My garden in July
By geranium_gem
Well, quite a lot has happened in July :o)
The Buddleia started to flower at the beginning of the month and is now full of flowers, although sadly not full of butterflies, I’ve only seen a couple so far.
Spiraea Japonica:
Started flowering in early July and still going now, the flowers look lovely close up but it’s a bit squashed by the Japanese Anemones where it is at the moment, and it’s looking a bit straggly, so it may need some regenerative pruning, or relocation … more thought needed on this one!
Jacob’s Ladder:
I discovered this growing behind my shed. I’m going to dig it up and re-locate it eventually as I like it and think it deserves a better spot :o)
Rain and Water Butts:
On 5th July I got my first water butt installed. The second one is still waiting to be connected as I forgot to buy the tubing to link them together, oops! They’re only small (because I wanted them to fit underneath the window so I wouldn’t see them from indoors) but overnight on the 5th/6th July it rained so much that within 18 hours the connected butt had filled completely, I’d bailed the water out into the second (unconnected) butt, the first butt had re-filled, and I had a bit of flooding which, although annoying, was put into perspective by what had happened to other people :(
Japanese Anemones:
I wasn’t expecting these to flower for a while yet but they started flowering on 9th July. This was the first one.
I was slightly disappointed as I’d hoped they’d be the white ones, but they’re pink. Oh well, they’re still pretty, and there’s now lots of them.
This wasn’t looking well at all when its first flower opened on 11 July. Realising I’d neglected it I gave it some food and care, and it’s looking a bit better now and a few more flowers are opening.
Giant Scabious:
This mystery plant finally revealed itself as a Giant/Yellow Scabious (Cephalaria gigantea) as it changed from bud to flower.
In certain light (i.e. sun!!) it looks a brighter yellow, but most of the time it looks pale yellow like this.
I was so happy that the bottlebrushes flowered! They both looked so sorry for themselves earlier in the year, I had thought this year would be a re-growing year and maybe flowers next year…but I’ve been treated to a few lovely flowers :o)
Flowers started to open on 21st July.
This one started flowering a bit later than the other one, not till about 23rd July. I think it’s a Spiraea x billardii ‘Triumphans’.
Unknown variety but quite bright and cheery.
I have Bishop of Llandaff and Honka Red, but have only had a few flowers so far. I decided not to pinch out the growing tip on one the Bishops, just to see how tall it would grow … the answer is 5ft 5" – so how exactly did a slug get up there?!
Overview of my garden at the end of July:
…and so THANK YOU to everyone who’s helped me with all of the ID’s and advice I’ve needed through July ;o))
28 Jul, 2012
Previous post: Baby blackbird
Next post: Lovely Lilies
Hi Gem ..Lovely set of pics ..
those spiraeas are very pretty :o)
28 Jul, 2012
I really enjoyed looking at your pictures GG, you have so much going on. I like the look of the Giant Scabious - I do like the almost buttermilk like colour.
Jacobs ladder is a lovely plant - I have a blue, purple and white one.
Thanks for sharing :)
28 Jul, 2012
Gorgeous photos! My Japanese Anemone is also starting to flower at least a month earler than usual. It's a white one and has rather taken over. If you do buy a white one they are good at spreading so value for money :-)
28 Jul, 2012
Those are lovely plants you have.
I've got loads of the white Japanese Anemonies, if you like I'll send you some. I'll have to get rid of a lot anyway because there's too much of it here.
29 Jul, 2012
Thanks for all the nice comments :o))
Hywel thank you so much for the offer that's really kind :o) I haven't got any ground to plant them in at the moment though, the border I eventually want to plant things in is currently covered in weed-control fabric which I'm going to need help removing ... I'm hoping to get it done in Sept so if you still have some anemonies - now I've got the spelling right too lol ;) - to get rid of then I'll gladly take you up on your offer!
30 Jul, 2012
When would you like to have them ?
Send me your address in a private message and I'll post them when you're ready ...
30 Jul, 2012
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Great blog Gemma and beautiful photos. Not seen a butterfly in my garden for months now :-(
Really like the Giant Scabious and Jacobs Ladder. ;-))
28 Jul, 2012