Back in the garden: part 2
By geraniumdad
Its May 22nd now, the wind is screaming around my garden and I cant get out to take any decent photos, so I will use some I took at the end of last month.
My raised beds have done really well this year as you can see, especially my Aubrieta and Dianthus.
This next photo is of a tulip flower: I can’t remember what species of tulip they are. They put on a good show this year.
Not a good photo but hopefully you will know the plant anyway: Viola soraria ‘freckles’ is the name I think.
A lovely plant with really nice flowers in early spring.
This is my Kiwi fruit: looking good so far, but not expecting any flowers for another year or so.
This is a Pelargonium I am growing in a pot in the garden. The leaves are lemon scented: really nice.
This strange looking growth is a flower stem on one of my Thalictrums with unopened flowers on it. My mum in law (former nurse…) said it reminds her of ‘piles’!
Part 3 of the blog should be posted next weekend if everything hasn’t blown away before then.
Happy gardening.
22 May, 2011
Previous post: Back in the garden: part 1
Next post: A cornucopia of clove scented carnations!
Lovely garden
22 May, 2011
Lovely raised beds and laughing at your m.i.laws description !!!
22 May, 2011
Oh, stop that! I have a Thalictrum called Thundercloud! D'ya think that's where the phrase 'going to the thunder box' came from!? Lol! Your raised beds are fabulous!
22 May, 2011
PILES!!!!! LOL. couldnt stop laughing Gdad. Love your Aubritia in that bed, super.
22 May, 2011
You have these winds aswell ? :( It's rough here too :( more like winter. I hope the nice weather comes back soon.
Your garden is looking lovely. I like your raised beds. They are very pleasing to see.
23 May, 2011
those raised beds look really lovely, i love the slate. the little viola is very sweet; im amazed at your kiwi doing so well ~ should it be renamed as it is now growing in yorkshire???
23 May, 2011
Great pictures of your raised beds, everything looks so neat and colourful! :-)
24 May, 2011
Several trees down around the city after the strong winds and my fence nearly blew away! I lost 1 tall lily: it snapped off at the base, but never mind, there are plenty more in the garden.
25 May, 2011
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11 May, 2011
Looking good, GDad....I especially like your raised garden with the large slate pieces....very effective.
lol @ the flowers reminding your M-I-L of piles!
22 May, 2011