The turkey has arrived!
By gattina
Friends have just arrived (getting on for midday) with our promised turkey. It’s hanging in the cellar, with a devoted circle of pussy cats gazing adoringly up at it, awaiting a concerted effort on our part before I can even think about cooking it. There will only be four of us at Christmas lunch, and the turkey weighs 10.5 Kilos! It also still has all it’s feathers and innards, which will need a lot of removing. HELP! We have reached an agreement, OH and I; he will pluck it if I chop the head and feet off and clean out all the insides. I can see us still be at it until well past tea-time, up to our knees in feathers when I had hoped to be relaxing by the fire with a cuppa and a mince pie. Hey-Ho! Guess who has just retrieved the emergency 2 kilo shop-bought turkey from the freezer? Moi!
The forecast is for snow tonight, so we may just get our white Christmas after all. Watch this space!
24 Dec, 2011
Previous post: Happy Christmas everybody!
Next post: Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful........
Thank you, Sticki, I think he may well keep flying 'til New Year! The cellar is now full of feathers! At least he had a very happy, free range life.
24 Dec, 2011
do you have turkey feather duvets?
24 Dec, 2011
It's HUGE! I should have got OH to stand next to it before I got my camera out to give you some idea of the scale!
24 Dec, 2011
Years ago my wife was the accountant for a 'free-range' turkey farm (the turkeys were 'free-range' not the farmer).
Every Christmas he'd employ gypsies as pluckers; my goodness, they were good at the job.
Perhaps, if one comes selling clothes pegs, you could offer them the task; although I'd keep my eye on the family silver when the feathers fly.
Merry Christmas.
24 Dec, 2011
OH has finished plucking - MY turn now, (Gulp!)! Oh, and by the way, it has just started snowing! House smells lovely with woodsmoke, mince pies cooking, and beeswax polish. Here comes Christmas!
24 Dec, 2011
This brings back bittersweet memories we used to rear and sell turkeys and large chickens. about 1,000 at Christmas time, OH did the killing (usually started 14 days before, praying for cold weather, so they could hangup in the sheds outside) then we had a team of feather ( a machine took the worst of the feathers off.... then we drew them( me included) could hardly move my hands by the evening, the worst year was when we had geese, had to be done completely by hand..........Oh what memories, it has taken us years to eat turkey again, but the flavour of those turkeys and chickens!!
Enjoy your lovely turkey, I will think of you.
24 Dec, 2011
Eeek! I couldn't do it!
Anyway enjoy it all and very Merry Christmas to you! :)
24 Dec, 2011
ooh I couldn't do the preparing - can't even take the bag og giblet things out yuck - have a nice Dinner though and Christmas :))))))))))))))
24 Dec, 2011
you could take a photo of the ceremonial carving!! would love to see that!!
have a wonderful, turkeyfull time!!
24 Dec, 2011
Cor! Memory lane or what? if there were a brace of Pheasant a Rabbit and a couple of Pigeons thrown in. Every time you opened either the pantry or shed (built on, and now a shower room) door this type of vision would greet you.
My niece asked my mother for butchery lessons last year..Charming girl she is. Rabbits were obtained...dead ones.
24 Dec, 2011
Mission accomplished! Had to send OH up the snowy garden with a bucketful of nasty bits to bury, and he had an escort of cats the whole way! That was one job I'm not in a hurry to repeat, but the kitchen smells a whole lot nicer now. There was a whole lot of guesswork involved, and the poor thing was a bit of an untidy mess by the time I'd finished, but we've cleared out a whole section of the freezer and got the turkey in. We decided that such a big bird, however gorgeous, would be wasted on just four people. We'll probably cook him on New Year's eve instead and invite a load of friends.
It's just turned midnight here, and looking out of the window, the whole world looks so beautiful under it's new blanket of snow. What else can I say but
24 Dec, 2011
happy christmas gattina, if you have time tomorrow it would be lovely to see a picture of your winter wonderland!!
24 Dec, 2011
Happy Christmas.. XXX
24 Dec, 2011
Best of luck with the chopping it head of, mmmm i dont think i could do it hehe have a happy christmas and new year :))
25 Dec, 2011
OH chopped the feet and head off using the trusty axe!
We had the most wonderful Christmas lunch, and I cooked the little supermarket turkey I had bought as an emergency standby.
26 Dec, 2011
Recent posts by gattina
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good luck gattina! looks like he is flying!!
bet it will taste good.
happy christmas
24 Dec, 2011