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veggie patch 2
By Milky

19 May, 2009
Comments on this photo
What have you got growing here? Are they tomatoes and springs cabbage?
19 May, 2009
Nothing like home grown.
19 May, 2009
Lovely Milky, are your cabbages Savoy like mine?
19 May, 2009
Under the netting is a row of cauliflower and a row of Purple sprouting Broc.....The netting is to keep the cabbage whites out. Tomatoes are planted where the poles are....
19 May, 2009
Your very organised Milky - , the white butterflies will be arriving soon no doubt then. My Dad's cabbage were always invaded by wood pigeons.
19 May, 2009
Well they are a problem too Dawn
19 May, 2009
They are so good, everyone wants a bit, lol
19 May, 2009
I havent had much luck with cauliflower for some reason, I have some seed but was too scared to try them this year. The curds on last years were very tiny and poor, then as they grew bolted, I must be doing something wrong :-) maybe its the soil.
19 May, 2009
I have found that they dont start off very well if done in compost. I had to sow the seed in garden soil and they do need plenty of watering. As soon as the plants are big enough, I fold in the outer leaves to cut the light out from the middle where the head forms......But you have to check them regular because once they do start to form, they grow very fast and go to seed very quickly........
20 May, 2009
Good looking veg patch. I only wish I had room for one.
20 May, 2009
You could get an allotment Toto...........
21 May, 2009
I know but not sure I would have time to give it proper care.
21 May, 2009
Of course you would.......the hardest part would be getting it underway, after that its no probs.....just maintaining.......
21 May, 2009
Hi Milky
I have just planted some Broccoli will the butterflies lay eggs on that , Should I be netting the Broccoli?
21 May, 2009
Oh yes Mccrimmon....the old cabbage white will love it my get it netted
22 May, 2009
I used to have two allotments until a few years ago Milky. I suppose I had them for about ten years but then work started getting in the way and with that and trying to get home straight etc, something had to go.
22 May, 2009
That's a shame you had to give it up Toto - were you put on a waiting list when you first applied to get one?
22 May, 2009
Yes Dawn. I was on a waiting list for about six months but not sure why as there were plots that were vacant when i started and they remained vacant for, maybe a year or more afterwards.
22 May, 2009
I guess they are council owned, well, say no more .....
22 May, 2009
Sorry Toto......didnt want to rub salt.......Its a shame you couldnt keep them..........
22 May, 2009
No problem Milky. I have, recently been approached by a couple of members of another allotment society who have suggested that I join them, but I can't make my mind up. Time is not a problem anymore as I was made redundant from the company that I had worked for for twenty two and a half years last November and although I have now found another job which I start next Tuesday, it is fairly local and only three days a week. The downside is that it only lasts until October. The upside is that it is a gardening job. Well a grass cutting, strimming and general groundsmans job right next to the River Crouch at Hullbridge.
23 May, 2009
Hullbridge....god what a small world...Thats where my 1st Hubby came from....
23 May, 2009
I think we spoke about Canewdon and the surrounding area before. It's not a bad part of the world really.
24 May, 2009
Well I wish you all the luck in the world with the new job Alan, These last few months must have been very worrying for you....Loads of hugs and kisses from this side of Essex....x x
24 May, 2009
Thank you so very much Maureen. We in Essex don't lie down easily do we? I'm sure the job will be fine. Just a bit of a shame that it is not a permanent position, but never mind, a job is a job even if not for long, it's better than nothing.
24 May, 2009
I agree Alan....We are of "sturdy stuff" in this county....Whilst its not permanent, you never know what it could lead to, and it is doing something you love, so thats a bonus. I always feel that as long as its appreciated, then you can get a lot of satisfaction from that. I shall be thinking of you Tuesday Morning my friend...x
24 May, 2009
Thank you.
25 May, 2009
Hi Milky. Can you please tell me what's in your garden growing at the moment. I have my first onion sets in and early carrots but that's it. Indoors I have courgettes, beetroot and French beans sown. Do I need to do any more yet. Forgot to say potatoes are chitting nicely
27 Mar, 2010
Hi the moment, like you the onion sets are in and parsnips and carrots and beetroot. Our poatoes are chitting in the shed. Today I have planted out my early peas which I started off in little paper pots. Also I have this week sown brussells, cauliflower and cabbage seeds in the cold frame. Hope this helps you Pauline .
27 Mar, 2010
Thanks Milky. I was thinking it might be too wet to sow the peas outside, so i'll grow them in pots at the weekend. I found some seed from 2004!!!!! don't think they willl grow but I will try, probably wasting my time so I bought some more just in case. i will so my cabbage as well. I have a cold frame and maybe lettuce to.
29 Mar, 2010
Maureen, so nice to see your picture from last May has been re-released. I love to see your veg plot, it fascinates me how you bring it all together. Cant believe we're only a couple of months away from this.
29 Mar, 2010
Nor can I Dawn So far only the onions are showing and of course the peas that I put in I just hope the seeds dont rot with all this rain......Lol
30 Mar, 2010
Hopefully the ground has warmed up again these last 2 days. Wed was freeeezzzzing.
3 Apr, 2010
Bet it was Dawn.........Lol
4 Apr, 2010
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19 May, 2009
Onion Unwins Exhibition Seeds
£1.99 at Unwins -
Pepper Chilli Bhut Jolokia Fiery Furnace Seeds
£3.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Pepper Chilli Jalapeno Seeds
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Pepper Sweet F1 Gypsy Seeds
£2.99 at Suttons Seeds
all growing really well milky
19 May, 2009