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GOLDFINCH......14th jan...2010
By Motinot

16 Jan, 2010
Comments on this photo
That old feeder has been with us for years janey....i gave it a bit of a scrub and re-filled it...My bird pics are not so good...I have to take them from inside the birds are very shy lol...Thanks for the bird name....:>)
16 Jan, 2010
Its a lovely pic.....he looks like he can't make his mind up...peanut or fatball..Lol!
16 Jan, 2010
I think he was doing a balancing act.. lol
16 Jan, 2010
Well done in capturing him
17 Jan, 2010
Good shot.
17 Jan, 2010
Beautiful pretty bird.....
17 Jan, 2010
17 Jan, 2010
What a beauty.
17 Jan, 2010
Thanks everyone for the lovely comments.....
17 Jan, 2010
~my goldfinches will only eat Niger seed or Sunflower hearts~yours mustn't be so fussy or maybe mine are too fussy!~ they seem to spend all their time on the feeders but fly into the trees as soon as the back door opens so I can't get good pictures either~ need a new camera I think!
17 Jan, 2010
is it gold or bullfinch ?
19 Jan, 2010
John, my friends Janey and Arlene say its a goldfinch and i think they're right....The bullfinch has a black head and a red chest...(see?....i'm learning )>)
19 Jan, 2010
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Pretty Goldfinch Motinot, and thats a smashing feeder, no wonder he couldn't resist!
16 Jan, 2010