According to the met office!
By gwendas
Hello everyone
I’m dodging showers today so in and out of the garden going through the new bed I dug out because it is full of rubbish from the developers years ago I think. Lovely warm sunny spells in between fierce showers!
You right, I’d always thought Autumn coinsided with clocks changing but as far as the met office are concerned they count 1st september as Autumn they said on the weather forecast yesterday! Either way the nights here are getting cooler and darker earlier so less evening gardening time!
I’m hoping for an Indian summer this September – especially at the weekends!
It’s great hearing from those of you in other countries and admiring your very different gardens.
2 Sep, 2008
Previous post: Apparently it's Autumn
Next post: Phew! I'm whacked!
So am i still in summer, i thought autumn started on the 21st september, up here we 've had a lovely morning, but since about 3- 30pm we have had some really heavy rain.
2 Sep, 2008
I've always thought of 21st of Sep as the beginning of autumn aswell - the equinox. although if you go by the weather it's been autumn for the last 2 years.
All the best, Hywel.
2 Sep, 2008
There is a def nip to the air but i'm holding out hope. Its not Autumn yet surly we haven't had a summer yet. Global warming Global freezing more like. V
2 Sep, 2008
Get on Easyjet and come to Budapest. Still the height of summer here as far as temperatures are concerned. 35-37 C next weekend and 20 at night. The evenings are drawing in though. I wish the mosquitoes would go on strike!!!
3 Sep, 2008
About the same over here - I too wish our misquitoes would go on strike Chris !! Why on earth were they ever put on this planet ????
3 Sep, 2008
Same goes for nits not a garden pest but a pest all the same blood suckers are mean and i really don't think nessesary
9 Sep, 2008
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We've had the same here - warm but windy, sudden heavy showers. Thanks for the explanation of why September 1st is Autumn. I am not going to think like that, though!
I shall be a rebel - yes, I'm still hoping for some summer. :-)
2 Sep, 2008