The wonders of using WD-40 !
By grandmage
This was sent by e.mail from a friend, thought I would share it with you all. Amazing stuff.
Ken East (one of the original founders of this product) says, quote. “there is nothing in WD-40 that would hurt you. It’s a miracle! Then try it on your stove top … Voila! It’s now shinier than it’s ever been. You’ll be amazed”.
Here are some other uses
1. Protects silver from tarnishing. 2. Removes road tar and grime from cars. 3. Cleans and lubricates guitar strings. 4. Gives floors that ‘just-waxed’ sheen without making them slippery. 5. Keeps flies off cows! 6. Restores and cleans chalkboards. 7. Removes lipstick stains. 8. Loosens stubborn zippers. 9. Untangles jewelry chains.10. Removes stains from stainless steel sinks.
11. Removes dirt and grime from the barbecue grill.
12. Keeps ceramic/terra cotta garden pots from oxidizing.
13. Removes tomato stains from clothing.
14. Keeps glass shower doors free of water spots.
15. Camouflages scratches in ceramic and marble floors.
16. Keeps scissors working smoothly.
17. Lubricates noisy door hinges on vehicles and doors in homes.
18. It removes black scuff marks from the kitchen floor!
19. Bug guts will eat away the finish on your car if not removed quickly! Use WD-40!
20. Gives a children’s playground gym slide a shine for a super fast slide.
21. Lubricates gear shift and mower deck lever for ease of handling on riding mowers.
22. Rids kids rocking chairs and swings of squeaky noises.
23. Lubricates tracks in sticking home windows and makes them easier to open.
24. Spraying an umbrella stem makes it easier to open and close.
25. Restores and cleans padded leather dashboards in vehicles, as well as vinyl bumpers.
26. Restores and cleans roof racks on vehicles.
27. Lubricates and stops squeaks in electric fans.
28. Lubricates wheel sprocket s on tricycles, wagons, and bicycles for easy handling.
29. Lubricates fan belts on washers and dryers and keeps them running smoothly.
30. Keeps rust from forming on saws and saw blades, and other tools.
31. Removes splattered grease on stove.
32. Keeps bathroom mirror from fogging.
33. Lubricates prosthetic limbs..
34. Keeps pigeons off the balcony (they hate the smell).
35. Removes all traces of duct tape.
36. Folks even spray it on their arms, hands, and knees to relieve arthritis pain.
37. Florida ’s favorite use is: ’cleans and removes love bugs from grills and bumpers.
38. The favorite use in the state of New York , WD-40 protects the Statue of Liberty from the elements.
39. Use it for ant bites. It takes the sting away & immediately and stops the itch.
40. WD-40 is great for removing crayon from walls. Spray on the mark and wipe with a clean rag.
41. If you sprayed WD-40 on the distributor cap, it would displace the moisture and allow the car to start.
P.S. The basic ingredient is FISH OIL. .. would you believe it?
I have always used this product but didnt realise it was this useful!
20 Aug, 2011
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Thank you Grandma ge . . . that's amazing. Sounds as if we should all start carrying some around in our bags. And how on EARTH did someone discover that it keeps flies off cows??!!!
We might well spray some on our greenhouse roof - to keep the pigeons away?
20 Aug, 2011
That must have taken you ages to write Gmage!!
May try it on my joints!!
20 Aug, 2011
Amazing - and I thought nothing could beat duct/gaffer tape for versitility
20 Aug, 2011
i might use it on my horse too ............. gone in favs too ................. thanks !!
20 Aug, 2011
Brilliant! Thanks! :))
20 Aug, 2011
The only drawback seeming to be the smell of it - it will clear your blocked sinuses no bother!!!
20 Aug, 2011
Incredible ... gone on to my Favourites! :o)))
20 Aug, 2011
Brilliant, is going on my Faves too..thanks for that :o)
20 Aug, 2011
LoL Sheilar!
20 Aug, 2011
Will bear it in mind - but it seems a bit fishy to
20 Aug, 2011
Love it - to favourites - I clean my guitar strings with it :)))))
20 Aug, 2011
Hi folks................just logged on and found your comments..LOL......well it looks like we all are in favour of this wonderful product, (perhaps I should be their rep.) and Sheila, you can buy a small diddy tin, we keep one in the car! and bless you Lulu, I copied and pasted my e.mail so it only took me a couple of mins.!!! Been bored today because of the weather. Lol. I think perhaps I should add all your ideas to this e.mail and re-send it. Lol!! and to think I thought it was only useful on my sewing machine! Wish I had known no.40. for when my children were being little tinkers! Good night friends.
