Deleting favourites.
By ginellie
I know this is going to sound like a really strange thing to do, but I think by not having any favourites I am going to see more photographs and read more blogs and questions generally.
I’m not deleting favourites because they are not anymore, it’s just that pretty well everyone who has joined GoY is a favourite, so I thought it might be best for me to just look at as much as I can from members new and old.
I don’t know if this makes sense, but I kind of know what I mean.
Looking forward to much more of GoY.
27 Jun, 2009
Previous post: Sophie
i understand what you mean. this is so addictive.
27 Jun, 2009
I try to look at as much as I can but I still have favourites. You don't have to see only what your favourites put on. There's nothing to stop you looking at other photos and blogs aswell.
27 Jun, 2009
I do not have favourites, as I like every single members garden pictures and look at all of them every 5 minutes and keep up with all of them. I read every single blogs, most of the time I say something.
27 Jun, 2009
i also understand Ginelli theres so much tolook at i get my self in tizzy agree with u Seaburngirl it is addictive i go up stairs to tidy over put laundry away take 1 look at laptop and i`m gone LoL .washing still sitting have to stop this LoL :~)
27 Jun, 2009
Whatever suits you best Ginellie.It is so hard to keep up,especially if miss a few days,but sure nobody takes offence.Been catching up myself today as missed quite a lot through being busy at work.
27 Jun, 2009
Thanks for all your comments. I think this will work best for me because, like Michaela, I love looking at all the garden pics and I am interested in most questions and blogs. I think I'll see more this way in the time I've got.
27 Jun, 2009
Sorry Ginellie but I can't see the sense in deleting your favourites.
There's nothing to stop you seeing the photos of all members, and there's nothing to stop you seeing all the blogs either.
You don't have to look at only your favourites. I can't see what difference deleting them will do. You can see all the other photos anyway.
28 Jun, 2009
It's definitely hard to keep up with everything. Difficult to know what to look at first and the more you participate the more there is to keep tabs on!
28 Jun, 2009
Well, as I said Hywel, it makes sense to me. The thing is that I could really add favourites everyday, but then I might just as well not have any and look at everything. Otherwise I risk being a bit like Brucie - 'You're my favourite'!
28 Jun, 2009
I feel the same as you really - everyone is my favourite, But if someone adds me as a favourite I tend to do it back to them as a way of saying thank you. However I try to look at the photos of 'non-favourites' aswell otherwise I feel I'm being mean. The trouble is there are so many now it's difficult to keep up with it. lol.
29 Jun, 2009
I have only favourited (is that a word?) TT as I got so caught up in Conker's problems and needed to see how he got on. I don't favourite anyone else as I feel (stupidly)as though I'm slighting those I don't favourite. I'm getting quite manic about photos as well and feeling bad if no one has commented on a photo and feel I must fill the breach. Is all this good for my health? Is there enough time? If anyone comments etc on one of my photos, I have to look through theirs and comment. Some have thousands of the things, it really is a full time job. I must get a grip!!!!
29 Jun, 2009
I rarely seem to get very far in the photo section. By the time I've checked out the homepage and any ongoing comments, then the latest blogs, then the questions there never seems to be time to spend long on the photos. I do this at least twice a day so should be able to keep up!!!
29 Jun, 2009
I always look at the pics and blogs etc through the main page where I can see all members, if I see someone growing something I like or have or doing a garden project, then I add them to my favourites so I can keep updated on their progress without having to search for it again.
9 Aug, 2009
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I know exactly what you mean, i find it so hard to keep with them all, think you need to be on goy 24/7 to keep up with it all.
27 Jun, 2009