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Pittosporum tennuifolium
By Karenfrance

7 Jun, 2012
Comments on this photo
They do seem to be a bit precious, Bloomer...fingers crossed for you! I'll probably have difficulty keeping this one alive... ;)
7 Jun, 2012
We have this Karen - done me proud - just be careful come winter with frost - or as this Summer's going anytime with Frost! Beautiful shrub
7 Jun, 2012
Have you got it in the ground, Paul?
7 Jun, 2012
Yes Karen - in top border :))))
7 Jun, 2012
Oh! Well! I feel better about it now! Thanks! :))))))
7 Jun, 2012
Looks like the same one I have..mine is in the ground K
7 Jun, 2012
Love this one. Haven't got one yet, but so pretty
7 Jun, 2012
Sad to say, I am just too far north for these. I lost my lovely big one in that awful winter and I shan't try again. Pity as they are so useful for winter colour, especially this lovely variegated one!
7 Jun, 2012
Lovely. Mine keeps fighting with the frosts :) It's now fighting with the fennel!
7 Jun, 2012
I have a black one that's rally not doing too well!
7 Jun, 2012
Hi everyone!
I'm so glad to see that you all have this one in the ground. I went to a different nursery this week and the woman said that I would have to protect it in, for her to be saying that - here - made me a bit apprehensive - lost enough last year... :/
Maybe as long as it's in a sheltered spot it'll be fine!
Now, I'm away to google a black one... ;)
7 Jun, 2012
Lovely Karen - I have this - in a pot, over wintered well in neighbours greenhouse!
8 Jun, 2012
I know, Scottish! Can't you see I've got it in the same coloured pot??
I stole your creation, shamelessly...hope you don't! ;)))
8 Jun, 2012
Well now you mention it.......of course I don't mind - the dark pot shows it at it's best as it picks up the colour on the stems :) I'm actually quite chuffed :))
8 Jun, 2012
:)))) x
9 Jun, 2012
Nice healthy shrub Kf. I have Pittisporum Abbotsbury Gold which has a gold stripe through the leaf. It was planted in Summer 2009 and is doing very well. It has come through two really bad winters. It is described on the label as half hardy. It is among other shrubs so maybe that helps.
10 Jun, 2012
They had just come in from the growers and looked really splendid!
Meadowland said that too about other shrubs providing shelter, Sg...but, I don't think I'm going to put it in the ground because I liked the colours for the filter-bed Med. garden. Of course, that won't necessarily stop me from getting another one for the ground at a later date, now that you have all given me confidence that it would have as good a chance as any!
I'll probably wrap this one up for the winter though, just in case...although, you'd think for all the world that it is winter right now...
10 Jun, 2012
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This photo is of "Pittosporum tenuifolium" in Karenfrance's garden
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Lovely shrub,Karen..I do like this variety...I have the 'Tom Thumb' one..and managed to get a cutting going last summer..a long process though..could be a long wait ! :o)
7 Jun, 2012