what a day!!
By hchristy
i started of with the goal to do the front garden (which i have done some of) but now have to wait for delivery of plants which wont be till april. so i started to have a look at the back garden. yesterday i weeded the vegetable plot ready to start growing some more this year. Then as i was feeling full of energy i decided to dig a flower bed along by the bottom fence behind veg plot to add bit of colour later this year. that wore me out!
Today i have tackled what i have been putting off for years. getting rid o all the dandelions down on lawn along edge of garden. there was no grass just dandelions. i started at half eleven this morning thinking it cant take too long,well its now half four!!!, boy was i wrong. after 15 bucket fulls being removed i decided to have a rest. i still have about a quater of it to do. i didnt realise that it was so hard. this is my punishment for not looking afterit properly in the first place.
for now i am taking a rest my back is killing and i’m all worn out. plus i have a headache due to my springer spaniel ‘biggles’ constantly barking as he wanted something thrown for him. he doesnt seem to tire. i’ll tackle it again of friday when i have my next day of work. then hopefully i can returf. the hard work will be worth it for the end result iswhat i keep telling myself
22 Mar, 2011
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dammed dandelions! they all survived the winter didn't they!
22 Mar, 2011
hope you get rid of them all..it is backbreaking work but will be worth it when its done. where does the time go when we are outdoors ?..:o)
22 Mar, 2011
funny thing is its only a small section of my garden. the gardens about 100ft long and its not even a quarter of it. oh well i'll be so chuffed when its done
22 Mar, 2011
youv'e been very buzy Hchirsty, satisfying isn't it :) I hope the weather stays fine for you and you get those dandilions out before you lose motivation, I love your Dogs name by the way...
22 Mar, 2011
welcome to GoY!! you have been busy!! are you having a day off tomorrow?
22 Mar, 2011
Gosh - there must have been an awful lot of dandelions and they are so hard to get rid of permanently, even if you dig the roots up. I'm not surprised you are worn out after all that work. Nice to feel satisfied afterwards though isn't it - makes the aches and pains not seem so bad.
Good luck with the rest.
22 Mar, 2011
thankyou to you all having two days break because of work back on the band wagon friday afternoon. determined to get it all finished by the end of weekend. you would not believe how many dandelions there are/were out there.
Biggles was picked as a name for my dog to try to find a name that my step-daughter could say correctly, she had a character called bibbles on one of her barbie dvds so thought at least not too much difference if she pronounces it wrong. hes a very spoilt boy who never tires.
24 Mar, 2011
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It's hard work keeping up with all the work isn't it, especially this time of year when everything is waking up. I hope you will be able to get rid of all the dandelions.
22 Mar, 2011