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spring '07
By Flcrazy

4 Mar, 2008
Comments on this photo
can't spell...should read forsythia. haha. getting old.
4 Mar, 2008
Very good Lori .!! On the large trellis is a loncera 'john clayton' with yellow blooms,(down low on the pole). There is a large leafless vine above the loncera, that is a trumpet vine.The bright pink shub in the background is an azalea bush.
4 Mar, 2008
What a Fantastic garden you have Flcrazy :D
4 Mar, 2008
Amazing. You must have put in a lot of work! It looks like you have good growing conditions too.
4 Mar, 2008
Thanks so much everyone !
4 Mar, 2008
Yes,the more I see of your garden the more I like it.
18 Apr, 2008
This is a lovely view............ haven't the bushes and trees bloomed soooooooo pretty this year.........sooooooooo many blooms...........smiles
8 May, 2008
great garden
10 May, 2008
I'm blown away!
That area is absolutely STUNNING!
My compliments to the "chef"! ;-)
23 Aug, 2009
This is the time of year when I feel 10 years younger and my heart starts to race with the thoughts of Spring arriving ! It's been a while since I went back through these old pics N2. Thanks for the memories !
23 Aug, 2009
So serene !
30 Aug, 2009
I keep coming back to this photo because it gives me inspiration for the next growing season.. Such beauty and diverse plants! I just LOVE it!
FL, you NAILED this area!
31 Aug, 2009
Glad you like this pic N2. This really is a great time of year, but I I really prefer the way this section looks a month after this, in mid May. I have a pic of it on page 4 second pic on second row. See what you think about it then...:-)
31 Aug, 2009
Very beautiful, what is the white shrub near the pergola please
22 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bidget ! That is a spiraea cantoniensis.
23 Oct, 2009
Photo 34 of 374
What else?
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huzzzahhh! big wow! let's see, spirea, fosythia, japanese maple,
what's on the large trellis? mertensia, tulips, daphs..what's the bright pink in the left background? dicentra?? i think...
this is lovely.
4 Mar, 2008