the last sunny weekend?
By gwendas
Hello everyone!
We’ve had such great weather for over a week but I think it may be over soon – the forecast tonight is for ‘unsettled’ this week so I’ve been in the garden tidying and cutting back and mulching while I can.
Went to our local garden centre with my partner’s Mum , Angela,because she has persuaded her husband to relinquish control of a small bit of the garden for her to grow some plants of her choice! We chose some and talked about making the plot a bit bigger, maybe stepped down? I also bought a ‘male’ holly to go with the female I bought recently as I found out they needed each other to produce berries! Fingers crossed!
Have taken out the tobacco plants that have flowered profusely all summer but finally had their day – I have saved some seeds though. So my screened border is looking cleared and cut back. I planted some crocuses and white grape hyacinth bulbs round the stone lions so look forward to seeing them in spring Also time to oil and store away patio furniture before the rain comes again!
Sad, but at least we got to really use it this last good spell and now I can clearly see my autumn containers from the kitchen window!
Hope all is well in your gardens?
28 Sep, 2008
Previous post: I've had such fun!
Next post: Please don't rain the whole weekend!
Yes it's time for clearing and planting bulbs. I''m doing the same. I've been studying last Springs pics to work out where I need to put more bulbs. Still another 100 tulips to go. Your borders look good. Hope that wasn't the last good weather. I'm coming to UK at the end of October and we've ordered good weather. It's also half term.
30 Sep, 2008
I've been looking for white grape hyacinths (muscari) in outlets around here but can only find them mixed with the blue ones. I hope you have had better luck, Hywel.
3 Oct, 2008
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Your trellis with the lions looks great.
I hope your hollies mate successfully. !
White grape hyacinths - I'd like to try those. I'll have to look for some. Any excuse for going to a garden centre.
Good luck with Angela's plot. Let us know how you get on.
All the best, Hywel.
29 Sep, 2008