20 Aug, 2011
Yes no 40 would have been useful in my childhood too!!
21 Aug, 2011
What did you get up to Lu???
21 Aug, 2011
Contstantly drew on the walls!
Also filled my cupboards and drawers with earth and painted the garden wall with mud! My early expressionist phase!
21 Aug, 2011
Well well, who'd of thought it!!! I was naughty too but not that bad, Lol.
21 Aug, 2011
I also dressed up the dog in Mum's best skirt and nearly burnt the house down. That's what happens when left home alone as a 6/7 year old!!
21 Aug, 2011
Can vouch for it's use as a speed inducer on the playground slide. We used to steal my dad's and spray the park slide. Fab fun, but one would land with an almighty jolt on the ground if you weren't quick enough to land running. LOL
21 Aug, 2011
Lulu!!!!!! I'm lost for words, not really sounds typical of a youngster with nothing to do! Now Grannyb, I can imagine you whizzing down the slide with your skirt in the air!! I used to go out with a pretty 'frock' on, then climb trees and have to come home because the skirt of my dress had torn completely off!!! Its a wonder i'm still alive, my mum went mad.Lol
21 Aug, 2011
Like in Maria in the sound of music!
Don't think I was a very 'typical' child GM! Grown out of it now glad to say!
21 Aug, 2011
Bet you haven't Lol!!!!!!
21 Aug, 2011
maybe :)
21 Aug, 2011
No hurry to grow up, Lulu, plenty of time for that in the future, lol!
21 Aug, 2011
Whats great Sheila is, if we have grown out of it, we can act child like again as we move into our dotage!!! Lol
21 Aug, 2011
Any one for a slide?
21 Aug, 2011
Oh yes please grannyb !!
21 Aug, 2011
or Face Painting,
I once had to stand outside the headmistress office with my friend Yvonne for a whole school day, because the day before which was open day, parents came around the school to see examples of our wonderful endevours.
Yvonne and I were having a face painting fight.
What a mess, we were covered all over in paint.
Not only did I have to stand outside the office, I got my bottom smacked and was grounded.
Yvonne and i still laugh about it today What would my grand-daughters think? LOL
21 Aug, 2011
Grannyb Lol, I was outside the headmistresses office daily, under the clock! I was very naughty at school!
21 Aug, 2011
So was I, I've not changed. Have You?
22 Aug, 2011
Not really! Depends on what you deem to be naughty?!? I was sent out of lessons because I asked questions? How ridiculous.
22 Aug, 2011
Outside the head mistresses office was a bad place - yes as punishment but the real punshiment was when she opened her office door. She was a chain smoker the opening ment a cloud descended and if you coughed she would yell - "are you ill girl?" scary stuff when you're 13 she was horrible - but it caght up with me now - the eldery x-headmistress lives across the road so I am now constantly outside her door! - I used to threaten my children with her when they played out they were terrified lol.
22 Aug, 2011
I was sent to stand outside the door because I told the teacher that history was a form of propagander!!! It depended on which country you were living in as to which version we got!
22 Aug, 2011
We are all coming out now!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL. and going back a few years, school was most definitely not the happiest days of my life!
22 Aug, 2011
My friend Jan and I were sent to see the Head, the fearsome Mrs.McCarthy, because we'd dared to paint our nails one weekend and not removed the polish by Monday morning ... she had the cheek to say we'd both made a mess of it by painting our cuticles too! .... Forty years on and I'm still friends with Jan ... lol!
22 Aug, 2011
We all used to HAVE to drink the third-of-a-pint of free milk at break time, and keeping it outside in winter meant that sometimes it was semi-frozen! NOT drinking it had me outside the headmistress's door more than once, lol.
22 Aug, 2011
Sheilabub. that frozen milk was disgusting it used to push the silver top off and rise up like mini snow mountain. Yuk.
And as it got warm it would slide like a little avalanche down the side of the bottle.
I still cannot drink milk on it's own even today.
22 Aug, 2011
Our milk was served with a cod liver oil capsule,a bright red one I seem to remember, yuk!
22 Aug, 2011
But we were healthy kids, lol! All that fresh air (I cycled to school every day), and rationing . . . didn't do us any harm, did it?
