great, bet your well pleased now
3 Apr, 2009
yes im going to put some pics on ....
3 Apr, 2009
cool, ill go have a look
3 Apr, 2009
Oooooh, I want some of these beauties !!! I've not seen them around here, darn it !
12 Apr, 2009
FL , i could look for a pkt of bulbs here for you, would they allow them into the states if i posted them over?
12 Apr, 2009
I don't Know Irish, I've only bought seeds overseas. I'll have to google them to see If I can find a supplier around here, I'm sure I'll be able to find a mail order nursery who will have some. Thanks for the lovely thought though Irish , you're a sweetheart !
16 Apr, 2009
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I love Fritillaria's Eileen............I love the marking on them
30 Mar, 2009