finally making progress
By hchristy
really chuffed been busy refilling hanging baskets and pots that are dotted around the garden. cant wait to see them when they are all flowering it should bring plenty of bright colours. the smaller lawn where i had to previously dig up all the dandilions is showing a nice healthy growth of grass from the seeds i used. my husband has started to make a water feature for the pond.
have planted veg in the veg plot at the bottom of the garden, got beetroot, suede, broccolli, garlic and onions so far.
The fruit trees are all blossoming (duo plum, cherry, pear, peach and apple) kiwi plant is growing well and the raspberry bush has grown some lovely new stems.
so all seems good news.
cant wait to take some pictures to show everyone (when the rain stops) of them now and when they are all in full flower.
13 Apr, 2011
Previous post: what a day!!
Next post: finally some pics
You seem to have got on really well with all your garden jobs this year - look forward to seeing the photos.
13 Apr, 2011
Sounds as if you`re going to be pretty self-sufficient in veg and fruit, well done you.
13 Apr, 2011
Nice to hear things are doing so well in your garden :) Good luck for the season with your fruit trees and vegetables !
14 Apr, 2011
im having to make up for all the work i didnt do last year as we were spending all our time, money and energy on the wedding.
there was literally no grass left where the dandelions had invanded. but its been worth all the wok. our garden is still in the first stages but is coming along nicely especially for such a novice as myself. im really chuffed. i'll get some lovely pics on when the sun comes out. it just wont stop raining at the moment.
14 Apr, 2011
I'll look forward to your's nice to know that your grass has come back so well and it sounds too like you are going to have a nice crop of veggies :)
Welcome to GoY...newlywed and new to gardening...great combination.
What kind of water feature are you building? Your hubby must be handy at DIY....lucky you :)
14 Apr, 2011
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Sounds like you've made some good progress on your garden tasks... Well done :o)
13 Apr, 2011