22 Aug, 2011
Rationing Sheila, I am far too young to remember that!! Lol. My hubb is always talking about rationing and that it did them no harm, in fact you learnt a hard lesson from it, and yes we were healthier, climbing trees etc! I was always out in the park with the boys, i loved it!
22 Aug, 2011
I loved school,till I passed the dreaded 11 plus..and my dad had promised me a bike,if I did..which I loved,although it was a second hand one,and it must have been a real struggle for them,to pay for it..but that didn't enter your head then..I loathed Grammar school,real bullies ,some of the teachers..but I did love English,Geography,History and German..those teachers were nice,and made it interesting..I didn't sit my O levels,as they were known then,as I wanted to work,so my parents managed to scrape together £10..the sum you had to pay to finish earlier..and I was 16 and half..!I never regretted it,and always had a job,mainly with the public,and also as a training Instructor inTextiles.. think the £10 was a decent me,anyway..
22 Aug, 2011
That's right, Grandma . . . climbing trees, playing cricket in the street. So glad we were of that generation, and never thinking once about what we looked like!
22 Aug, 2011
Sheila, I feel sorry for the children today, its all about what you look like and what latest fashion you are wearing, I would have hated that!I loved our freedom. Oh B. yes a good investment but such a lot of money back then! I also left school at 16 having taken C.S.E's and started working for Martins Bank, they were wonderful employers and each year treated us to a dinner dance at the Park Lane hotel in London, our only cost being 10 shillings to help defray expenses! we didnt do too bad did we?
22 Aug, 2011
I agree about the clothes,Grandmage..oh,the days of building dens in the wood,rope swings on trees,even one over the river...which now we know is so dangerous..especiaally as it was fast flowing ,and with a salmon leap odd on or two which were caught by the lads,and straight into the local Butchers freezer,for be shared out..Not here in Huddersfield,I might add,as we moved to Cumbria when I was seven..the best childhood I could have wished smog from Mill chimneys etc,no more Bronchitis..!Blimey,I sound like someone out of a Catherine Cookson novel! .
Come to think of it,we were pretty near her county ..Lol :o)
23 Aug, 2011
I love old Catherine cookson, have read many of her books B, It did sound like a good plot for a new one!! Lol. I had to laugh at the rope swing over the river, because thats we did, not far from where I am now, five min. walk is a quaggy ( i have lived here all my life) and we used to swing over that and go through the tunnel, the water was shallow, if only my mum knew !!! I was always with the boys and one of them was Jeremy Strong,(who I wanted to marry!) who now writes childrens books. very happy days.
23 Aug, 2011
My mum and dad would have had a fit too..we had open fields to run our energy off in,..climbing on Haystacks,playing hide and seek round them..till I fell off the top of one and dislocated my broke my arm twice..and my leg,by skating on ice on the path ! ..and we still say "Happy Days ! Lol.Mum asked the Consultant if he thought I had brittle bones,but he replied,"No,just clumsy "!..We had a good mix of boys and girls,and we were all inseparable...lost touch with them all,when we moved back to Yorkshire..I often wonder what became of them...
23 Aug, 2011
Grandma ge . . . I love Jeremy Strong's books . . . so funny, "The 100 mile-an-hour Dog" etc.
Bloomer, I loved being part of that good mix of boys and girls - until we moved house when I was eleven. Then I got a letter from one of the boys, and was so distracted that I rode my bike into the back of a parked van. Cut my top lip and still have the scar!!
23 Aug, 2011
I'm in trouble again now.....decided to let hubby go to play cricket at The Oval without me!! I think he may be a bit cross about it but as rain was forecast I wanted to finish 3 mosaics and do some gardening!!
23 Aug, 2011
Sheila, That is my only claim to fame by the way!! Now Lu. hope you did get those mosaics done or you are in trouble, no hope for gardening today here its quite cold too, I sneaked the heating on for a quick warm up.
23 Aug, 2011
But have you still got the letter as well as the scar,Sheila ? ..Lol...oh,what good times we had :o))
Heating on,Grandmage ??? oh dear..and you know all the prices are going up..get a jumper on..!.Lol.
23 Aug, 2011
Half made 3 mosaics, gave the doggies a long walk and done LOADs of gardending!! Re filled the fish pond with H20 and Bobs your uncle!! x
23 Aug, 2011
Well at least you got something done Lu, its been very cold here and very wet! B. I am wearing a thick fleece jumper tonight!! brrrrrrr. I hate being cold. The gas & elec. prices scare me, not sure what i will do when it really gets cold.
