Chicken Burglar!
By gattina
No, it doesn’t mean I go around stealing chickens – we don’t have to – we have dozens on our doorstep.
Joking apart, we took a break from the garden yesterday and drove up to Lake Garda for the day. It was perfection in every respect! I must have criminal tendencies. I admit to sneaking a pair of secateurs into a shopping bag just in case I was tempted to “trim” some of the incredible still-flowering oleanders they have lining the lake front and sneak a few little cuttings back to try rooting them. I turned chicken. I went all virtuous. I couldn’t do it. How British is that? No Italian gardener would have hesitated, and I have absolutely no doubt that if we had managed to find a park and gardens worker he (or she) would have very joyfully given me a sackful. Does anyone here admit to “liberating” bits and pieces from parks and gardens?
I took my camera with me so I could share the almost-out-of-season-nearly-empty-of-tourists beauty of the lakeside and it’s gardens, but the batteries failed (I only fired them up a week ago) and so I won’t be able to wow you all with the photos. Oh Dear! It means we’ll have to go back again next month. What a chore.
28 Sep, 2011
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We may go to Lake Garda,in the future,Gattina..we stayed at Lake Como in may this year,and visited L.Maggiore..a lovely holiday..I must admit,my first 'borrowed' cutting,was a Emerald and gold Euonymous...from a driveway of a supermarket,many years ago...I now have five of them,and done a couple for friends..:o).I used to work for the same company,so looked on it as part of my staff discount !! Lol.
28 Sep, 2011
Hi, Sticki, We're about a 2 to 3 hour drive away (depending whether you're a timid Brit Driver or a mad Italian one). No, never been to Lake Tenno - is it good? There are so many lakes, I doubt there's any chance of finding them all.
(I)We've been coming to Garda for about 50 years now, and find it so perfect we are boring enough not to want to stray.
Oh Bloomer, I quite understand about the staff perk - I'd have done the same. If you know Maggiore, I think you'd find Garda every bit as lovely, but possibly less exuberant in the flower garden line. It's the stately old lady of the lake area! Let me know if you decide to make the trip!
28 Sep, 2011
Lake Garda was the first place we ever stayed at in Italy.
Lovely place, lovely memories.
28 Sep, 2011
We just adore it - my family discovered it rather by accident in 1966, and we've been going back, with a few breaks every now and then, ever since. Oh gosh that makes me feel old!
By the by, Frybo, I see you are a big Geoff Hamilton fan, and I've been reading your blog from back in June. I couldn't agree more with all the comments - he WAS the best. I still have, transferred to dvd, a few episodes of a television programme where he visited gardens round the country, some very modest, some not so modest, all unique and all of them created with real love and enthusiasm, and it was obviously during the post-production stage of this that he had died. There was a postscript by his brother. I was watching it back at the beginning of March this year while we were snowed in and we could get no proper tv reception on the satellite. Brilliant stuff.
28 Sep, 2011
Tenno is beautiful - much smaller than Garda, walking distance from Riva.
There is a photo of it on my photos - 6th page I think?
28 Sep, 2011
I've just gone off to get an atlas - you must have sturdy walking legs to do Lago di Tenno from Riva, Sticki! We used to drive to and from the UK every year and come down from the Brenner Pass via Arco to Riva and then down through the Gallerie via Limone - fabulous views, horrible drive. Thank you, Mussolini! We must have passed very close by, but the little lake I remember on that journey, I think, must have been another one. I'll see if I can find it on your pictures in a minute, but right now theres a cuppa waiting for me out in the garden.
28 Sep, 2011
Tenno is fabulous and there is a restaurant looking over it. Limone is where I would like to stay tho!
That's some drive you did!
My dad drove to Naples once - we camped on the way, small car - not so good!
28 Sep, 2011
We used to camp, too - very uncomfortable, but it was the only way we could have afforded to do it. Does anyone remember the days of the £50 foreign currency limit? We were just discussing yesterday what a marathon it must have been for him. An underpowered car packed to the roof with camping gear, luggage and us, my mother having kittens because she could see the steep drop on her side of the car on those twisting mountain roads, him the only driver and no power-steering. He only had a fortnight's leave to do it in, there and back as well. No wonder he was bad-tempered for most of the holiday. I wish he were still with us to see us now, living in the place he used to love so well. I still picture him sitting by the lakeside, a Campari soda in his hand, trying so hard to relax after a drive of three days and 900 miles. Ah, Happy times.
28 Sep, 2011
Sounds a bit familiar! Except for the Campari!
28 Sep, 2011
Yes I have to admit to taking cuttings from the botanical gardens etc , years ago. My gran did it and I copied her lol
I wouldn't do it now. I'd get caught on cctv :o(
28 Sep, 2011
Oh dear you really have to go back fo get the photo`s Gattina, lol, I`ve never been and don`t s`pose I ever will, so I`ll be waiting for yours, please.......
28 Sep, 2011
i did a little blog a while ago if that helps lincslass ~ just for the meantime??
28 Sep, 2011
Lovely photo, Gattina, and the lakes sound lovely! Were we not still conducting our love affair with this country we've adopted, I'm sure we'd be winging our way to Lake Garda right now. (Only visited Italy once - won a two night break in Rome - unforgettable!!!!) And, yes, just like you, a pair of secateurs travels with me 'just in case ......' I, too, love the oleanders that thrive along the central reservation of many main roads. I might ... just ..... attempt getting close if the roads are clear one day (as they often are). Hm ........ ;o)
29 Sep, 2011
I too am looking forward to your photos Gattina as we have never been to Italy and probably won't now as hubby likes an easy holiday now going from our local airport ,which is only about a 20min. drive away.
9 Oct, 2011
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Thank you for the lovely reminder of a beautiful place! I'm sure it wouldn't hurt the orleanders!
I have tried the odd 'cutting' but they haven't been very successful. Seed heads that I have 'picked up' have worked tho!
How far from lake Garda are you? Have you visited Lago de Tenno (?)
28 Sep, 2011