Beware of the Blandford beastie!!
By grandmage
Have you read about this rather devious beastie that lurks in our lawns or nearby? Well I am nursing a rather nasty bite to my leg, cannot possibly show you photos as it is in a very awkward place! However I was bitten on Monday evening, I had been busy as we have had one of our conifers (five to go!) cut down by at least three quarters of its enourmous height and had to get cracking to start to clear it away. Well I dont like to waste time so I was clearing under the tree in very dry conditions lots of rotten wood and twigs and I was walking back and forth to the house, doing allsorts it was early evening by this time. I felt something on my leg and just brushed it away and thought nothing of it, until the next day when I realised I had been bitten I immediately sprayed the bite, a small red patch at that point and went about my duties as usual, only to read about this ‘fly’ in the daily papers. It said there has been a 50% rise in hospital admissions for insect bites this June alone. Well if you could see my leg today, two days later, the bite has become about 8" long by 6" wide and the centre looks like a throbbing damson, purple in colour, swollen and painful. Luckily mine hasnt blistered as it says it might and that if it did you would have to keep it clean for more than a week!
Mind you the remedy in the paper says, have a ‘Blandford fly’ beer because there is an enzyme in the ginger that reduces fever and swelling and this ingredient is in the ale!!
So Cheers everyone! I dont drink so will make do with a cuppa and maybe a ‘ginger’ biscuit might help!
Take care in your gardens, there are beasties about!
31 Aug, 2011
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oooooh that was quick Helen, it really is believe me, going to bed now am shattered. Thank you.
31 Aug, 2011
So sorry to hear this, really should see your GP,or visit A&E ,if it doesn't improve..I know we all think 'It will pass' but please take care..I don't drink either,but if I thought it would help,I'd have a crate full !! Lol.
31 Aug, 2011
I have to agree with Bloomer, Gm, don't leave it too long before you see a Nurse or GP ... these bites can take an awful long time to recede.
31 Aug, 2011
Those blandford flys are really bad couple of friends have been bitten in previous years and there bites took ages to go away. Take care Grandmage:)
31 Aug, 2011
That sounds very nasty, I`d get it checked out especially if it starts to swell up...
31 Aug, 2011
Oh dear Gmage, never heard of it. will have to give it a google! Hope you are ok?
1 Sep, 2011
I would certainly suggest an appointment ASAp with your GP, just to be on the safe side. If you start to feel at all unwell, get yourself to A&E
It is better to be safe than sorry.
You should always seek attention if a bit or sting grows bigger than 2cm.
1 Sep, 2011
How is it today Grandmage, any better? If not you really should go and see the quack. Take care now.
1 Sep, 2011
Hi all, I slept for England last night and never heard a thing til quite late this morning, either it is this bite or the effects of the anti-hist, not sure but still feel dopey today, thanks all for your kind advice, the bite is larger today but not enflamed anymore just this massive red area with purple centre! Alextb, didnt know about the 2cm rule, mine is about 22cm Lol. That feeling of heat is still there but I keep thinking (Bloomer!) that it will be alright and I dont want to bother anyone. We went to the GC for a trip, lovely day today, and I came home with some new plants, so that has cheered me up, just got to plant them now! Lol. Keep safe and many thanks for your kindness. x
1 Sep, 2011
That sounds a really nasty one, Grandma ge . . . you're right about the anti-histamines . . . they really do help you to sleep well. Hope you continue to feel better. x
1 Sep, 2011
Hope it is on the mend,Grandmage..just be careful out there,planting your new ones are a glutton for punishment,aren't you? Lol.Keep those legs covered..not that they won't be a nice pair of legs..but you don't want a matching pair,do you ??.:o)))))))
1 Sep, 2011
never heard of it ................ but hope you better soon madge xx hugs
1 Sep, 2011
Thanks Sheila,Bloomer & Cristina, it is definitely subsiding now I am glad to say, but boy it was a biggen!! Bloomer I will keep my legs covered, I even thought of buying bicycle clips to put round my trousers!! Lol. I also got loads of bulbs today as well, but wont plant those yet, i am scared to go out. I am on the mend now, honestly. Thanks for caring. x
1 Sep, 2011
Lol,Grandmage..I can just picture you with the clips on..:o)) glad you are feeling better..x
2 Sep, 2011
saw bicycle clips in Poundland yesterday LOL could be worth buying GM :o)))
glad you are feeling a bit better. Take care.
2 Sep, 2011
Helen, thank you, I wish i'd known that info. earlier, i went to the high st. this morning and walked past poundland!!! Lol. Thanks B. glad you had a laugh on my behalf!!! Feeling great today. x
2 Sep, 2011
Hi Grandma . . . I've come out in sympathy! But my bite is not as big as yours - "just" a 3" x 4" swollen, red, madly itching patch on my upper arm - felt a prick yesterday (ha ha), but couldn't see the culprit. It managed two bites on the back of my knee too, so the anti-histamine is coming into its own. :))
3 Sep, 2011
Oh Sheila they are little devils arent they? Hope you are Ok. Once its done there is nothing to do except get sympathy from all around! Hubby has been marvellous. Have you got some anthisan cream that can help as you can put it on as many times as you like, unlike the others where you are limited to usage. Hope you get better soon. Little B's.!! :~)
3 Sep, 2011
Thanks G . . . yes, my hubby went and got another tube of Anthisan, and it does help a BIT. Out tonight for a posh 'do' so mustn't scratch!!
3 Sep, 2011
Sorry you have been bitten as well,Sheila..and also sorry I smiled..not at your misfortune,but the thought of you having an itch,and daren't scratch it !...That is just the worst thing,isn't it ? You will have to keep excusing yourself,and nip to the loo...:o)
3 Sep, 2011
Thanks Bloomer . . . luckily the Anthisan did the trick! We had a brilliant time - remember Christopher Biggins? - he was at our local theatre where he "opened" our new Youth Wing . . . a laugh a minute, and the alcohol did me good, lol!
3 Sep, 2011
Glad you were ok,Sheila..and yes,I do remember Christopher Biggins..he makes me laugh too..pleased you had a good night..:o))
3 Sep, 2011
3 Sep, 2011
hope the after effects of your bite are all gone GM
25 Sep, 2011
Oh yes thank you Helen, all well now, I had a really nasty leg for about two weeks, I am now wearing trousers to garden in. Lol!!
25 Sep, 2011
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sounds nasty GM :o(( hope it is better soon
31 Aug, 2011