23 Aug, 2011
I know what you mean, do will just have to snuggle up to your OH .! Lol. My Pyracantha's are full of red berries already..just another reminder,as nice as they are..:o((
24 Aug, 2011
Had to smile last evening, I was just on my way to the local shops about 4 miles away when I saw two young boys on their home made hand cart. Complete with two small bike wheels at the front and two large ones at the rear, what looked like half of an old door for the central sitting area and an old car steering wheel.
They looked to be having a great time one pulling and the other riding.
Quite fancied a ride myself just like when we used to make our own carts.
Sorry your feeling the cold Grandmage, it's still very warm here, last night it was too warm to sleep.
24 Aug, 2011
I know it was raining in London because poor OH went to play cricket at the oval and it was rained off!
24 Aug, 2011
Lulu, does your Oh. 'play' cricket, my hubb is mad about it and has been watching the tv all week!!!!!
Granb. how ownderful to see two young lads actually playing with something that they have made, a rarity these days.
B. I like that idea, not sure Hub will want another blanket smothering him though!!! He is always so warm. re. the berries, thats a bad sign so they say, a harsh winter is on its way!
24 Aug, 2011
a Cricket widow I am!!
24 Aug, 2011
Me too, and football, cycling in fact any old sport.
24 Aug, 2011
What is his name, maybe send me a pm! Peter just loves cricket and rugby, why did we buy Sky tv???
24 Aug, 2011
LoL GM, he's not famous!! It was a corperate entertainment do at the Oval!!
24 Aug, 2011
Oh I believed you Lu. naughty naughty!!
24 Aug, 2011
Hi Grandmage.
Only just catching up with everything.
Love the blog. OH won't be without his cans of 'magic', but don't think he even knows all that it's good for. He's in his 'playroom' at the moment, so will read it out to him when he
Have had a really good laugh reading everyones comments, about childhood days.
I too had a wonderful childhood, doing 'childhood' things, like making go-carts with the boys out of old bits of timber, and old pram wheels. Like you, we used to have rope swings tied to trees, etc.
I was always coming home, either with grazed knees, scuffed shoes, or tears in my clothes. My Mum would rant and rave, but next day it would all be forgotten.
All the boys and girls played together, like one big happy family, and looking out for one another.
Sadly we just don't see this going on nowadays.....
One Aunt used to enjoy dancing, and I couldn't wait for her to finish with her dancing frock and shoes, so I could parade around in them. I don't see youngsters doing that nowadays either..... :o)
25 Aug, 2011
Oh,the dressing up..I had forgotten about that...and the perfume wafting out of my mum's dressing table drawer..
'Evening of Paris ' a little blue bottle,shaped like the Eiffel Tower,..Ponds vanishing cream,and 'Veloute'face powder..all a lady needed many lovely memories..:o)
26 Aug, 2011
How about ' ?.... Violets' ! cannot remember the name, can anyone help, My Nannie always wore it with her fox fur round her neck! She smoked heavily and when she lit up she always burnt the net that was on her hat, that hung over her face, Lol. Memories!!
Linda, you sounded just like me, a right tom boy!!! but we were happy kids, weren't we?
B. I always remember the perfume wafting out of my mums drawer, it was so special! I love the old names of the products you have mentioned.
26 Aug, 2011
Oh heck,Grandmage I can't remember that one either..It made me laugh though,about your Nannie,and her fags..Lol.I bet you remember 'Californian Poppy' too..:o)I loved that..:o)
26 Aug, 2011
I lost my mum in Peter Jones one day, I was about 5. I thought to myself.....I know I will follow the scent of her perfume and I found her!
26 Aug, 2011
What a clever little girl you were,Lulu..:o))
26 Aug, 2011
I was quite impressed by myself too!
Amazing how a smell brings back so many memories.
26 Aug, 2011
..and some not so nice ones,as well..some school dinners,to name one ! Lol.
26 Aug, 2011
Yuk, peas and fish!
26 Aug, 2011
Cold cabbage & swede! They made you sit at the table until your plate was empty! My dad said he took an envelope to school to scrape the veg into, so he could leave the table when he had finished, Lol!! If we made kids do that now it would be against 'human rights etc!'
