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By Janette

5 Jan, 2009
This is one of the lilys for the flowers my friend sent me ,they smell beautiful....
Comments on this photo
Lovely shot, great colour..
5 Jan, 2009
Thanks ladies...
5 Jan, 2009
its so lovely janette
5 Jan, 2009
Thanks Eileen ,it smells beautiful as well..
5 Jan, 2009
Wonderful close up photography.
Well done :o)
5 Jan, 2009
So pretty!
5 Jan, 2009
Thank you ...
5 Jan, 2009
Stunning!......such a delicate shell pink....lucky you Janette!
5 Jan, 2009
Thanks Janey I like this so much I am going to see if I can find out its name and get some bulbs for the summer I think it could be one called Mona Lisa but not to sure .
5 Jan, 2009
I was hoping you would know it's's the sort of pink that would go with any flower.
5 Jan, 2009
Lovely shot .
5 Jan, 2009
I am sure someone will know just which lily it is Janey
Thank FF ....
5 Jan, 2009
Oh its beautiful Janette. Be careful of the pollen though as it will stain anything....permanently. I speak from experience. I had a lovely lace tablecloth once.... :o(
If this lily is inside you can just pinch off the pollen covered bits so it doesn't get on anything.
5 Jan, 2009
Great looking lily....
6 Jan, 2009
Nice close-up, it's beautiful!
6 Jan, 2009
Lovely snapshot.
6 Jan, 2009
Lovely shot ...I like the smell to Mmmm !
6 Jan, 2009
Thanks guys and thanks for the advice Gilli I have now snipped of the little pollen bits lol
9 Jan, 2009
Lovely picture Janette! One of my youngest daughter's favourite things to do when she was younger was put her nose into these and get covered in pollen!
10 Jan, 2009
I love these lillies,sadly they have to stay outside..they give me a headache pretty
10 Jan, 2009
Gorgeous lilies, mmmm....., smells heavenly !
11 Jan, 2009
Must have missed this photo earlier. Beautiful flower. The scent is lovely but I agree, can be overwhelming. I once had a visit from 9-yr-old triplets, who I had tutored after school for 2 years. They had brought me a bunch of these as a goodbye gift, and when the poor boys arrived, they escaped from the car at great speed with very red faces, gasping in great lungfuls of fresh air (Drama 101 to be sure), as they had been trying not to breathe in the scent for the last hour of the journey from the florist...
8 Jun, 2009
very beautiful picture..Elke, I just remembered a few years ago we had been given lilies too. I had to leave with my daughter for a few days of camping with a churchgroup.I returned to find my husband upset with a strange smell at home,he looked high and low but could not find the source and it left him frustrated.When i got home,it did not take me long to find out what the smell was all about.
26 Jan, 2010
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O Janette its Beautiful :D
5 Jan, 2009