Apparently it's Autumn
By gwendas
Feeling a bit down today. Heard it was first day of Autumn and it’s raining again and school’s back on Thursday so my last few days of leisure!
It was sunny briefly earlier this morning so took a leaf out of Spritzhenry’s book and went to say hello to my garden with my camera. (Apologies if you look at my photos – I get carried away and forget to rotate them!)
The morning glories were out greeting me and the cistus and geraniums giving that last burst of colour. The wind is getting up here though so their blooms may not last the day.
My patio is still colourful even if I can’t sit outside and have to enjoy it from my kitchen window.
While it’s sad to see summer going I’m excited about bulb planting and planning for spring – you too?
Hope you all had good weekend.
1 Sep, 2008
Previous post: a whole day gardening!
Next post: According to the met office!
I enjoy planting bulbs and sewing seeds this time of year. I love the autumn and I'm never sad to see the summer ending.
All the best, Hywel.
1 Sep, 2008
Me too, I love Autumn, Spring is my best time, I was born in Spring, do not like Summer too much, but appreciate the Sun, don't mind Winter, so that I can rest. As I am on the go from Spring until Winter.
1 Sep, 2008
i look forward to's maybe we will get the summer we didn't get in
1 Sep, 2008
September 1st is NOT the first day of autumn! It can't be, I'm still waiting for the summer to begin, Gwenda!
1 Sep, 2008
Your're absolutely right Spritz. According to my calendar it begins on September 22nd so we still have a few weeks to enjoy summer and our gardens. Autumn is sure in the air though. The days have been comfortably warm and the nights cool. Wonderful for sleeping. The trees are starting to turn color very early here this year.
1 Sep, 2008
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2 Jul, 2008
I also feel sad Gwenda, Especially since we have had no summer, its going to rain again today, :( I dont like Autumn because i lift a lot of tender plants and the furniture gats packed away, so the garden looks a bit empty even tho i have evergreens, all in all its been a long long winter :))
1 Sep, 2008