B. I have just remembered it was 'Devonshire Violets'!!
26 Aug, 2011
have loved reading all this ................. such happy memerious !! got a few myself and this brought them all back ............... playing out the famous five , camping with the lads and the farmer trowing us of the field and telling us toi go home , he thort we were up to no gud lol , but one was my brother !! but he woudent have it at all haha ............ oh loads of things , far to many !!
26 Aug, 2011
Lovely memories Cris. such fun eh? I was always with the boys, I was the only girl and we all best mates, think we thought we were the famous 'three' ! Lol.
26 Aug, 2011
Ah,yes,Grandmage..I remember now,thanks.I've been trying to think of it too..My dad came home on leave,one time,and walked down to the school to see me in the playground at lunchtime..but couldn't see me,so he went into the school.The dinner lady,was force feeding me fat and gristle ,sayingI had to eat it,as there was a war on,and we didn't waste food! To this day,I can still remember that feeling and taste,and have never eaten a bit of fat since,except on crispy bacon,the thought still makes me feel sick..I was five at the time!The dinner lady
was sacked..!..and they say,the good old days,..not always..
26 Aug, 2011
No certainly not the 'good old days' B. I hated school. I just wanted to run free, making me sit still was excrutiating!! Lol. Also force feeding a child is something that stays with them always, like my dad, me and obviously you! We didnt have 'human rights' to go to back then did we!
26 Aug, 2011
Great blog Grandmage.
Interesting about the WD40. I'll keep that in mind.
Interesting too where the blog lead. I enjoyed all the comments. I can relate to some. Loved growing up in the country, gone for hrs. over the fields exploring, climbing trees, making camps, picking wild flowers, mucking about in the little rivers & streams, exploring the woods, picking wild blackberries, hazel nuts, cherries and wild apples. Making carts and things with my brothers. Playing skipping in the cud de sac with all the girls of the area, so many of them. I had loads of friends, still friends with some. It was a far better time for kids than it is now. Now it's all I want this & that & the other latest gadget, they can't even think for themselves. Think maybe someone should have a summer camp for kids based on the old days. Teach them to be creative.
I never had school lunch and so glad we didn't after reading being force fed fat & grizzle yuck! The school food kids are given here in LA would make us sick just thinking about it, all prepackages crap, it's no wonder so many are so over weight and have diabetes. Had a child show me a certificate of good behavior and her reward was a free Mc Donald's! I was shocked so Mc D gives out these free meals to schools so they can get the kids hook on their crap food at a young age. Smart on their behalf but if my child ( if I had one ) came home with that I'd be on my high horse back to the school with a few choice words, but the mom didn't even react. Even the child had a sense that it wasn't right when I expressed my feelings.
Yep times have changed. In some ways for the better but in some ways for the worst.
12 Oct, 2011
Anjie I love it when a blog goes sideways and off track! Such interesting comments make it so interesting on here. Glad you were just as wild as 'us' as a child, I'm appalled at Mc.d giving out free vouchers to children, shocking isnt it! I think its lazyiness on parents part really they cannot be bothered to cook decent meals. Shame eh?
12 Oct, 2011
Yes Grandmage I like it too when a blog go sideway as you said.
I find it hard to fathom that parents don't complain about Mc D. Although I know there are some out there complaining as they are trying to get Happy Meal eliminated.
To add to that I picked a 6 year girl up from after school care to where I hear the 3 women in charge having a very in approbate conversation in from of about 6 kids 6 yrs. & younger. I was bugged by it. I keep meaning to tell the mom but I guess she wont be as bothers as I was. She wasn't by the Mc d certificate. If it was my child!!!!!!
By the way I'd still climb a tree! Love trees. I use to climb up to the crows nests. We had a big fir tree in our garden and when we'd get in trouble and then run we climb up the top of the tree where we had a sitting area of boards and hag out there until the tempers cooled down. It was a great escape.
Take care.
14 Oct, 2011
Lol Anjie, if I climbed a tree now I would need help from the firebrigade to get down!!!!
14 Oct, 2011
It was alright climbing up , coming down was the problem . My dad used to get irate because he had to lift me down ! I can still climb over fences though , we got trapped in a locked car park with a plane to catch recently , so I had to fetch help .
14 Oct, 2011
Lol Driad, as you say going up Ok. but the return journey down is always precarious !
15 Oct, 2011
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Grandmage , always knew that it was a good product , almost nothing that it cannot do . Thanks for that !
20 Aug, 2011